June 2, or Healthy Eating Day and Republic


Zodiac Sign Gemini

May: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
June: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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GeminiJune 2. For born on this day, there are a lot of problems and difficulties. However, this is not as bad as it might seem, because they see the meaning of life in solving problems and overcoming obstacles. By the way, if things go too smoothly, those born on June 2 deliberately go in search of problems or simply create them themselves, so that, forgetting about everything, rush to resolve them.

Very often they choose professions for themselves that involve puzzles.

Women born on June 2 rarely give preference to a partner who is simple and approachable in communication. Indeed, marriage to a troubled person is an endless series of battles, and it is this circumstance that makes it desirable and attractive to them.

Unfortunately, these women are prone to deep emotional distress, as they are never content with what they have.


Gemini men born on June 2:
  • boast the following distinctive features: 
  • cheerful, 
  • inquisitive, 
  • agile.
  • To conquer such a man, you need to give up hackneyed phrases, show your intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Gemini men value in women, first of all, brains and a sense of humor.
Gemini women born on June 2:
  • have the following properties:
  • vigorous, 
  • independent, 
  • transforming.
  • Games are Gemini's favorite pastime.
  • They adore experimentation and risk falling madly in love with someone who can seriously surprise and conquer - not by impudence and primitive courtship, but by graceful and non-standard moves.

Main event

A referendum in Italy decided to abolish the monarchy

June 2, 1946

A referendum in Italy decided to abolish the monarchy

June 2, 1946 in Italy held a nationwide referendum on the future state structure, which involved almost the entire population of the country.

As a result, the monarchy was abolished and the republican system of government was established. A constitutional assembly was also elected, which was to prepare a new text of the Basic Law of Italy. On June 18 of the same year, Italy was officially proclaimed a republic.

The last monarch of the Savoy dynasty - King Umberto II (only a month earlier ascended to the throne), after abdication of his father - King Victor Emmanuel III, left the country two weeks before these events.

The official flag of the country was now a simple green-white-red tricolor without the royal coat of arms on it.

This day was proclaimed a national holiday and is now celebrated as the Day of Proclamation of the Republic of Italy.

Usually on this day in major cities of Italy military parades are held. In Rome, on the prospectus of the Imperial Forums from the Colosseum to the foot of the Capitol, festive columns are made, consisting of representatives of all arms. In the sky over the center of Rome fly the fighter "Eurofighter", spraying in the air smoke the colors of the national flag of Italy.


Healthy Eating Day

June 2, 2011 was the birthday of the Day of the refusal of excess food.

The initiators of its establishment has become a large group of social network members for losing weight. The idea was born as a kind of response to the American holiday "National Day, when you can have eating everything you want."

The idea in a short time received quite wide support, and was recognized as timely and necessary.

The day of healthy eating is intended to remind that we are responsible with what we nourish our body. And on this day anyone who wants to become slimmer and has not yet begun to realize his dream, can begin their journey to harmony.

The general aspiration simplifies the solution of the problem, facilitates the first step, gives a point of reference. Get down excess food and extra pounds! Long live a healthy diet!

Also on June 2...

1537 - Pope Paul III recognized the Indians as people with souls and forbade their conversion into slaves by a special document. And on June 2, 1924, all American Indians received American citizenship.

1740 - Marquis Donacio Alphonsus Francois de Sade was born, French writer, aristocrat and philosopher. For more than two centuries, there has been controversy about de Sade’s work - is it pornography. But an unequivocal answer to this question has not yet been found: from the entire literary heritage of de Sade only his infamous works are published, therefore an objective assessment of his entire work is extremely difficult to give. However, sexual satisfaction, obtained by inflicting pain or humiliation on another person, was called by his name “sadism”, and later the words ''sadism'', ''sadist'' began to be used in a broader sense.

1743 - graph Cagliostro was born. Alessandro Cagliostro, or rather, Giuseppe Balsamo, was not an ordinary charlatan and a deceiver, he raised a lie to the third degree and became famous for centuries.

1891 - according to legend, on this day, a resident of the Northern Irish town of Milford, William McCrum, for the first time in the history of football, introduced the concept of a “penalty”.

1896 - Italian Guglielmo Marconi patented the radio. In the same year, on September 2, Marconi demonstrated his invention on the plain of Salisbury, transmitting radiograms at a distance of 3 km.

1904 - born Johnny Weissmüller, aka Tarzan. The great swimmer, setting a record after a record in the pools ( 5-time Olympic champion, author of 67 world records), did not think that his ideal figure, sharpened under the ''butterfly'' and ''crawl'', would pave the way in a big cinema for him, where he would play the Jungle King in 12 movies, black and white in this time.

1953 - 16 months after the death of her father, King George VI, 27-year-old Elizabeth II was crowned at Westminster. This event was one of the first international news and was fully covered by television. The color television program was broadcast by all three American TV channels and the BBC, although most viewers used black and white TV sets at the time. In contrast to the modern live broadcast, the transmission of the signal took place over telephone lines with some delay, since there was no satellite communication at that time.

1955 - the day of the foundation of the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

1973 - The Vincent van Gogh Museum opens in the center of Amsterdam.

1977 - born Zachary Quinto, an American actor who gained fame thanks to the role of serial killer Sylar in the TV series “Heroes” and the role of Commander Spock in the 2009 movie Star Trek.

1983 - ''Air Canada'' DC-9 burned down at Cincinnati airport after an emergency landing, killing 23 of 46 people aboard.

2010 - massacre in the county of Cumbria (UK). Derrick Bird shot 12 people, wounded 25, and then committed suicide.


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