May 22, or Day of the ''Opening Windows''


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiMay 22The good nature, sociability and wit of those born on May 22 mask their serious ambitions.

A born leader, you know how to use persuasiveness and charm to help others reach their potential. You know how to communicate and understand the characters of people, and therefore are able to direct them on the right path.

The concentration of the birth number is in sharp conflict with the carelessness and liveliness of Gemini.

You can gain a reputation for being a workaholic because you get so enthusiastic about getting involved in a project that you lose all sense of time.

Gemini men born on May 22:
  • boast the following properties:
  • easily reconfigurable,
  • multilateral,
  • romantic.
  • The Gemini man is an innovator, revolutionary, fighter against dullness and predictability.
  • He loves non-standard moves, unexpected solutions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions.
Gemini women born on May 22:
  • have the following properties:
  • funny,
  • full of youth
  • sexy.
  • Gemini women adore mystery, riddle, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them.
  • At the same time, they do not withdraw into themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving the groundwork for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.

Main event

Microsoft began selling Windows 3.0

May 22, 1990

Microsoft began selling Windows 3.0

May 22, 1990, Microsoft began selling Windows 3.0, the first operating system to overcome the threshold of memory in 640 KB. For two weeks, more than 100,000 copies were sold at a price of $ 150. And in the future the number of copies sold exceeded 10 million.

Success was directly related to the widespread use of the MS DOS single-tasking operating system. Windows 3.0 was launched from it as a normal program, but unlike previous versions (the earliest Windows appeared in November 1983) supported the parallel operation of several MS DOS programs.

In Windows 3.0, Microsoft has included a number of simple applications. For example, notepad, the text editor Write and a calculator. Also in Windows 3.0 appeared the game "Solitaire", and platform users were able to change the settings of the computer and run text programs created for MS DOS.

Unlike the boring text interface MS DOS, in Windows 3.0 to each application was attached the corresponding icon. To start the application it was enough to select the icon and click on it.

Unlike the MS DOS command-line interface, the user of Windows 3.0 has received random access to all objects visible on the screen.

Also, the new platform could use the capabilities of the Intel 80286 and 80386 processors for memory management.

The graphical interface of Windows 3.0 slightly brought the users of IBM PC computers closer to the comfort that the Apple Macintosh computers provided at that time.


Biodiversity day

This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in 1995.

Initially, the International Day for Biological Diversity was recommended to be celebrated on December 29 - the day the Convention on Biological Diversity entered into force; however, due to the large number of holidays celebrated at this time of the year, many countries had difficulty in planning and holding events to celebrate the Day and it was decided to change this date to May 22.

The main task of the International Day for Biological Diversity is to draw public attention to the problem of the irretrievable disappearance on Earth of many representatives of flora and fauna. The biological diversity of our planet continues to decline, and the ecological balance is still undergoing change. About 60% of the ecological system is degraded or used recklessly, leading to a loss of biodiversity and serious consequences, which may worsen in the next 50 years.

Every year the holiday takes place under a specific theme.

Biodiversity sustains people's livelihoods and development in all areas of activity, including, among others, such sectors of the economy as agriculture, forestry, fishing and tourism. Accordingly, the conservation of species diversity is nothing more than an investment in people, their life and well-being.

Also on May 22...

1742 - Lieutenant Semyon Chelyuskin reached the northernmost tip of Eurasia and Russia - the cape, later named after him. More than 6,000 km along Taimyr Chelyuskin marched with a detachment on reindeer and dog sleds at frosts up to 40-50 degrees. This fact seemed incredible to many scientists, and the results of Chelyuskin’s work were questioned. The Russian scientist Nils Nordensheld “rehabilitated” the Russian seaman after ... 136 years.

1813 - born Richard Wagner, German composer, conductor and philosopher, whose work left the deepest mark on the history of European musical art. According to critics, the brightest work of Wagner - "Nuremberg meisterzingery" about German folk singers. Friedrich Nietzsche, an old friend of Richard, often quarreled with the composer and was in long frustrations. However, he dedicated to the author of the opera “The Ring of the Nibelungs” a deep study entitled “Casus Wagner. The problem of the musician. “Wagner is a great mess for music,” Nietzsche summed up. “He guessed in her the means to excite diseased nerves, - for this he made painful music.

1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent number 6469 for the design of a floating dry dock. Until now, he - the only one US president with a patent for the invention.

1856 - The Tretyakov Gallery was founded in Moscow. On this day, collector Pavel Tretyakov purchased the painting “Temptation”, artist Nikolai Schilder, which marked the beginning of the famous gallery.

1859 - Arthur Conan Doyle was born, famous English writer, creator of Sherlock Holmes.

1868 - the famous "Great Train Robbery" occurred in the US state of Indiana, near the town of Marshfield. Seven members of the Reno gang seized 96 000 dollars in cash, also gold, bonds - and disappeared.

1892 - Dr. Washington Sheffield invents a tube of toothpaste.

1907 - born Lawrence Olivier, English theater and film actor, director, producer. ( "As You Like It", ''Hamlet'', ''Richard III'').

1911 - Boris Rosing, professor of the Technological Institute, for the first time in the world, showed on the screen of a cathode ray tube images of geometric figures - types of the current television image.

1921 - The city of Chicago decided to fine between $ 10 and $ 100 women on the streets in short skirts and bare hands.

1924 - Charles Aznavour was born, French singer of Armenian origin.

1970 - Naomi Campbell was born, American fashion model and actress.

1977 - the last trip of the famous "Orient Express", which since 1883 sent travelers on the route Paris - Istanbul.

2004 - Major clashes between police and peasants grow coca in Peru. Not far from the city of Tingo Maria, in the suburbs of the country's capital Lima, more than 800 peasants staged an unsanctioned rally, speaking out against the government’s plans to reduce coca plantations.

2004 - Large fire in the Pyongyang metro.

2007 - An act of terrorism was committed in Turkey in the historic center of Ankara. Killed several people.

2010 - Boeing 737 crash in Mangalore (India). 158 people died.


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