April 24, or Soda, Youth Solidarity and Laboratory Animals Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

TaurusApril 24. People born on on this day strive to display their impressions in any available form - in writing, speech or even by their own example, since it is extremely important for them to convey their point of view on what is happening to others.

In this sense, they are highly dependent on an attentive audience.

Even acting as leaders, they primarily use their position not to exercise power or control, but to protect or direct the lives of those close to them in the right direction.


Taurus men born on April 24:
  • have the following properties: 
  • loyalty, 
  • sensuality, 
  • practicality.
  • The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and his beloved woman, and become a reliable rear and partner.
Taurus women born on April 24:
  • possess the following qualities: 
  • naturalness, 
  • loyalty, 
  • decisiveness.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Birthday of soda - in the US, carbonated water is patented

April 24, 1833

On April 24, 1833, sparkling water was patented in the USA.

On April 24, 1833, sparkling water was patented in the USA.

By this "invention" the world owes the British chemist, theologian and philosopher Joseph Priestley, who discovered one of the properties of carbon dioxide, with the help of which it became possible to create soda water. Perhaps, this is the only known date in the history of soda water, since the inventor did not leave the dates of the discovery.

Even prior to the creation of soda, Priestley was engaged in research in the field of chemistry and electricity. A great influence on Joseph was the acquaintance with the distinguished scientist B. Franklin, who later became his faithful friend. It was this acquaintance that marked the beginning of Priestley's experiments in the field of electricity. He established that graphite conducts an electric current, scientifically proved the process of photosynthesis, determined the properties of nitrous oxide (including the opening of a "laughing gas"), discovered oxygen. Sometimes his discoveries were casual. The discovery of soda was also unexpected.

Observing the work of one brewery, Priestley became interested in what kind of bubbles the beer releases during fermentation. Containers of water, which the chemist placed above the vats with brewing beer, soon charged with bubbles, which in fact turned out to be carbon dioxide. Having tried the resulting liquid, Joseph was impressed by its pleasant sharp taste, and in 1767 he, having deduced the composition, himself made the first bottle of soda water.

But only after more than half a century the soda was patented.

Today we see the consequences of Priestley's discovery every day. Carbonated water is so popular all over the world that some suggested to declare April 24 as the Day of Carbonated Water. The world-famous company Coca-Cola was the first who guessed to use the invention of Joseph Priestley for commercial purposes. Currently, there is a wide variety of carbonated water and a huge number of brands that produce this drink, both in pure form and with all kinds of additives.

Youth Solidarity Day

Initially, this day was called the "International Day of Solidarity of Youth in the fight against colonialism, for peaceful coexistence."

And although, over time, only the first four words remained from the original name, according to the organizers, this holiday is instructive.

For the older generation: it must draw the attention of the world community and politicians of all countries of the world to the problems of social protection of young people, the need to create and conduct youth policy, assistance in obtaining education, as well as solving problems of cultural education and leisure.

Earlier it was celebrated very widely. On the International Youth Solidarity Day, youth congresses, concerts and other festive events were held, the program of which was carefully thought out. Their main goal was to emphasize the high goal of the friendly unification of nations, demonstrate their desire to unite efforts in the struggle for the rights of young people, to unite youth to solve their problems. But over the years, all this has practically disappeared, and now this date is celebrated occasionally, as a rule, initiated and supported by various youth and public organizations.

By the way, the youth of the planet received several holidays - International Youth Day is celebrated on August 12, World Youth Day - November 10.

World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals

April 24 in the calendar of environmental dates is marked as the World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals, which was established by the International Association against the Painful Experiments on Animals (InterNICH) in 1979 and supported by the UN.

Initially, it was celebrated by animal protection organizations in a number of countries, and today already around the world is actively developing a movement against vivisection (experiments on the laboratory animals), which is supported by activists of various social and animal protection organizations.

It must be said that animals were used in experiments for a long time, but these works were sporadic. The concept of "laboratory animal" was formed at the end of the 19th century due to the rapid development of experimental biology and medicine, and from the second half of the 20th century, the method of scientific experimentation on animals took an independent direction.

Today, laboratory animals are used to simulate pathological processes and test drugs, cosmetics, cigarettes, food additives, household chemicals ... The main customers of the research are large pharmaceutical and cosmetic corporations. Among the most commonly used animals in the experiments are mice, rabbits, monkeys and dogs. Every year, hundreds of representatives of these species die in laboratories. 

In addition, animals are used in the training of future medical professionals and veterinarians.

On World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals, opponents of vivisection and supporters of humane science in various countries hold educational events to draw public attention to the problems of "our younger brothers", doomed to tests, and remind that there is alternative medicine, cosmetics , household chemicals and personal care products. 

There are many ambiguities and contradictions in the protection of the rights of laboratory animals, but only a sympathetic and humane society can resolve them.

Also on April 24...

1184 BC - According to legend, on this day the ancient Greeks were able to penetrate into Troy with the help of a Trojan horse.

1066 - Comet Halley discovered.

1800 - President John Adams founded the Library of Congress, allocating 5 thousand dollars for the purchase of books.

1916 - An Irish uprising against the British took place in Dublin, called the “Red Easter”.

1942 - Barbra Streisand was born, American singer and actress.

1952 - Jean-Paul Gauthier, French fashion designer, was born. After working with Pierre Cardin, he created his first collection in 1978, which went against the fashion trend and was inspired by the London “street” style.

1962 - The first in the world transmission of a television signal between cities via satellite was held in the USA.

1970 - China launches its first artificial satellite.

1981 - The first IBM personal computer is introduced.

1984 - In San Francisco, Apple announced its Apple II laptop computer weighing 6 kilograms and the size of a suitcase. However, the lush slogan "Apple II - forever," under which the advertising campaign was conducted, turned out to be far from reality - after 5 years, Apple II was discontinued.

1990 - The Hubble orbital telescope was launched.

2009 - General Motors officially announced the termination of the release of Pontiac cars and the elimination of the brand by 2010.


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