May 11, or "Eat What You Want Day"


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 11People born on on this day have perhaps the most extraordinary vision of the world.

However, they prefer to keep their fantasies a secret, because, expressing them publicly, they risk being misunderstood.

However, the most extravagant individuals are not at all embarrassed by the open expression of their feelings and thoughts; those around them with bated breath listen to them, raising their eyebrows in surprise.


Taurus men born on May 11:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • tenderness, 
  • patience, 
  • gallantry.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 11:
  • characterized by such properties: 
  • tenderness, 
  • dependence, 
  • as well as sensuality.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


A day, when you can eat what you want

National day, when you can eat what you want

Today is an exceptional day when every citizen of the United States can make a true feast to his stomach - National Day, when you can eat whatever you want, or in other words, "Eat What You Want Day". This informal holiday is celebrated annually on May 11.

It is not known exactly who and when came up with the idea to celebrate this day, according to one version, the founder of this holiday of allowed gluttony was Thomas Roy, a former radio host, television actor and co-founder of Wellcat Holidays & Herbs. The holiday became known precisely as a day, which is absolutely not suitable for the observance of any diets. On the contrary, today is the only day of the year when you can break all the laws adopted to maintain (or gain) a thin waist, and enjoy the food that you really adore.

Today is the day when you can not look on the list of food forbidden by the diet, today you can afford a treat or a dish that you would never try in normal circumstances.

But, on the other hand, it is on this day that you should remember that you should not risk your health, well-being and mood in order to challenge unknown delicacies.

This unusual holiday has one more side. For example, many Americans, who have been sitting confidently on various diets in recent years, believe that such an antidote measures only discourages and relaxes the will of a person struggling with obesity.

And this opinion is not accidental: for America obesity is one of the serious health problems. The last 20 years in the US there is literally a dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from obesity. Obesity is known to be a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and diabetes.

As you know, different degrees of obesity are determined by the body mass index (BMI): the figures 25-29,99 indicate excess body weight (foreseeing), 30-34,99 - about obesity of the first degree. According to statistics in 2009, only the residents of the state of Colorado BMI was less than 20%, indicating a normal weight.

The BMI was equal to or more than 25 in the 33 states, and the BMI was equal to or exceeded 30% among the residents of nine of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Tennessee and West Virginia).

Also on May 11...

330 - Emperor Constantine the Great consecrated under the name of Constantinople a new capital of his empire, founded in 326 on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Byzantium. Occupying an exceptionally advantageous geographical location of the bridge between East and West, Constantinople quickly became the largest city and the most important center of economic, political and cultural life. The city repeatedly became the main target of the raids of the peoples surrounding the Byzantine Empire: Persians, Arabs, Bulgarians, Pechenegs. More than once, drove their squads Russian princes, who achieved trade privileges as a result. In 1204 the city was taken and plundered by participants of the 4th Crusade, becoming the capital of the Latin Empire. In 1261 it again became the capital of the restored Byzantine Empire. But after the capture of the Turks in late May 1453, the Byzantine Empire collapsed, the city became the capital of the Ottoman Empire and received a new name - Istanbul.

868 - Chinese monk Wang Jie made the ''Diamond Sutra''. This is the most ancient extant precisely dated printed document.

1720 - Carl Friedrich Jerome von Munchhausen (d. 22.2.1797) was born, a German baron, whose name has become a nominal. For several years he served in the Russian army, participating in wars with the Turks. After retiring and returning home to Hanover, Baron became famous as a narrator of extraordinary stories that happened to him during military campaigns, hunting, etc., and even published the book "A Guide to the Merry" (1781) with its own stories. The name of the baron became common after the anonymous edition in England by the German writer Rudolf Raspe of the stories about Baron Munchhausen.

1904 - Salvador Dali was born, a Spanish surrealist painter, lover of current hours and tigers jumping out of the mouth of crucians.

1916 - German physicist Albert Einstein publicly stated that "everything in this world is relative." And although almost 100 years have passed, little has changed in this world.

1927 - The American Film Academy is formed. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Louis Meyer, the most famous and rich Hollywood producer of that time. One of the main reasons for the emergence of the Academy was the desire of “true creators of cinema”, with which producers considered themselves to defend themselves against the trade union movement, which was gaining increasing popularity in the late 1920s. In the very first lines of the statute of the new institute, its purpose was clearly marked: “To take the most stringent measures against all attacks on the Academy from the outside.” Without much trouble and quite an official way, the producers acquired the actors in their full ownership, depriving them of the right to join unions by profession. Two years later, the Academy began to determine the winners of the year, and from 1931 began to award the winners with the Oscars.

1931 - the bankruptcy of the Austrian Bank ''Credit-Anstalt'' began a financial crisis in Central Europe.

1949 - The Kingdom of Siam is renamed Thailand.

1949 - The first Polaroid camera sold in New York. Then he cost 89 dollars 95 cents.

1981 - Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical  ''Cats'' premiered in London.

1981 - Bob Marley (born 1945), Jamaican reggae musician, died.

1996 - 8 climbers died while climbing Everest from the southern slope.

2000 - the billionth inhabitant of this state, Asta Arora, was born in India.

2003 - Paul McCartney became the first rock musician to be honored to perform on the legendary Colosseum arena. The concert was attended by only 400 spectators, tickets for which were sold at a special auction.


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