May 19, or Halley Comet and Genocide


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 19Born on this day- people are undoubtedly energetic, but they need to learn how to control their unrestrained energy and, if possible, manage it. This condition is vital, since many of those born on May 19 have enormous (but not always in demand) leadership potential.

Although they often face difficult challenges, both physically and emotionally, they can successfully overcome adversity if the goal is clearly defined.

The energy of these people can be as elemental as the weather. Perhaps it is most profitable to direct it to the implementation of long-term projects related to improving the structure of social or, more realistically, family life.


Taurus men born on May 19:
  • possess the following qualities: 
  • loyalty, 
  • productivity, 
  • patience.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 19:
  • are not like others with such facets of temperament: 
  • charm, 
  • dependence, 
  • and also courage.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Main event

The Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet

May 19, 1910

The Earth passed through the tail of Halley's comet

Comet Halley (official name 1P / Halley) - the most popular of the comets. It orbits the Sun with a period of 74 to 79 years in a highly elongated elliptical orbit. During the appearance of the comet in 1835, spectral analysis revealed that molecular strips of cyanogen, carbon monoxide and other compounds were observed in cometary atmospheres. Therefore, rumors spread quickly about the poisoning of the Earth's atmosphere with poisonous cometary gases, which are dangerous to human health.

As predicted by astronomers, on May 19, 1910, the Earth "collided" with the tail of Halley's comet. However, even the most sensitive instruments did not detect any unusual phenomena in the Earth's atmosphere that could be unambiguously associated with this event. So the wave of fear that swept across many countries in May 1910, had no ground.

Passing through the tail of Halley's comet, the Earth played the role of a kind of probe. It should be noted that the Earth has already repeatedly passed through the tails of comets, and the effect has always been the same - the substance of the tails of various comets had no effect on processes in the terrestrial atmosphere.

Astronomers and many inhabitants of the Earth closely followed all the changes that took place in the tail and head of Halley's comet. Over the entire observation period, more than a thousand astro-negatives, more than a hundred spectrograms, hundreds of drawings of the comet and a large number of determinations of its equatorial coordinates at different times were obtained.

All this rich material made it possible to study in detail the character of the comet's motion along the orbit, to study the types, structural features, the chemical composition of its head and tail, and a number of other physical parameters of the comet's nucleus and its surrounding atmosphere. Benefit even art workers. And in Europe, and in Russia several artists have captured a heavenly object, well visible almost all the month to the naked eye. Halley's comet is the only short-period comet well visible to the naked eye.

The last perihelion was in February 1986; The next in the calculations of specialists will be in the middle of 2061.


International Memorial Day of the Genocide of the Greeks of Asia Minor

In the period from 1914 to 1923. the Turkish authorities deliberately destroyed 326–382 000 peaceful Pontic Greeks who lived compactly from deep antiquity on the territory of Pontus in northeast Asia Minor, on the southern coast of Pontos Euxinos (Black Sea) from Inepoli in the west to Batumi east.

On February 24, 1994, by unanimous decision, the Greek Parliament decided to consider May 19 as the Memorial Day of the Genocide of the Pontus Greeks by the Turks.

On December 18, 2007, the International Association of Genocide Scholars adopted a resolution recognizing the genocide of the Greeks and Assyrians in the Ottoman Empire in 1914–1923, calling on the Turkish authorities to recognize the genocide of Christian minorities, to apologize and pay damages.

According to the Greek Foreign Ministry: “On May 19, the Greeks honor the memory of their brothers, who died as martyrs on the Pontus. The story is not written off and is not overwritten by ads. It requires respect so that we can build a peaceful future. ”

Also on May 19...

1780 - an inexplicable phenomenon: A ''black day'', at 13 hours 25 minutes, over a large area of ​​North America (in New England and parts of Canada), atmospheric transparency has decreased. Eyewitnesses described the phenomenon as "black canvas, covering the sky." Neither the stars nor the Moon was visible, although there was a full Moon. Only after midnight the Moon became visible, first blood-red, then the stars began to appear. The next morning was quite ordinary. The phenomenon was described in the Boston Independent Chronicle, dated May 22, 1780, mentioned in the Webster Dictionary. According to researchers from the American University of Missouri, the cause of the “black day” was the strong forest fires in Canada.

1802 - on the initiative of the First Consul of France Napoleon Bonaparte, the highest award of France was established - the National Order of the Legion of Honor. The universal reward, which did not know any social, national or professional restrictions, became the first of its kind symbol, which was designed to conform to the ideology of revolutionary social construction. History of the appearance of the order is more prosaic. Its introduction was urgently needed, since monetary rewards and named weapons, which were issued to worthy citizens, instead of the former royal awards, canceled by the Convention, became insufficient. "These pathetic trinkets can control people," said Napoleon I of the order he established.

1925 - born Malcolm X, originally named Malcolm Little (d. 1965). African American Islamic leader and advocate for the rights, named one of the most influential African Americans in history.

1926 - Thomas Edison made his first radio action. On the evening hosted by the National Electric Company in Atlantic City, he was asked to speak in front of a microphone. Confused, the inventor says: “I don’t know what to say ... For the first time I speak before such a thing. Good night!"

1941 - Nora Efron was born, an American filmmaker, producer and screenwriter, chief Hollywood expert on romantic comedies. It was she who shot the beloved love films “When Harry Met Sally” (screenwriter and producer), “Sleepless in Seattle”, “You've Got Mail” (in all three films, actress Meg Ryan played a major role), “Michael” with John Travolta.

1960 - DJ Alan Fried, who coined the words "rock and roll", was accused of bribery. His career ended.

1977 - Natalia Oreiro was born, a Uruguayan actress and singer, known for the TV series "Rich and Famous", "Wild Angel", "In the rhythm of tango."

1978 - Dire Straits released their first single in England, ''Sultans of Swing''.

1980 - In Anaheim, California, Apple introduced its new development to the public, the Apple III. This was the first failure of a well-known company.

1991 - in Kuwait, the court sentenced a person to life imprisonment for putting on a T-shirt with the image of Saddam Hussein.

1996 - robber Leslie Roggie's became the first person the FBI arrested after publishing a photo on the Internet.

1998 - control of ''Galaxy IV'' (model HS-601 satellite built by Hughes Space and Communications Company (HSC)) was lost when the satellite's primary control processor failed because of undetected anomaly. The loss of this satellite was very disruptive to telecommunications in the United States. 80% of pager service in the U.S. went down; service was not restored till the following day. Many fast-pay gas pumps were not able to verify credit card transactions. Wire news services, like ''Reuters'', were also affected. The TV network ''CBS'' had to use alternate means of transmitting its programs. All 600 NPR-affiliated stations (as well as numerous other broadcasters) lost access to current network shows and newscasts.

1999 - on the day of the premiere of the film “Star Wars. Episode 1 ” made a record amount for those times - $ 28.5 millions.

2004 - for the first time since 1999, the European Commission allowed the import of a genetically modified product - corn "Bill 11".

2005 - mass protests of car owners against the government-discussed ban on the import and operation of cars with right-side steering were held in 44 regions of Russia.


  1. Don't forget to mention the rare, and unsettling fact that the heavens was shaken when 10 million of Americans lost the Panamsat's Galaxy 4 satellite that got knocked out of transmission temporary loosing television and radio signals as well as data. Also Malcom X was born on this date.

  2. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.


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