May 29, Everest, Digestive, Peacekeepers and Bereginia Day


Zodiac Sign Gemini

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GeminiMay 29The main themes in the lives of people born on May 29 are discoveries, traditions and the exchange of ideas. Dramatic situations and events attract them.

Born 29 may by no means belong to the category of those who are afraid of struggle and are ready to put up with injustice.

Following their own righteousness, they ardently defend the interests of the organization, the fate of which also depends on their activity.

No matter what role these people play - employees, parents, administrators - they are always looking for consensus, not at all striving for dictatorship and possessing the talent to calmly listen to suggestions and criticism.

Although people born on May 29 are often preoccupied with improving the lives of others and are even reputed to be altruists, perhaps it cannot be said that their own interests are forever forgotten by them.


Gemini men born on May 29:
  • are distinguished by the following distinctive features: 
  • easily reconfigurable, 
  • curious, 
  • calm.
  • The Gemini man is an innovator, revolutionary, fighter against dullness and predictability.
  • He loves non-standard moves, unexpected solutions, fantastic surprises and vivid emotions.
Gemini women born on May 29:
  • have the following traits: 
  • cheerful, 
  • logical, 
  • erudite.
  • Gemini women adore mystery, riddle, and therefore there is always a veil of fog and understatement around them.
  • At the same time, they do not withdraw into themselves, but are socially active and bright, while leaving the groundwork for the most unexpected interpretation of the image.

Main event

First conquered Chomolungma - the highest peak on Earth

May 29, 1953

First conquered Chomolungma - the highest peak on Earth

May 29, 1953 New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Norgay Tenzing was first conquered the highest peak of the Himalayas and the world - Сhomolungma (Sagarmāthā, Everest) - 8848 meters above sea level.

Chomolungma - "Mother - the goddess of the world" - as the inhabitants of Tibet or Sagarmatha call it - "Lord of the World", as Nepalese call it - a giant mountain range and the highest peak of the world, located on the border of Nepal and Tibet.

It attracted the attention of surveyors more than a century ago. The first of these was George Everest, it was his name that was later awarded to the peak in honor of his geographical merit.

The first plan for climbing Mount Everest was developed in 1893, and the first attempt to conquer the mountain was undertaken in 1921. It took more than 30 years and bitter experience of thirteen unsuccessful ascents to conquer Everest for the first time.

May 29, 1953 Hillary and Tenzing climbed to the highest peak of the summit of the Himalayas on the border of Nepal and India, hoisting the flags of Great Britain, Nepal, India and the United Nations there. The news of this reached the rest of the world only four days later - June 2, 1953, the day of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.

The Queen of Britain honored Hillary with the knighthood and the right to add the title "sir" to his name. Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, who was not a citizen of the British Commonwealth, received a medal from the queen.

Edmund Hillary devoted many years of his life to working with Sherpas in Nepal, and in 2003, when the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the conquest of Everest, the New Zealander was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Nepal.


World Digestive Health Day

May 29, the World Organization of Gastroenterology is declared a World Digestive Health Day. Every year, the World Day for Healthy Digestion is dedicated to one serious gastroenterological problem.

The date May 29 was chosen because on this day, in 1958, the Charter of the World Organization of Gastroenterology (WGO) was adopted. The World Organization of Gastroenterology was established as an association in 1935 and was registered in 1958.

The goal of the WGO is to declare: the improvement of standards in teaching gastroenterology and education on a global scale.

 International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

 International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers - celebrated annually on May 29 since 2003.

The United Nations International Day of Peacekeepers was established by the UN General Assembly in 2002 with a special resolution. The resolution invited UN member states, non-governmental organizations and individual citizens to celebrate this day as a tribute to the dead, as a sign of respect for those who served and continue to serve people in UN peacekeeping operations.

The resolution noted that the UN peacekeeping forces were awarded the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize.

