May 25, or Disappeared Children,Thyroid, Liberation of Africa and Towel Day

May 25: World seal baby day

Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiMay 25Born on this day by nature, fighters, and this is precisely their essence. They can fight both for a cause and for an idea, both for their homeland and for their family.

However, this in no way means that they are conservative or even archaic in their beliefs; on the contrary, their attitude to life is highly in line with the spirit of the times.

Those born on this day truly appreciate money, expensive clothes and other tinsel of life, but at the same time they perfectly understand that all this is nothing more than a facade that cannot replace spiritual life.

In addition, they recognize that only freedom from tyranny - both for an individual and for any social group - is truly undeniable value.

Since those born on this day, figuratively speaking, are tuned in to the wave of the world around them, they manage to survive even in the face of social changes - either by adapting to them or by eliminating themselves.

Friends and loved ones know, however, that those born on May 25 are adorable and accommodating only to a certain extent. The fact is that those born on this day never and never compromise, even if such quarrelsomeness threatens to lose popularity.


Gemini men born on May 25:
  • can boast of the following features:
  • cheerful, 
  • unpredictable, 
  • intelligent.
  • The Gemini man is an innovator, revolutionary, fighter against dullness and predictability.
  • He loves non-standard moves, unexpected solutions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions.
Gemini women born on May 25:
  • have the following traits:
  • flirtatious, 
  • independent, 
  • erudite.
  • Gemini women adore mystery, riddle, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them.
  • At the same time, they do not withdraw into themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving the groundwork for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.


International Day of the Disappeared Children

For many countries around the world, May 25 is the International Missing Children's Day. This date has its history from the USA, and the symbol of the Day is the image of the blue forget-me-not.

For many countries around the world, May 25 is the International Missing Children's Day. This date has its history from the USA, and the symbol of the Day is the image of the blue forget-me-not.

On this day in 1979, on the way home, the American six-year-old Evian Pates disappeared, he was searched for by the whole world, the matter received a wide response, but the search was unsuccessful. Four years after this event, US President Ronald Reagan announced May 25 the National Day of the Missing Children, and a year later, in 1984, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) was established. Soon this initiative was supported in several European countries, and in 1997 the International Center for the Search for Missing and Exploited Children (ICMEC) was established. It was at his initiative in 2010 that the International Day of the Missing Children was established and its date was set on May 25.

A missing child is an emergency situation on a world scale, and for parents there is nothing more terrible than this fact. And the establishment of this Day was an attempt to draw the world's attention to the problem of missing minors, to the problem of protecting children from abductions, difficult life situations and illegal exploitation.

Only according to official statistics, there are millions of missing children on the planet, and every year they become more. According to international human rights organizations, on average in Europe more than 70,000 minors disappear each year, in Russia - about 55 thousand, in the US - about 800 thousand. Moreover, these figures are official data, informal ones are much higher.

As practice shows, many of the missing children run away from their parents or from the orphanage. The reasons for this are different - quarrels with elders, misunderstandings or aggression in the family, the desire to "see the world" ... But cases of abduction of children for the purpose of selling or sexual exploitation are also frequent, and statistics of such abductions, unfortunately, are increasing every year. And often the loss "happens" because of inattention and negligence of parents who leave their children unattended or do not explain to them the rules of communication with strangers. As a result, the child becomes an easy prey for the offender.

The world's first emergency notification system for missing a child was also created in the US, in 1996, and was named "Amber Alert", where Amber is the name of a 9-year-old girl who died tragically in Texas. The system instantly connects the public to the search through the media, electronic displays on the roads and airports, through e-mail and smartphones, provides the widest possible search: it raises volunteers and the army, the coast guard and the FBI, the media and psychologists. Only in the US during its existence this system helped to find and return to families more than 500 children. Since 2002, this experience has been adopted by other countries.

Also in most states, with law enforcement agencies and structures, there are special divisions for tracing missing and abducted children. In addition, dozens of volunteers and public organizations around the world are searching for them. In this process, all methods are used - from putting up leaflets to combing the terrain. And one of the operational tools of recent years, for the dissemination of information about the missing child, has become the Internet, where today there are hundreds of databases on missing minors, and the World Wide Web allows you to respond quickly to events.

