April 25, or DNA, Secretary, Daughter, Malaria and Penguins


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

TaurusApril 25. People born on on this day have the unique ability to make their physical presence noticeable wherever they may be.

They do not have to be people of mighty physique - as soon as they appear in the room, everyone present immediately draws attention to them.

They are dynamic in their work.

In the convictions of these people, as in their position in life, you will never find weak points.

They spend most of their energy on self-affirmation - and they try to do this as early as possible.


Taurus men born on April 25:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • intelligence, 
  • passion, 
  • loyalty.
  • The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and his beloved woman, and become a reliable rear and partner.
Taurus women born on April 25:
  • stand out for their special features: 
  • down-to-earthness, 
  • dependence, 
  • as well as courage.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


International Day of DNA

DNA Day in recognition of the importance of genetics and scientific achievements

Every year on 25 April, an unusual holiday is celebrated around the world - the International Day of DNA (DNA Day), in recognition of the importance of genetics and scientific achievements in this field.

This date was chosen to commemorate that on April 25, 1953, in the journal Nature, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick, together with Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, published the results of a study of the structure of a DNA molecule.

Fifty years later, on April 25, 2003, it was announced that the project on decoding the human genome was nearing completion. Additional analysis of some parts of the genome is still incomplete, but the main work on the project is completed. The definition of the structure of human genes is an important step for the development of public health.

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is in DNA that our genetic information is stored, and it is this test that is one of the most popular for the establishment of kinship ties.

The discovery of the DNA helix was revolutionary for science. Due to the discovery of DNA, the heredity code was disclosed, genetic risk was identified, the formation of programmed body properties was started, heredity healization was carried out, and technologies of genetic engineering were created.

In the US, the DNA Day was first celebrated in 2003, it was officially proclaimed by both chambers of the Congress - the Senate and the House of Representatives. The National Institute for Human Genome Research (the National Institute of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA) organizes events dedicated to the DNA Day.

The date may vary, but certainly falls on April: for example, in 2010 it was celebrated on April 23, in 2011 - on April 15, in 2012 - on April 20. Some organizations around the world mark April 25 as World DNA Day or International Day of DNA.

Today by the Day of DNA traditionally held special educational programs, scientific lectures and exhibitions in different countries.

Secretary's Day

On the last Wednesday of the full week of April, the International Secretary Day is celebrated or, more officially, the Day of Professional Administrative Workers.

The holiday started in the United States in 1952, thanks to the efforts of the New York journalist Harry Klemfuss.

Traditionally, this day is held as part of the Professional Administrative Workers' Week, which has also become traditional in the USA.

Now this holiday is celebrated not only by the secretaries, but also by all office workers - assistant directors, office managers, assistants, speech writers, stenographers. As well as experts, leading clerical work, assisting the presidents and managers of companies and enterprises.

By the way, according to some estimates, this profession is among the five most sought after in the world.

Day of the Daughter

The logical continuation of the series of family holidays when mother, father, son, brothers and sisters are honored is Day of the Daughter.

Increasingly, search engines are faced with the question of when this day is celebrated. Some sites claim that the date of the celebration of the Day of the Daughter is April 25th.

When and by whom it was established - this question is also shrouded in mystery, but the fact that people looking on the Day of the Daughter indicates that such a day is needed.

The day of the Daughter is a holiday in the family circle when her parents can once again show their love for the girl. This holiday should be another in a series of family holidays in order to strengthen family relationships and the love of family members to each other.

Worldwide Day Against Malaria

Since 2008, Worldwide Day Against Malaria, established by the World Health Organization, is celebrated annually on April 25. The day is dedicated to promoting global efforts to ensure an effective fight against malaria.

Malaria is a group of infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bites of one of the mosquito species. The disease is usually accompanied by fever, an increase in the size of the liver and spleen.

More than 200 million people become infected with malaria every year; approximately 660 thousand of them die. About 90% of cases occur in sub-Saharan Africa; residents of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and even some regions of Europe are also infected. Children under five years of age are at particular risk.

World Penguin Day

April 25 is the annual ecological holiday - World Penguin Day, urging people to remember the need to preserve the animal diversity of our planet in general and the diversity of its individual regions and representatives in particular.

The date of celebration of World Penguin Day falls on the period when the penguins migrate to the mainland with the purpose of mating and hatching eggs.

By the way, there is another holiday dedicated to these flightless birds - Penguin Awareness Day, annually celebrated on January 20th.

Also on April 25...

1599 - born Oliver Cromwell, British statesman, Lord Protector of England, Ireland and Scotland.

1719 - The first edition of Daniel Defoe’s novel “The Life and Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, a sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in solitude on an uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown into a shipwreck, during which the crew of the ship, besides him, died; outlining his unexpected release by the pirates, written by himself. "

1783 - the first balloon was launched in Annon (France), rising with a load equal to the weight of an adult.

1792 - in France, the guillotine was first used as an instrument of execution. The deadly device was established by Dr. Joseph Giyoten on Greve Square in Paris.

1826 - The first car with an internal combustion engine was patented in England.

1867 - The Japanese city of Tokyo first opened for foreign trade.

1901 - New York State first introduced car plates. All car owners are obliged to register their names and address, as well as a description of their car. After that, they were given a small sign on which the initials of the owner were indicated. In the first year, 954 numbers were issued. By the way, then they cost 1 dollar.

1917 - Ella Fitzgerald, the great American (and not only) jazz singer, was born.

1931 - Ferdinand Porsche founded the company Porsche.

1940 - Al Pacino was born, an American actor of theater and cinema (“The Godfather”, “Scent of a Woman”, “The Devil's Advocate”, “Scarface”).

1945 - Bjorn Christian Ulweus, Swedish guitarist, vocalist, composer and one of the founders of the ABBA quartet, was born.

1945 - meeting on the Elbe of Soviet and American troops.

1954 - The American Research Center of the Bell Phone Company announced the creation of solar batteries.

1969 - Renee Zellweger was born, an American actress ("The Diary of Bridget Jones", "Chicago").

1997 - due to the error of programmers in Florida, the global Internet network suffers the biggest failure in history.

2005 - Crash at Amagasaki: due to speeding, the passenger train went off the rails and crashed into a multi-story parking building. 107 people died.

2015 - In Nepal, an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 Mw. Repeated earthquakes continued until April 28th. In Nepal, 8151 people died, 17 868 injured, 8 million people injured. In India, 69 people died and about 270 were injured. In China, 25 dead, 117 wounded.


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