May 4, or Star Wars Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 4People born on on this day simply eager to share with others what they have learned for themselves, whether from textbooks or from their own experience. Regardless of whether they teach at school, these people are ready to thoroughly explain all the subtleties in the perfection of the subject they have learned.

Although outwardly they give the impression of people who are soft and even timid, they have a deep strength, thanks to which they are able to take on themselves any complex and responsible tasks. However, they never strive for leadership, preferring to work as part of a team.

A distinctive feature of those born on May 4 is a certain propensity for risky ventures, although at first glance it may seem unexpected. Many of them discover this quality in themselves already in their mature years, when the need for self-renewal and changes is felt more and more, without which further spiritual growth is impossible.


Taurus men born on May 4:
  • possess the following qualities: 
  • artistry, 
  • productivity, 
  • hard work.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 4:
  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • charm, 
  • naturalness, 
  • and also determination.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Star Wars Day

May 4 fans of the world famous movie Star Wars show an informal, but no less interesting, holiday - Star Wars Day or Luke Skywalker's Day

May 4 fans of the world famous movie Star Wars show an informal, but no less interesting, holiday - Star Wars Day or Luke Skywalker's Day, as it is sometimes called by fans of this epic film created by American director George Lucas.

This holiday arose because of the curious play of words. In English there are many words that are written differently, and the meaning is different, but the features of their pronunciation are such that they sound almost the same. In this is a curiosity.

The famous phrase of parting words of the Jedi is written in English: "May the force be with you". Someone from the fans of the film, clearly not deprived of a sense of humor, beat once this phrase as "May 4 be with you", emphasizing that the English word "May" can be translated as the name of the month, and the word "force"  by replacing with the word "fourth".

It should be noted, however, that on May 4, 1979, when the first film of the movie was already almost two years old, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, elected by the British Prime Minister, was greeted by party supporters with this phrase: "May 4 be with you, Maggie. Congratulations. "

The first movie of the movie was released on May 25, 1977.

The first movie of the movie was released on May 25, 1977.

In 2007, the 20th anniversary of the release of the first film "Star Wars. New Hope "in Los Angeles The day of the Star Wars was announced on May 25. But among fans, the May 4 date is more popular.

The first mass celebration of the Star Wars Day was held in 2011 in Toronto (Canada), accompanied by a costumed procession, video and show program. Since then, the holiday is organized annually, and its dissemination is helped, among other things, by activity in social networks.

The first mass celebration of the Star Wars Day was held in 2011 in Toronto (Canada),

On May 4, fans of Star Wars watch their favorite movie epic, arrange costumed shows and flash mobs, read magazines and comics devoted to the heroes of the saga, play computer games. After all, today "Star Wars" is not only the film itself, consisting of several "series", but also - cartoon, comic books, computer games, toys, things featuring heroes, etc.

And I want to congratulate all the fans of the movie with the Day of Star Wars: May the Force be with you! Especially on May 4!

Also on May 4...

1655 - Bartolomeo Cristofori, Italian music master - inventor of piano, was born.

1673 - Claude Gillot, the first French actor, was born.

1715 - the first portable umbrella was made in Paris.

1749 - Charlotte Smith, English novelist and poet was born. She wrote not only for the purpose of expressing her feelings, but also with the intention to earn money. Charlotte married early and had ten children. After her husband was imprisoned for debt, she was forced to support herself and her children with writing. Although her "elegies" brought her income, she still turned to a more profitable genre: publishing one novel in a year, she kept her family well.

1772 - Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus, German publisher, founder of the famous encyclopedic publisher, was born.

1777 - Louis Tenard was born, a French chemist who discovered hydrogen peroxide.

1838 - cultural people bought from slavery Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko.

1846 - Emile Galle was born, a French artist, master of art glass and furniture. He developed a special technique for the manufacture of decorative objects (vases) made of laminated glass, which were called by the name of the master - “galle”.

1899 - Fritz von Opel was born, the German industrialist, the creator of the Opel cars.

1904 - In England, Henry Royce and Charles Rolls began manufacturing cars called Rolls Royce.

1927 - the Film Academy was established in the USA, which will soon establish the Oscars.

1929 - Audrey Hepburn (real name Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston) was born, British actress of Anglo-Dutch origin, often playing innocent, semi-childish characters ("Roman Holiday", "My Fair Lady").

1944 - restrictions on trade in meat are abolished in the USA.

1970 - The Kent tragedy. At the University of the American city Kent, the National Guard opened fire on a student demonstration against the US invasion of Cambodia (4 students died).

1974 - the song “Waterloo” of the group “ABBA” won the first place in the US music rating.

1976 - the first concert of the group «KISS».

1986 - evacuation zone around Chernobyl increased to 30 kilometers.

1995 - on the day of the 5th anniversary of the proclamation of independence of Latvia, in the Latvian village of Skrunda, 120 km south-west of Riga, by the American company ''Controlled Demolition Inc'', hired by the government, the unfinished multi-storey building  built as a Radar Station of the Early Warning in Soviet times, defiantly blown up. A huge concrete box in seconds settled in front of numerous spectators who had gathered for a colorful show with performance of patriotic songs and pyrotechnic fun. Grass was sown at the site of the blown-up building, and the explosive company received over 10 thousand tons of high-quality reinforcing metal as payment with the right to sell one of the European countries.

1997 - Seferino Jimenez Malia was proclaimed Blessed and became the official patron of Gypsies with Catholics.

2000 - the first appearance of the virus "I love you".

2000 - items from the Titanic sunk in 1912 sold at Sotheby's for $ 60,000.

2000 - Italian actress Claudia Cardinale debuted on the theater stage. She played a major role in the play "Venetian" by an unknown Italian author of the XVI century. The play was staged at the ''Ron Poan Theater'' in Paris. The premiere caused a stir in Paris. Cardinale is 60 years old. She starred in 120 films, but had never played in a theater before.

2001 - The rules of dog walking are approved in Moscow.

2008 - Colin Murdoch (b. 1929), a New Zealand pharmacist, inventor of a disposable plastic syringe, died.


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