June 17, or First Hydrogen Bomb, Combat Desertification and Father's Day

Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 17Born on this day always take what they do very seriously.

No matter how imposing and laid-back they may seem to others, these people are persistent and decisive in achieving their goals, besides, they are a real support for their relatives and friends.

It may seem that their life is going without worries. Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, behind the facade of negligence and lightness, there is often an extraordinary exactingness not only towards ourselves, but also towards those who are next to them.

If they happen to be in the role of leaders, unquestioning obedience will become an indispensable condition for joint cooperation.


Gemini men born on June 17:
  • have the following properties: 
  • lively, 
  • inquisitive, 
  • witty, 
  • patient.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.

Gemini women born on June 17:
  • characterized by such traits: 
  • sincere, 
  • independent, 
  • intelligent.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

The first hydrogen bomb was tested in China

June 17, 1967

The first hydrogen bomb was tested in China
Mao Zedong - the initiator of nuclear development in China

In 1954, Mao Zedong turned to Nikita Khrushchev with a request to uncover the secret of the atomic bomb and help establish new weapons in China.

From 1955 to 1958, the USSR and China signed a number of agreements on cooperation in the development of the Chinese nuclear industry. According to one of the treaties, the Soviet Union promised to hand over to China a mock-up of an atomic bomb and the necessary technical documentation.

However, by the end of the 1950s, relations between the two countries had worsened, and Khrushchev decided not to transfer nuclear secrets to China. Then Mao ordered the Chinese scientists to immediately develop work on their own nuclear weapons.

About 900 scientific and industrial organizations, united under the leadership of the Second Ministry of Machine Building, worked on the project on the creation of nuclear weapons.

On October 16, 1964, the first Chinese atomic bomb with a capacity of 22 kt was tested at the Lobnor test range (north-eastern part of the Charlik district of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region).

June 17, 1967 - a thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb with an energy release of 3 Mt.

A total of 45 tests were conducted at the test site until 1996. 

At present, China possesses nuclear facilities of a global scale of land and sea basing. Among them, it should be called ground-based ICBMs, medium-range missiles, as well as bombers capable of delivering nuclear charges to a range of up to 2,500 kilometers.


Father's Day

In many countries of the world, on the third Sunday of June, Father's Day is celebrated. The holiday appeared in the United States, and after America Father's Day began to celebrate the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France, China, Japan and other countries.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought

In 1995, the UN General Assembly proclaimed June 17 as World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.

The date for the holiday was chosen on the anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification on June 17, 1994.

The UN General Assembly also proclaimed the period from January 2010 to December 2020 as the United Nations Decade on Deserts and the Fight against Desertification. Its purpose is to promote the implementation of measures to protect drylands.

About two billion people depend on dryland ecosystems, and 90% of them live in developing countries. In the world, over 30% of the total land area falls into the dryland category. Approximately 30% of drylands have been degraded, and they are especially vulnerable to desertification. If we take the world as a whole, then annually as a result of land degradation — mainly soil erosion — caused by unsustainable land-use methods and climate change, 2,000,050,000 square kilometers of land are lost.

The consequences of desertification and drought are food insecurity, hunger and poverty.

Hunger prevails in developing countries located in arid regions of the world where is a small amount of water and the earth is very vulnerable to natural and human destruction. The overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of such countries survive at the expense of local products. Sub-Saharan Africa has made some progress in eradicating hunger, but the level of undernourishment remains the highest in the world.

Also on June 17...

1579 - English pirate Francis Drake during trip around the world landed in the San Francisco area and declared this coast to be English possession ("New Albion").

1818 - Charles Gounod, French composer, was born.

1881 - James Starley (b. 1830), English inventor of bicycles, founder of the bicycle industry, died.

1885 - the gift of the French people to the United States arrived in New York - the Statue of Liberty.

1935 - the American film company ''Paramount Pictures'' was created.

1939 - the guillotine was used last time in France (murderer Eugène Weidmann was executed).

1939 - Krzysztof Zanussi, Polish film director, was born.

1940 - “globular” grace descended on the inhabitants of the village of Meshchery, Gorky Region: rain of silver coins of the XVI – XVII centuries fell on the peasants.

1950 - Chicago surgeon Richard Lawler completed the first kidney transplant operation in 45 minutes.

1963 - Greg Kinnear was born, American actor (“It Can't Be Better,” “Letter to You,” “Little Miss Happiness,” “We Were Soldiers”).

1969 - the premiere of the musical “Oh! Calcutta! ”- the first production in which nude actors played on the stage.

1970 - Edwin Land patented the ''Polaroid'' camera.

1972 - American police arrested five intruders who installed listening devices at the headquarters of the Democratic Party at the Watergate Hotel, Washington. The scandal that erupted after, put an end to the career of Richard Nixon.

1985 - cable television network "Discovery" appeared.

1988 - "Microsoft" released the operating system "MS DOS 4.0".

1991 - in South Africa, the Law on Registration of Newborns on the basis of Race was abolished, which in fact meant the abolition of apartheid in that country.

2007 - Gianfranco Ferre (b. 1944), Italian fashion designer, died.

2008 - The Mozilla Foundation organized the so-called Download Day 2008 to set a new Guinness record for the program, which was downloaded the most times through the Internet during the day. The program was the browser Mozilla Firefox 3.


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