June 8, or First Vacuum Cleaner and World Ocean Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 8Most people born on June 8 are naturally endowed with bright mental abilities, which they successfully apply both in the field of science and in other areas, including art.

Leaders in the family (to a greater extent this applies to women), they demonstrate a tremendous sense of responsibility, and in difficult moments of life they show steadfast character and determination.

However, the brighter the talent of those born on June 8, the more eccentric they can appear to society.

Their mental balance is sometimes fragile, because the world in which these hypersensitive natures live is too delicate and fragile.


Gemini men born on June 8:
  • boast the following qualities: 
  • eloquent, 
  • versatile, 
  • generous.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 8:
  • characterized by the following qualities: 
  • lively, 
  • pliable, 
  • popular.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

American Ives McGuffney patented the world's first vacuum cleaner

June 8, 1869

American Ives McGuffney patented the world's first vacuum cleaner

June 8, 1869, the American inventor Ives McGuffney patented the world's first vacuum cleaner, which he named "Whirlwind" ("hold in hand and guide"). In its upper part was located a handle, connected by a belt drive with a fan. The handle was set in motion by hand. The vacuum cleaner was light and compact, but inconvenient in operation due to the need to simultaneously turn the handle and push the device on the floor.

McGuffney founded the Boston company American Carpet Cleaning Company and began selling his vacuum cleaners at $ 25 apiece (a considerable amount at that time, considering that at that time, the US dollar was about 23 grams of silver).

Most McGuffney vacuum cleaners were sold in Chicago and Boston. However, some of them probably burned in the Great Chicago Fire. Only two "Whirlwind" have survived to this day, one of them is exhibited in the historical center of the company "Noover".

Following McGaffney, other inventors also began to manufacture and sell mechanical vacuum cleaners. In the early 20th century Hoover began producing electric vacuum cleaners with a dust collector. The first "Model O" cost $ 60 and was in great demand among buyers.

The growing popularity of vacuum cleaners in the 1920s and 1930s was based on the confidence of housewives that, along with dust, they get rid of microbes. Here is what the commentator of Electrician wrote in 1926: "The universal idea of ​​a vacuum cleaner is more than just cleaning the premises. A housewife with a vacuum cleaner takes on a new standard of health for her family. "

For many years, vacuum cleaners remained a luxury, but after the Second World War they became a common household item in the middle class. Today, a vacuum cleaner is not considered a luxury item at all, and there are practically in every family. This necessary household item is constantly being improved. What kind of varieties are not offered to the buyer - here and a vacuum cleaner, a cyclone, and a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter, as well as a robotic vacuum cleaner and a vacuum cleaner with an air cushion...


World Ocean Day

Memorable UN Day.

Officially, at the highest interstate level, the idea of ​​holding a “World Ocean Day” was first voiced at the international summit in 1992, which was held in Brazil in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Since then, the “World Day of the Oceans” has been widely celebrated by almost everyone who has at least some relation to the World Ocean. Scientists, ecologists, ichthyologists, staff of many aquariums, zoos, dolphinariums coordinate their efforts on this day to save the unique ocean flora and fauna from the greatest danger for them - human greed.

Also on June 8...

1625 - Giovanni Cassini (d. 1712), Italian astronomer, academician of the Paris Academy of Sciences was born.

1701 - Peter I adopted the Decree, which initiated the creation of the state system of social protection, “On the definition of alms-poor, the sick and the elderly in the home’s Patriarchate”. According to Peter’s decree, “for ten sick people, there should be one healthy one in the poor house, which would go after those sick people and gave any help for them”.

1758 - At a meeting of the Royal English Optician, John Dollond announced the creation of an achromatic telescope lens.

1783 - Luki Volcano in Iceland began its eight-month eruption, which turned out to be the largest lava eruption in history. About 10 thousand people were killed (20% of the population of Iceland). The period following the eruption is known as a mist disaster.

1786 - in New York for the first time went on sale ice cream.

1824 - Noah Cushing from Quebec patented a washing machine.

1829 - The first English municipal swimming pool in the vicinity of London opened in Liverpool.

1895 - Santiago Bernabeu was born (d. 1978), the owner and president of ''Real'' Madrid, whose name the stadium in Madrid is called.

1903 - Margaret Jursenar was born (d. 1987), French writer, the first woman elected member of the French Academy.

1912 - ''Universal'' film studio was established in Los Angeles.

1928 - the first flight from the USA to Australia was completed.

1940 - The discovery of neptunium is announced, 93 elements in the table of periodic elements.

1946 - The International Organization of Journalists (IJA) is founded.

1962 - London's ''New Musical Express'' published the first hit parade of albums.

1984 - Donald Duck, a Disney duckling, became an honorary member of the United States Film Actors Guild.

2017 - Glenn Headley (b. 1955), American actress, double nominee for an Emmy Award, died. ("Dirty Rotten Scoundrels", "Dick Tracy", "Mortal Thoughts").

2007 - Bogomil Rainov (b. 1919), Bulgarian poet, writer, art historian, public figure died (“Typhoons with gentle names”, “Inspector and night”, “Mr. Nobody”, “What could be better than bad weather”).


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