May 18, or Pink Panther and Museum Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 18In the character of those born on this day, traditionalism and liberalism are surprisingly mixed. Such people, perhaps, can be called shakers of the usual foundations, since their behavior is based on the desire to improve society.

Many of those born on this day are famous for their courageous protests against injustice and lawlessness. But regardless of whether they become politicians or not, those born on May 18 demonstrate a highly responsible attitude towards the fatherland, to which many of them are ready to devote their entire lives.

Born 18 May be as dreamy as you like, but they can't be denied practicality.


Taurus men born on May 18:
  • can be proud of the following distinctive features: 
  • tenderness, 
  • prudence, 
  • sensuality.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 18:
  • are distinguished by special qualities: 
  • reliability, 
  • dependence, 
  • as well as sensuality.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Day of the Pink Panther

May 18: Day of the Pink Panther

May 18, 2015, the inhabitants of the world for the first time celebrated an unusual date - Pink Panther Day - a new holiday established in the Kingdom of Love (a community of friends whose members are musicians, cooks and other enthusiastic creative people).

Recall that the Pink Panther is a well-known character of art and animated films, loved by both children and adults. The founders of the holiday, note that it is the ability of this character to non-standard thinking and practical realization of his ideas (specifically, repainting the world in pink), his humor and positive attitude and became the main motivations for the establishment of this new date.

The main symbol of the holiday was the Pink Diamond, and its "spiritual foundation" proclaimed non-standard thinking and changing the world around. After all, we can change the world around for the better, only by changing ourselves and our thinking. And the world around us is not only people, but nature and society as a whole, and every participant of the holiday, in a broad sense capable of creation and creativity, is such a unique Pink Diamond that can change the world around for the better.

By the way, the Day of the Pink Panther has a motto - "Think pink!", Which in the context of the holiday means - "Think creatively!". Therefore, it is not surprising that the idea of ​​a new date was joyfully supported by artists, musicians, jewelers, confectioners, people of creative professions from different countries of the world.

And already in the first year of celebration the festivities took place in different countries of the world for two weeks already. In honor of the holiday, theme parties (Pink Parties) with pink sweets were organized, participants prepared creative surprises for their friends and acquaintances, the Pink Exhibition of paintings, handmade works, painted home textiles and fashion accessories. Specifically for the holiday were filmed videos and made a photo session. The charitable action of the collective drawing of the painting was successfully carried out. New environmental campaigns have been announced, related to the threat of extinction of rare species of animals and plants. Pets also celebrated the holiday, they received gifts and delicious gifts from their owners.

Today, the group of the holiday in the social network Facebook already unites several thousand of its fans. And the initiative group - Friends of the Pink Panther from different countries of the world - is actively preparing for the next celebration: creating scenarios for the Day's events, preparing thematic parties, creative surprises in support of the holiday, environmental and charitable actions in order to change the world in practice, make it more harmonious.

Back in the day, Fairy's cosmetic biscuits are baked in the form of a binary code of zeros and ones, which according to the tradition of the Fairy-tale City are served on plates with pink kayomochkoy. In order to see the world in pink on this day, many bikers wear rose-colored glasses.

The organizers note that everyone can take part in the festival, and photo and video reports on the events dedicated to the Day of the Pink Panther will be posted again on the holiday website.


The International Museum Day

The International Museum Day is an annual holiday celebrated on May 18 around the world since 1977, when the 11th ICOM (International Council of Museums) General Conference  was held in Moscow and Leningrad. The museum community wanted to create a special event, which became the International Museum Day.

In 1992, the Council of ICOM, which officially organizes the International Museum Day, proposed to hold an event on a specific theme. Since then, each year International Museum Day has its own theme and the International Council of Museums always makes an overview of the events associated with this topic, making them accessible to all.

Every year the event became more and more popular. In 2007, that is, after exactly 30 years, 70 countries take part in the celebration of the International Museum Day. The theme of that year was “All of us are responsible for the world heritage”.

And in 2015, more than 35 thousand museums from 145 countries took part in the event!

Museum Night - most famous an international event dedicated to the International Museum Day, during which you can see the museum expositions at night. On this night, many museums are open to visitors after sunset and almost until the morning. The main goal of the action is to show the resource, opportunities, potential of modern museums, to attract young people to museums.

For the first time, the “Museum Night” was held in Berlin in 1997.

Also on May 18...

1048 - Omar Khayyam, Persian and Tajik poet, mathematician, philosopher, was born. His rubyas (quatrains) are world famous.

1787 - for the first time, masters from Toulouse succeeded in engraving on glass.

1830 - In the United States, industrial production of the first lawn mowers began.

1850 - Oliver Heaviside was born, an English mathematician, physicist who predicted the existence of the ionosphere — the upper layers of the Earth’s atmosphere, reflecting electromagnetic waves. For his merits in 1891 Heaviside became a member of the Royal Society of London - the highest scientific institution of Great Britain.

1888 - the first gramophone record was first demonstrated in the USA.

1915 - The first all-terrain vehicle tank was tested.

1923 - French engineer Antoine Barnai received a patent for a dial-up telephone.

1927 - American movie star Norma Talmadzh accidentally left an imprint of her foot on a section of uncharged asphalt on a boulevard in Los Angeles, which prompted enterprising people to the idea of creating movie star footprints in Hollywood.

1953 - American woman pilot Jacqueline Cochran became the first woman in the world to break the sound barrier by plane.

1954 - The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms enters into force.

1955 - Yun-Fat Chow, Chinese-American actor (“Bulletproof Monk”, “Anna and the King”, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”) was born.

1962 - Sandra (Sandra Lauer), German pop singer, was born. At the beginning of her career, she performed in the Arabesque trio. Then she flew even higher with the song “Mary Magdalena”.

1974 - India became the sixth state with nuclear weapons.

1997 - Irish Bridget Dirren graduated with honors from the National University at the age of 102 (world record).

1999 - The Government of Canada, after annual discussions, declared that it would not regulate and control the Internet in the country.

2005 - ratification of the Ottawa Convention, Ukraine finally pledged to get rid of the fifth largest arsenal of anti-personnel mines in the world.


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