Among the common methods for finding children is the placement of photos of the missing in the media, on billboards, on packages of essential goods - for example, on milk bags. In the United States, when searching for children, the technologies for recognizing the person using the iris of the eyes are also used. In Europe, there is a hotline, where parents, relatives and eyewitnesses can apply. The main principle - do not give up and do not stop searching.

On the Day of the Disappeared Children around the world, the events ("round tables", expert meetings, conferences, competitions and exhibitions, etc.) traditionally take place, on the radio and television there are thematic programs. In large shopping centers of American and European cities there are information stands with a picture of a blue forget-me-not, parents give out brochures, children are told how to behave with strangers.

World Thyroid Day

In 2009, the European Thyroid Association proposed to celebrate May 25, World Thyroid Day. This initiative was supported by other medical communities of a similar orientation, operating in Asia, North and Latin America.

According to medical statistics, up to one third of the total population of the planet suffers from various malfunctions of the thyroid gland. Nodular lesions are detected in 30 percent of adults, goiter (an increase in the gland as a result of iodine deficiency) in 10–30 percent.

Meanwhile, the majority of diseases of this important organ (the “thyroid gland” produces hormones that are involved in the regulation of metabolism and cell growth) are considered curable now. As for diseases caused by iodine deficiency, they can be completely prevented - for example, with the help of programs for the universal iodization of table salt, which operates in many countries around the world.

Day of Liberation of Africa

On May 25, 1963, an intergovernmental Organization of African Unity (OAU) was created at the 1st Conference of African Governments in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia). This day, when its charter was signed by thirty African countries, according to a UN decision, is celebrated annually as the Day of Liberation of Africa.

Towel Day

And on May 25, a wonderful holiday is celebrated - Towel Day. It is dedicated to the memory of the famous British writer, the author of comic fantasy works, Douglas Adams. In his novel, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Adams described the towel as an indispensable thing for the hitchhiker. This day was first celebrated in 2001, two weeks after his death on 11 May. On this day, fans of his work carry a towel.

Also on may 25...

5493 BC - the world was created. Although it is still a conditional date from which the Alexandrian chronology led the chronology.

1889 - Igor Sikorsky was born, an aircraft designer, the creator of the first Russian aircraft and the first American helicopters.

1926 - in Paris, Samuel Schwartzbard, a native of the city of Ishmael, Paris, killed the head of the Directorate of the Ukrainian People's Republic, Simon Petlyura. According to some sources, the killer was an anarchist, personally acquainted with Nestor Makhno, with whom, on the eve of the murder of Petliura, he tried to share his plans. According to the recollections of Makhno himself, he tried to dissuade Schwarzbard from murder and even warn Petlyura, but in vain. Later, Nestor Makhno agreed to speak at the trial of the Schwarzbard case and testify in favor of Petliura, denying, in particular, the anti-Semitism of the Ukrainian leader.

1939 - Sir Ian McKellen, British actor, a recognized master of Shakespeare's repertoire, was born. However, the average viewer is better known as the magician Gandalf from "The Lord of the Rings" or the mutant Magneto from "X-Men."

1948 - Klaus Meine was born, vocalist of the ''Scorpions''.

1963 - Mike Myers, a Canadian actor, comedian, screenwriter and film producer, was born. Austin Powers, in short.

1976 - Cillian Murphy, Irish actor (“Breakfast on Pluto”, “28 Days Later”, “On the edge”, “Hell”) was born.

1977 - The movie Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope ”, which became the first in box office. And exactly 6 years later, the movie “Star Wars. Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

2001 - a completely new type of fuel for cars appeared in San Francisco - fruit gasoline, which is a completely new type of fuel - biodiesel.

2003 - the animated film “Hedgehog in the Fog” by Yuri Norshtein was recognized as the best animated film of all times and peoples. This was announced by the organizers of the Laputa Animation Festival, which opened in Tokyo. The organizing committee of the festival appealed to 140 animators and film critics from around the world to name the top 20 cartoons.

2009 - the alleged nuclear explosion in North Korea. Underground tests with a capacity of 20 kT.


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