June 10, or Pneumatic Tires, Who Dress Us Holiday and Midday-women


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 10The life of people born on this day is full of ups and downs.

The most successful of them manage to synthesize and reconcile opposites (happiness and sadness, comedy and tragedy).

The least fortunate have to follow the pendulum of life, plunging from light into shadow and emerging back.

Some of them become active only when driven to despair.

We can say that those born on June 10 are not afraid of anything, because they are afraid of everything.

Indeed, sometimes they take great risks trying to find a solution to a particular dilemma.

It may seem that those born on June 10 are lucky lucky ones, but in fact, deep secrets are hidden in their souls.


Gemini men born on June 10:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • easily reconfigurable, 
  • curious, 
  • young.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 10:
  • are not like others with such facets of temperament: 
  • cheerful, 
  • independent, 
  • erudite.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

Scotsman Robert Thompson received a patent for pneumatic tires 

June 10, 1846

Scotsman Robert Thompson received a patent for pneumatic tires

And what would the automotive industry do without pneumatic tires ?!

June 10, 1846 Scotsman Robert William Thompson received in London a patent (No. 10990) on the pneumatic tires described in his application as "improved wheels for wagons and other moving objects."

Thompson's tire consisted of a camera and an outer cover. The chamber was made of several layers of ordinary canvas, impregnated and covered with rubber or gutta-percha solution. The outer covering of the tire was made of leather and fastened with rivets.

A year later the inventor presented his offspring to the public, having tested it on a real cart. The magazine "Mechanic Magazine" wrote: "Visitors of the park this week looked with curiosity at the motley wagon that moved among the crowd on such silent wheels that it was difficult to believe in their contact with the ground."

However, at that time no one ventured to engage in the manufacture and sale of air wheels at a reasonable cost. After the death of Topmson in 1873, his invention was forgotten, although drawings, drawings, descriptions and other documentation were preserved.

The new inventor of the pneumatic tire was in 1888 the Scotsman John Dunlop. He made unique wheels for his son's children's bicycle, attaching to them wide hoops of air-blown irrigation hoses.

After 2 years, Chald Kingston Welch separated the chambers from the tire and, to increase the strength and elasticity of the tire, suggested inserting wire rings into its edges and placing them on the rim, with a recess to the center.

The latest discovery gave the invention of Dunlop the way to the use of pneumatic tires on cars. Since then, the tire industry began its rapid development and widespread distribution.


Who Dress Us Holiday

By tradition, every second Sunday of June is Day of Light Industry Workers.

Light industry is undoubtedly one of the closest industries to the consumer and the buyer.

The main sub-sectors of light industry are traditionally called textile, clothing, leather, fur, footwear industries, as well as the production of artificial leather and polymer-film materials.

In Folks


So called special spirits, outwardly similar to ordinary earthly women. Stately, beautiful, on hot days they flew in circles over fields and lured working peasants. It was believed that they want to torment and deprive men of male power. At this time, it was supposed to close  eyes and say: "Lord, save me from the temptation." However, it was impossible to make these spirits angry, otherwise they would become angry and dry a person.

Also on June 10...

1793 - the first zoo was opened to the general public in Paris.

1865 - Frederick Cook was born, an American researcher who said that he was the first in the world to reach the North Pole.

1907 - French engineers, the Lumiere brothers, invented a way to print color photographs, which they plan to use to produce color cinema.

1909 - the passenger ship "Slavonia", which crashed near the Azores, for the first time in the world used the SOS signal.

1911 - Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands opens a new museum in Amsterdam - the House of Rembrandt. The house in which the artist lived twenty years after his marriage to Saskia, and where he created such masterpieces as the ''Night Watch''. By the beginning of the 20th century, house had fallen into complete decay. It took four years of restoration efforts to restore the building and build a museum of one of the greatest painters in world history.

1935 - American broker Bill Wilson made his best deal - founded a society of anonymous alcoholics. Now all over the world, millions of people come to this organization with the words: “Hello! I am an alcoholic ”, making the best investment in my future.

1943 - Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro received a patent for a ballpoint pen. He worked on the order of the British Air Force, which required a pen capable of writing at high altitudes with low pressure.

1964 - born Vincent Perez, French actor (“Indochina”, “Queen Margot”).

1965 - Elizabeth Hurley was born, a British top model and actress (“Scammers”, “Austin Powers”).

1976 - Adolph Zukor (b. 1873), American entrepreneur, founder of ''Paramount Pictures'' film company, died.

1996 - Intel Corporation released the ''Pentium II'' processor.

2010 - ''An-225'' transport aircraft transported the longest cargo in the history of air transportation - two blades of a wind turbine 42.1 m long each.

2016 - Christina Grimmi (b. 1994), American singer, pianist, shot.


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