May 31, or Cycling, Tobacco and Blondie Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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GeminiMay 31Born on this day often give the impression of being withdrawn and cold.

In fact, they are much nicer than they might seem - sometimes sentimental, but, in general, generous and kind.

Their public image is nothing more than a mask that hides inner insecurity or even the consequences of the mental trauma suffered in childhood.

Those born on this day are straightforward people who are not used to being wasted on nonsense.

Extremely capable and active, they are attentive to every aspect of life, even the smallest things. However, their somewhat tediousness sometimes turns out to be an irritating moment for those who live next to them.

Another negative trait of those born on May 31st is their tendency to argue.

Any undertakings of those who were born on this day carry a charge of activity that infects others.


Gemini men born on May 31:
  • have the following characteristics: 
  • logical, 
  • curious, 
  • talkative.
  • The Gemini man is an innovator, revolutionary, fighter against dullness and predictability.
  • He loves non-standard moves, unexpected solutions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions.
Gemini women born on May 31:
  • endowed with such facets of temperament: 
  • resourceful, 
  • sociable, 
  • young.
  • Gemini women adore mystery, riddle, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them.
  • At the same time, they do not withdraw into themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving the groundwork for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.


Birthday of cycling

May 31, 1868

Birthday of cycling

The date of birth of cycling in the world is considered to be May 31, 1868, when on the avenues of the park of the Paris suburb of Saint-Cloud the first bike race was organized for 2000 meters. The winner of the race was the Englishman J.Mur.

Bicycles then still had different in size wheels (they were also called "high"), and before the invention of the pneumatic tire there was little more than 15 years. However, the competition so pleased the participants that in the following year the first international road races Paris-Rouen for 120 kilometers, in which again triumphantly finished again J.Mur. In the race, even two women participated.

In 1875, a world speed record was set for a "high" bicycle - 34 km / h.

A year later, the first unofficial world record was set for the distance of the trip - 25,508 kilometers per hour.

The official record in this sport, established in 1893 by the Frenchman Degrange, was already 32.325 kilometers.

Since then, more than 100 years have passed: athletes have split into professionals and amateurs, several world records have long been established, bicycles are equipped with all kinds of devices and have acquired the ability to make various tricks. But interest in the bike and this sport has not diminished.

Today, the most prestigious bicycle race, where any athlete strives to go, is the Tour de France, which has been held since 1903.

Cycling attracts with its dynamism and accessibility. This is one of the most environmentally friendly, healthy and interesting sports.

In addition to various competitions, for fans of turning pedals, various "amateur" competitions and races are arranged, as well as special bike tours.

No Tobacco Day

In 1988, the World Health Organization declared May 31 as World No Tobacco Day.

The world community was tasked to ensure that the problem of tobacco smoking disappeared in the 21st century. The XXI century has come, but the problem has not disappeared. The fight against nicotine continues.

On May 31, WHO and partners celebrate World No Tobacco Day each year, drawing attention to the health risks associated with tobacco use and effective policies to reduce tobacco use.

The theme for Day 2018 is “Tobacco and Heart Disease.”

The campaign focused on raising awareness of the link between tobacco and heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, which, taken together, are the leading cause of death in the world.

On the last day of spring, the bright half of the beautiful half of humanity celebrates its “professional” holiday.

International Day of  Blondie

International Day of  Blondie leads its history from the USA: in 2001 the feminist group of women lawyers organized the first holiday.

Heroines of many anecdotes, hostages of hydrogen peroxide and hairdressing, innocent victims of glamor, ladies of tanning beds and silicone, favorites of real gentlemen and owners of Hyper-womanhood logic, they all have a reason to commend their right to exist.

By the way, according to scientists, a real blonde is a rare phenomenon, and by their calculations, by 2202, natural blonde will finally disappear from the face of the Earth.

Also on May 31...

1223 - the first battle of the Russian troops with the Mongol-Tatar army on the Kalka River took place, which marked the beginning of the emergence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke in Russia.

1787 - the first cricket club in the world is organized in England.

1819 - Walt Whitman, American poet (“Leaves of Grass”) was born.

1859 - the Big Ben clock in London started counting down the time.

1884 - American doctor John Harvey Kellogg patented wheat flakes, which he invented by developing a vegetarian diet for his patients.

1930 - born Clint Eastwood, American actor (“Unforgiven”, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”, “For a Few Dollars More”), director (“Million Dollar Baby” - Oscar of 2005, “Changeling”, ''Gran Torino''), producer, composer, screenwriter.

1938 - Ukrainian Anton Gubenko made the first ram in the history of Soviet aviation and survived.

1941 - In Germany, the Gothic font is replaced by Latin.

1961 - Victoria Ruffo was born, a Mexican serial actress (“Just Maria”, “In the name of love”, “Stepmother”).

1965 - Brooke Shields, American film actress (“Blue Lagoon”, “Sahara”, “Adorable Child”) was born.

1979 - Colin Farrell was born, Irish-American actor (“Minority Report”, “Telephone Box”, “Lie Down at the Bruges”, “Recruit”).

1996 - Cardinal Timothy Leary (b. 1920), American psychologist, psychedelic drug researcher

2003 - Paris met the last "Concord", after which the flights of this model were stopped.

2003 - Official opening of the recreated Amber Room with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder.

2003 - King of Swaziland (a small state in southern Africa, bordering on South Africa) Mswati declared women who wear trousers as a cause of all the world's bad.


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