May 2, or Tuna and Loch Ness Monster Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 2People born on on this day have a special interest in the development of the human personality, and trace the path of its formation from infancy to ripe old age.

They do not hesitate to express their opinions on the entire spectrum of issues concerning a person, their thoughts are well thought out and, as a rule, do not change over time.

Those born on May 2 are hard to be fooled; they have excellent insight and are well versed in psychology and thought processes.


Taurus men born on May 2:
  • possess the following qualities: 
  • sensuality, 
  • reliability, 
  • prudence.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 2:
  • characterized by such qualities: 
  • tenderness, 
  • femininity, 
  • as well as strength.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


World Tuna Day

Tuna is a group of marine fish of the Smokbrian family.
Tuna is a group of marine fish of the Smokbrian family

World Tuna Day, celebrated on May 2, was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly resolution in December 2016, in order to increase the awareness of the world's population about the value of this species of fish, the threats faced by tuna populations, and on the economic and social benefits of sustainable management of tuna stocks. The co-authors of the draft resolution are 93 states.

In nature, there are about 40 species of tuna, which vary greatly in size and weight.

The smallest representative is mackerel tuna - about 50 cm in size and weighing 1.8 kg.

And the largest representative of its kind - ordinary tuna - can reach a length of up to 4.5 m and weigh more than 600 kg.

Inhabit tuna in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. But they can be found in more temperate latitudes. In search of food, these schooling pelagic fish travel long distances. Their diet consists of crustaceans, mollusks and fish. In addition, they can accelerate to 90 km / h.

Tuna is an important commercial object, and they are also appreciated among amateur anglers. According to the UN, currently more than 80 states are engaged in the fishing of these fish, in all oceans there are thousands of tunnels, the fastest growing in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The tuna fishery is aimed at meeting the needs of the canning industry and cooking

The tuna fishery is aimed at meeting the needs of the canning industry and cooking. Tuna has become one of the most beloved and sought-after marine delicacies today. The meat of this fish, eaten raw, fried and canned, is valued for its delicate taste, complete absence of foreign odors, high protein content and a huge range of useful properties.

In addition, many countries, both developing and developed, depend heavily on tuna resources not only in terms of food security and nutrition, but also economic development, employment, public incomes, lifestyle, culture and leisure.

However, due to overfishing, environmental threats from human activities and the effects of climate change, the number of populations and habitats of tuna has declined significantly in recent decades, which has placed some tuna species on the brink of extinction.

Therefore, the UN, and in particular the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), provides control over marine fisheries and takes measures to protect and conserve valuable resources of the World Ocean. After all, 16% of the world's fish stocks are currently being over-caught, and 8% - significantly depleted. And the most actively exploited tuna stocks.

in 1995 the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries was introduced.

So, in 1995 the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries was introduced. It sets standards for fishing, which should not harm the flora and fauna of the seas and oceans. Recommendations include the abandonment of fishing methods and gear that damage the ecosystems of the seas and oceans, limiting fishing, and taking measures to replenish the fish population. For example, one of the outputs in this situation is aquaculture, that is, artificial cultivation and fattening of tuna in specially designed for these purposes paddocks.

Today's date - Tuna Day - is an occasion to pay attention to the conservation of fish resources of the planet and to share the best practices in this area. The UN invites all Member States of the organization and other international and regional organizations and generally civil society to properly celebrate this Day in accordance with national priorities in order to raise awareness of the value of tuna, the threats faced by tuna populations and the economic and social benefits of sustainable management of tuna stocks.

International Day of the Loch Ness Monster

Every year, on May 2, members of the Nessie fan club urge to celebrate the International Day of the Loch Ness Monster.

The celebration in honor of the lake monster is timed to the first news about the monster: On May 2, 1933, the newspaper ''Inverness Courier'' published a detailed story of the couple Mackay, who allegedly saw Nessie.

Also on May 2...

1509 - The Spanish founded San Juan, now the main city of Puerto Rico.

1519 - Leonardo da Vinci, the universal genius of the Renaissance, died.

1859 - Jerome Klapka Jerome was born, English writer.

1902 - The first science fiction film in the world, ''Journey to the Moon'', was shown in France.

1903 - Benjamin Spock was born ( d. 1998), American pediatrician. Spock is the first pediatrician to study psychoanalysis from the perspective of understanding children's requirements for family relationships. It was his innovative thoughts about raising children that caused many parents to be much more gentle, to treat their children more flexibly and to consider them as real personalities.

1945 - Soviet troops completely captured the capital of Germany, Berlin.

1946 - David Suchet was born, a British actor with Lithuanian-Belarusian roots, known for his role as detective Poirot in the show of the same name.

1972 - Duane "The Rock" Johnson was born, an American actor ("The King of Scorpions", "Tooth Fairy"), as well as a famous wrestler.

1975 - David Beckham, English footballer, midfielder was born.

2004 - a monument to a Soviet soldier with a girl in his arms returned to Treptow Park. In the autumn of 2003, the monument was dismantled and taken away for restoration. The overhaul of the 40-ton figure lasted six months and cost the German treasury 1.5 million euros.

2004 - Hollywood scriptwriters and producers could not reach an agreement at the negotiations about a new copyright contracts. Writers demanded to increase the percentage of profits derived from the sale of films on DVD. This market was estimated at that time at $ 15 billion. Writers considered it unfair that out of $ 16 for which, on average, one DVD is sold, $ 10.55 is received by producers. Writers get 5 cents from each disc.

2004 - the new network worm ''Sasser'' appeared on the Internet, spreading like the ''Blaster'' virus, which caused a large-scale epidemic last year. ''Sasser'' uses a vulnerability in the Windows operating system and does not send its copies via email. It infects only Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems.

2005 - Robert (Bob) Hunter (born 1941), Canadian journalist, founder of  ''Greenpeace'', died.

2011 - US intelligence services eliminated terrorist number 1 Osama bin Laden.

2013 - Jeff Hanneman (born 1964), American guitarist, one of the founders of the ''Slayer'' group, died.


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