June 6, or "Tetris" and Russian Language


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 6Sociability and friendliness make those born on June 6 everyone's favorites.

People around you are quickly captivated by your optimism, charm and slightly mischievous sense of humor.

Pleasant and optimistic, you are adventurous and very aware of your difference from others.

Peacemaker by nature, you are fluent in the language of diplomacy and believe in the importance of creating a good impression.

Your attractive and sociable personality wins the audience, usually you can easily win the attention of the interlocutor and persuade him to profitable cooperation.


Gemini men born on June 6:
  • possess the following characteristics: 
  • lively, 
  • courteous, 
  • agile.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 6:
  • endowed with such facets of temperament: 
  • interesting, 
  • malleable, 
  • erudite.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

Birthday of  the "Tetris" - appeared the first computer version of this game

June 6, 1984

Birthday of  the "Tetris" - appeared the first computer version of this game

The history of the cult game "Tetris" began in 1984, and its author is the Soviet programmer Alexei Leonidovich Pajitnov. The first computer version of this game appeared on June 6, 1984, and today this date is considered the Birthday of "Tetris".

Pajitnov then worked at the Computer Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Moscow, where he dealt with problems of artificial intelligence and speech recognition, and often used puzzles to run ideas, one of which was the popular pentamino game (it consisted of five squares (pentomino from Greek penta "- five) and set the task of correctly arranging in the box geometric shapes). So, for example, in the journal Science and Life, since the 1960s, there was a permanent section devoted to the drawing up of figures from a set of pentamino, and plastic sets of pentamino could be found in stores.

And it was the game in the pentamino that prompted Pajitnov to create a new game, more exciting. He decided to automate the installation of pentamino in the given figures. But the computing power of the equipment of that time for spinning the pentamino was not enough, then the inventor made the figures more simple. And he came up with the main "highlight" of the game - that the figures fell, and the filled rows disappeared. Then the name of the new game "Tetris" was born, which originated from the merger of "tetramino" (games where all figures consist of four segments) and "tennis" (Pajitnov's favorite sport).

And for the first time a computer version of the game "Tetris", written on the computer "Electronics-60", was presented to Pajitnov's colleagues on June 6, For the IBM PC game was integrated 16-year-old schoolboy Vadim Gerasimov. Having copied the toy on floppy disks, Alexey and his comrades spread it on their research institute. And then the game spread all over Moscow.

A familiar electronic device for playing Tetris appeared on July 18, 1985. The game began to spread rapidly across the country, and soon all over the world, winning more and more fans, and as a result, there were many who wanted to redeem the rights to this game. Not surprisingly, in subsequent years, "Tetris" was involved in many judicial battles.

It all started with Robert Stein, an importer of software from Hungary, who got to know the game a few months after its creation. After the meeting with Pajitnov he agreed on a license to release the game, which, according to some sources, Alexey gave him. Hungarian programmers integrated Tetris for Apple II and Commodore 64, after which it became extremely popular in many countries around the world. So, in 1988, "Tetris" became the most sold computer game in England and the United States. And, of course, the game was interested in representatives of major global business, who wanted to redeem the rights to distribute the game. But disputes over the legality of the ownership of the rights to use and sell "Tetris" led to long litigation.

Nowadays there are a lot of variants of "Tetris", which can even be called differently. And, perhaps, there is no person in the world, among the owners of a computer or cell phone, which at least once did not play in such games.


Day of the Russian Language 

The United Nations marks the days of the official languages ​​of the organization. They were proclaimed in 2010 by the UN Department of Public Information in support of multilingualism and cultural diversity. The events held on these days are aimed at ensuring the equality of official languages, at raising the awareness of UN staff about the history and development of UN languages.

March 20 - Day of French language (International Day of Francophonie).
April 20 - Day of the Chinese language (dedicated to Tsang Jie, the founder of Chinese writing).
April 23 - Day of English language ( birthday of William Shakespeare).
April 23 - Day of the Spanish language (day of the death of Miguel Cervantes).
June 6 - Day of the Russian language (birthday of A. S. Pushkin).
December 18 - Day of Arabic (the day of approval in 1973 of the decision on the inclusion of Arabic among the official and working languages ​​of the General Assembly and its main committees).

Also on June 6...

1436 - Regiomontan was born (died 1476), German astronomer, astrologer and mathematician. His "On All Types of Triangles" (1462-1464) is the first work in Europe, in which trigonometry was viewed as an independent discipline.

1761 - M. V. Lomonosov, observing the passage of Venus on the solar disk, discovered the presence of her atmosphere.

1799 - Pushkin was born (died 1837), poet, prose writer, playwright, classic of Russian literature.

1850 - Levi Strauss made his first blue jeans.

1850 - Ferdinand Brown was born (died 1918), German physicist, inventor of the picture tube, Nobel Prize winner (1909).

1868 - Robert Falcon Scott (died 1912), English polar explorer, one of the discoverers of the South Pole, was born.

1882 - More than 100,000 residents of Bombay died from the huge waves that the cyclone drove into the harbor from the Arabian Sea.

1882 - American Henry W. Seely patented an electric iron.

1889 - Igor Sikorsky was born (died 1972), a Russian and American aircraft designer, scientist, inventor, philosopher.

1912 - the second largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century began (Novarupta volcano, Alaska, which spewed 17 km³ of lava).

1933 - first cinema was opened in Camden (USA, New Jersey), in which motorists could watch a movie without leaving the car.

1937 - first drifting station ''North Pole-1'' began operation.

1942 - first jump with parachute made from synthetic fabric.

1944 - Paul Cornu (born 1881), French mechanic-inventor and aviator, pioneer of helicopter construction died.

1948 - Louis Jean Lumiere (born 1864), the inventor of cinema, youngest of the brothers, died.

1961 - Tom Araya was born, bass player of the thrash metal band "Slayer".

1992 - crash of Boeing 737 in Darien. 47 people died - the largest plane crash in Panama.

1994 - ''Tu-154'' crash near Xi'an. 160 people died - largest plane crash in China.

2006 - Arnold Newman (born 1918), an outstanding American photographer, died.

2009 - Jean Dosset (born 1916), French biologist, immunologist, Nobel Prize winner (1980, jointly with B. Benacerraf and J. Snell).

2012 - the passage of Venus across the disk of the Sun, one of the rarest astronomical phenomena.


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