June 4, or White House and Innocent Children Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 4Endowed with a lively mind and lively language, those born on June 4 invariably attract attention.

Expanding on a particular topic, they amaze with their inspiration, but in an argument or discussion they will behave harshly and irreconcilably.

Although not created for leadership by the will of circumstances, they still end up at the top.

However, being on it is not very comfortable, and those born on June 4 often lean towards authoritarianism.

That is why they are much more impressed by the activities in the team.


Gemini men born on June 4:
  • have the following distinguishing characteristics: 
  • eloquent, 
  • courteous, 
  • generous.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 4:
  • have the following traits: 
  • resourceful, 
  • full of youth, 
  • intelligent.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

Completed the construction of the White House in Washington

June 4, 1800

Completed the construction of the White House in Washington
"White House" - the official residence of the US President

"I pray that the heavens will send down all the best gifts to this house and everyone who will later live here. Let only honest, wise people rule under this roof. " 2nd President of the USA John Adams

The official residence of the US president is located in the heart of Washington - on Pennsylvania Avenue. The building was built by the architect James Hoban, and the site for construction was chosen by George Washington himself - the first US president.

June 4, 1800 construction work was completed, and the first owners of the White House were the US President John Adams and his wife Abigail.

The traditional name was assigned to the residence almost immediately. The fact is that, faced with white Virginian sandstone, the building was very prominent among the surrounding houses built of red granite. In 1902, President Theodore Roosevelt announced the "White House" - the official name of the presidential residence.

During the 19th century the building was reconstructed and modernized. There were western and eastern terraces, as well as a southern portico of semi-circular shape and a northern portico with a colonnade. Gradually, the interior was replaced in the mansion, electricity, telephone, etc. were introduced.

In 1948, under President Truman, the White House was completely reconstructed. Under it was built a two-story basement, which serves as the headquarters for the operational management of the President's foreign and military actions.

The modern White House is also a museum and is open to general public access. Each presidential family left something in him from himself. It houses the sugar bowl of Martha Washington, the silver pot of Abigail Adams, the toilet table of Eleanor Roosevelt.

The main building still remains a dwelling, where there are apartments of the presidential family, the interior of which is designed in the style of the 18th and 19th centuries.

All presidential administrative premises, including the famous Oval Office, where the fate of America was repeatedly decided, are located in the western wing.


International Day of Innocent Children, Victims of Aggression

On August 19, 1982, at the 31st plenary meeting of the 7th emergency session, the UN General Assembly on the question of Palestine, "being shocked by huge number of innocent Palestinian and Lebanese children who are victims of Israeli aggression", decided to mark a special day of innocent children - victims of aggression.

The day is celebrated on the anniversary of the first Israeli air raid on Beirut and a number of other localities in Lebanon, held on June 4, 1982, during which a large number of civilians, including children, were killed.

The attack was caused by the assassination of Shlomo Argov, the Israeli ambassador to Great Britain, by the terrorist organization Abu Nidal on the night of 3 to 4 June 1982, which led to the beginning of the Lebanon war of 1982.

Also on June 4...

1665 - Spanish Queen Maria Anna of Austria signed a decree on renaming the Isles of Thieves, discovered by Magellan (he called the Triangular Sail Islands), in Mariana Isiands.

1703 - The House of Peter I (the oldest building in St. Petersburg) was founded.

1716 - for the first time African slaves were brought to Louisiana (North America).

1798 - Giovanni Giacomo Casanova (b. 1725), an Italian adventurer, writer and memoirist, died.

1878 - The Ottoman Empire transferred control of the island of Cyprus to Britain.

1896 - The testing of the first car built by Ford was delayed by an hour, as it turned out that the car was wider than the doors of the workshop where it was created.

1917 - at the Columbia University (New York) for the first time presented the Pulitzer Prize.

1925 - Chrysler automobile concern was founded.

1959 - US-owned sugar factories and plantations in Cuba were expropriated.

1962 - William Bib (b. 1877), American zoologist, writer, inventor of the bathysphere died.

1975 - ''Rolling Stones'' became the first western rock band that received a fee for releasing their songs in the USSR.

1975 - the first live broadcast from a meeting of the British Parliament.

1975 - born Angelina Jolie, American actress, model, owner of ''Oscar'' and three ''Golden Globes''.

1999 - The virus “Worm.ExploreZip” was detected for the first time, infecting thousands of computers in the world.

2004 - American financier George Soros said that the war on terrorism turned the United States from a victim into a criminal who killed more innocent people than the September 11 attacks.

2004 - ''Marvin Himeyer's War''.

2009 - David Carradine (b. 1936), American actor, died.

2011 - Maurice Garrell (born 1923), French actor of theater and cinema, founder of acting and directing dynasty, died.


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