May 27, or Adhesive Tape


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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GeminiMay 27There are two types of people born on this day:
  • those who are committed to an idea or community group,
  • and those who are committed to the desire for personal growth and development.
However, both those and others selflessly devote themselves to work and devote themselves entirely to the chosen cause.

Those born on May 27 have an urgent need for communication, so the completion of any of their ventures presupposes a magnificent presentation of the results achieved to society.

As a rule, those born on May 27 do not differ in silence and express their thoughts openly and even sharply.


Gemini men born on May 27:
  • have the following properties: 
  • lively, 
  • unpredictable, 
  • calm.
  • The Gemini man is an innovator, revolutionary, fighter against dullness and predictability.
  • He loves non-standard moves, unexpected solutions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions.
Gemini women born on May 27:
  • not like others in such qualities: 
  • cheerful, 
  • independent, 
  • sexy.
  • Gemini women adore mystery, riddle, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them.
  • At the same time, they do not withdraw into themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving the groundwork for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.

Main event

American Richard Drew patented a transparent adhesive tape

May 27, 1930

American Richard Drew patented a transparent adhesive tape

Scotch is a type of adhesive tape on cellophane basis, on one side of which adhesive is applied. Scotch and Scotch Tape are registered trademarks of 3M Corporation.

In 1923 Richard Drew took a job in Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (now 3M), which was engaged in the production of sandpaper, conducted research in the field of waterproof surfaces and experimented with cellophane.

In 1925, the company tested its new "Wetordry" skins for shops and car-care centers, and Richard was instructed to monitor this process. Once, in a car repair shop, he noticed that when painting bodies in a place where the surface had to be painted with two or more colors, the dividing lines turned out to be inaccurate. The masters did not like this, and Drew promised to come up with something.

After a while, Richard really brought a sticker tape 2 inches wide (5 cm) with a plaster on each edge. During testing this tape has shrunk due to some flaws. The process of improvement took about 5 years - only in 1930 the first roll of the "Scottish" cellophane tape successfully passed the test.

May 27, 1930 Richard Drew patented his invention - a transparent adhesive tape.

The world's first scotch was made of rubber, oils and resins on cellophane basis. It was waterproof and resisted a wide range of temperatures. Originally used to wrap for food. However, during the Great Depression, people themselves came up with many other ways to apply scotch at work and at home: from sealing bags to clothing to storing broken eggs.

In 1932, John Borden perfected the scotch, adding a "built-in" blade for pruning, which greatly facilitated the use of tape.

In the following years, there were some other improvements, as well as an expansion of the range of tapes. For today in family of scotch tape 3M more than 900 names.

Also on May 27...

1878 - Isadora Duncan, an American dancer, one of the founders of modern dance, was born.

1895 - English inventor Birt Acres patented a film projector.

1937 - The bridge over the Golden Gate, one of the most beautiful in the world, was solemnly opened in San Francisco. The bridge is 1280 meters long with six rows of traffic and two footpaths suspended on two main ropes 93 cm thick fixed on steel supports with a height of 227 meters. The bridge is also used by numerous suicides.

1970 - Joseph Fiennes, English film actor ("Shakespeare in Love", "The Enemy at the Gates"), the youngest of the brothers, was born.

1971 - Paul Bettany, English film actor ("The Da Vinci Code", "A Beautiful Mind", "Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World") was born.

1977 - record label ''Virgin'' released the single of the punk band Sex Pistols "God Save the Queen". The song was immediately banned for British broadcasting, but nevertheless won first place in the bestseller lists.

1985 - residents of the English village of Good Easter for 7 hours weaving a garland of flowers with a length of 2120 meters.

1988 - A record was set by the American Dale Nelson in Pennsylvania: in 24 hours he made a 301 parachute jump.

1991 - Two American entertainers hit the Guinness Book of Records: James Dedi threw grapes at 99.82 meters, and Paul J. Tawilla managed to catch her mouth.

1993 - the abolition of criminal prosecution for sodomy in Russia.

2000 - from the very morning in Italy computers of all information agencies were stopped. In this way, the 24-hour strike of all media personnel began. Journalists demanded the resumption of a national labor agreement. In short, the salary increases wanted.

2000 - Richard Wiseman, lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire (United Kingdom), organized in London a pursuit of the ghost of decapitated British Queen Catherine. Several hundred people took part in the chase. According to Wiseman, the ghost of Catherine, who was executed by her husband, King Henry VIII (founder of the Anglican Church), is particularly active in the Hampton Palace in London and its surroundings. Wiseman’s version was fully confirmed in an interview with the Guardian by a spokesman for the royal palace, who said that the existence and ... um ... the vital activity of the ghost is confirmed by many direct and indirect signs. To localize the queen's ghost, special thermal observation devices were used.

2000 - In China, a Catholic priest received six years in prison for publishing a Bible and other religious books. He was accused of illegal publications and the secret preaching of Catholicism. In the Chinese constitution, the principle of freedom of religion is mentioned, but only state-approved churches can be visited.

2000 - The Ministry of Communications of Turkmenistan revoked licenses from all private Internet providers in the country.

2000 - Israeli shekel and Mexican peso entered the list of freely convertible currencies used in settlements in the international interbank system CLS.

2015 - Prosecutor's offices of Switzerland and the United States arrested 7 senior FIFA officials and 14 people on charges of corruption, racketeering, fraud and money laundering


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