According to the message of the UN Secretary-General on the occasion of International Peacekeepers Day: "The number of peacekeepers at risk has increased dramatically and continues to grow. Today, more than 72,000 troops and 15,000 civilians serve in 18 operations managed by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, and this making the United Nations the world's largest multilateral organization solving post-conflict stabilization tasks".

In tribute to the memory of the died peacekeepers, the UN Secretary-General established a special award for the posthumous award - the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal (Dag Hammarskjold - the perished UN Secretary-General).

Also on May 29...

1453 - The Turkish army under the command of Sultan Mehmed II captures Constantinople.

1698 - Edme Bouchardon was born (d. 1762), French sculptor (fountain "The Seasons" in Paris, the statue of Cupid in the Louvre, etc.)

1790 - Rhode Island is the last of the initial 13 colonies to adopt the US Constitution.

1802 - physicist and founder of electro-metallurgy, academician V.V. Petrov discovered the phenomenon of an electric arc.

1855 - David Bruce was born (d. 1931), English microbiologist, parasitologist who discovered the causative agent of brucellosis, as a result of which this disease was eradicated on the island of Malta. Also he discovered the causative agents of human and animal trypanosomiasis in Africa and determined that tsetse flies are carriers.

1860 - merchant, philanthropist and collector Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov made a testament, according to which he left Moscow his collection of paintings and 150 thousand rubles in silver to build an art gallery ( Tretyakov Gallery). Also he asked, the remainder of his capital ( 8,186 rubles) used “for the marriage of poor brides with good people”.

1864 - died Georg Bodmer (b. 1786), Swiss mechanic, inventor. In 1807 he made an unusual gun for grenades, which were supposed to explode only at the moment of penetration into the object of destruction. In 1824 introduced into production a number of innovations invented by him in machines for the manufacture of cotton and wool, in water wheels, locomotives and in the construction of railways. Totally Bodmer received more than 80 patents for inventions.

1868 - Julius Friedrich Heinrich Abegg, famous German criminologist (born 1796), died.

1892 - Baha'u'llah (real name Hussein Ali-i-Nuri; b. 1817), an Iranian religious leader, founder of the Bahai faith, died.

1900 - ''Otis'' company registered the trademark ''Escalator'' (later all escalators will be called that).

1903 - Bob Hope (real name Leslie Townes Hope; d. 2003), American comedian, theater and film actor, television and radio host, who 18 times (from 1939 to 1977), conducted the Oscar awards ceremony - more than anyone in history.

1910 - a speed competition between an airplane and a train on the distance between Albany and New York. The first was an aircraft, which was controlled by Glenn Curtiss, who received a prize of $ 10,000.

1911 - The US Supreme Court decided to divide America's largest tobacco company, ''American Tobacco'', recognized as a monopoly.

1917 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born (killed in 1963), the 35th President of the United States (1961-1963).

1919 - Arthur Eddington's observations of the total eclipse of the Sun fully confirmed the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein.

1922 - The US Supreme Court ruled that baseball is a sport, not a business, and therefore is not subject to antitrust laws.

1947 - The Indian Constituent Assembly banned the "untouchables" caste.

1949 - Francis Rossi was born, British rock musician, songwriter, founder and frontman of the "Status Quo" group.

1959 - The US Supreme Court declared the decision of the state of Louisiana to ban boxing fights between representatives of different races illegal.

1968 - Theodore Rezva was born, a Ukrainian traveler, who single-handedly crossed the Atlantic in 2001 on a rowing boat.

1979 - Mary Pickford (b. 1892), American film actress, died.

1982 - died Romy Schneider (b. 1938), Austro-German-French film actress.

1997 - Jeff Buckley (b. 1966), American multi-instrumental musician, died.

2005 - a majority voted against the European Constitution during referendum in France.

2009 - The President of the United States announced the creation of a cyber security department at the White House.

2010 - Dennis Hopper (b. 1936), American actor and film director, died.


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