April 29, or Zipper, Dance and Chemical Weapons Day
Zodiac Sign Taurus
Taurus, April 29. People born on on this day clearly imagine what impression they make on others, as if they constantly carry a mirror with them and periodically look into it.
Of course, when they first meet people, they try to present themselves with the greatest benefit.
Born 29 April value a good opinion of themselves. This does not mean that they are not sure of themselves - as a rule, they are very clearly aware of who they are in this world and how to behave in a given situation.
Taurus men born on April 29:
- can boast of the following distinctive features:
- loyalty,
- realism,
- hard work.
- The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and his beloved woman, and become a reliable rear and partner.
Taurus women born on April 29:
- endowed with such qualities:
- loyalty,
- femininity,
- as well as determination..
- Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention.
- Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.
Main event
Gideon Sundbek patented the zipper closure
April 29, 1913

The first prototype of the "zipper" was created by the American W. Jadson in 1893, but his device was difficult to manufacture and very unreliable in the work. After many complaints, being on the verge of bankruptcy, Judson took partners who were attracted to the works of an American engineer of Swedish origin Gideon Sundbek.
After several years of searching, Sundbek has developed a new version of "zipper" and the technology of its production. The wonder invention of Sundbek consisted of two textile ribbons, on which metal elements were staggered. The connection or disconnection of the halves was carried out by means of a lock (slider) sliding on the ribbons.
The introduction of a new version of the buckle was more long and painful than the very development of the "zipper" because of distrust from the manufacturers who remembered the first unfortunate experience.
Over time, the "zipper" proved its reliability and manufacturability, and by 1923 it became widespread.
This holiday is dedicated to all types of dance - classical and modern ballet, ballroom and folk, professional and amateur ...
The International Day of Dance is celebrated since 1982 by the decision of UNESCO, and the date April 29 was proposed by the ballet dancer, teacher and choreographer P. A. Gusev in memory of the French choreographer, theorist and reformer of choreographic art, born on this day, Jean-Georges Noverre, who entered history as the father of modern ballet.
Jean-Georges Noverr (1727–1810) performed as a dancer and headed the ballet troupe at the ''Drury Lane Theater'' in London. He first began to make a dance performances based on a serious theme, having a complete plot and played by characters.
Noverr developed the principles of heroic ballet and ballet tragedy. In 1759, his famous work “Letters on dance and ballets” was published, where Noverr substantiated the principles of the ballet-play, embodied by pantomime with a crew of the dancer, choreographer and artist.
On April 29, the UN resolution established the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Use of Chemical Weapons. This date has been celebrated since 2006 in the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and Their Destruction, which entered into force on April 29, 1997.
The Convention participants have pledged do not develop, produce, acquire in any other way, accumulate or store, transfer, use chemical weapons, or conduct military preparations for their use;
do not help, encourage or in any way induce anyone to violate the Convention;
do not use as a riot control;
do not use as weapons of war;
destroy all stocks of chemical weapons and facilities for their production no later than 10 years after the entry into force of the Convention. In 2006, this period was extended for 5 years.
188 states are parties of the Convention. 98% of the world's chemical weapons stockpiles are in the hands of the Convention’s member states. At the same time, a number of states have not joined the Convention, and they have no obligations to the international community.
1875 - born Rafael Sabatini, English writer, author of adventure novels ("Captain Blood: His Odyssey").
1897 - English physicist Joseph Thomson announced the discovery of an electron.
1899 - Duke Ellington was born, American jazz pianist, arranger, composer and conductor. He was the creator of the most extraordinary and large jazz orchestra in America.
1919 - Gerard Uri was born, French director-comedy man (''The Umbrella Coup'', ''The Sucker'', ''Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At!'').
1930 - Jean Rochefort was born, a French actor (“Angelique, Marquise of Angels”, “The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe”).
1933 - the next final of the FA Cup. ''Everton'' beat ''Manchester City'' 3:0. First time in history, football players entered the field with numbers on T-shirts. ''Everton'' players having numbers from the 1-11, and ''Manchester city'' players had numbers from the 12 - 22 (at the goalkeeper).
1957 - Daniel Day-Lewis, Irish film actor, was born. In 1990 he was awarded the Oscar for the best male role in the film “My left foot” and in 2008 for the film “There Will Be Blood”.
1958 - Michelle Pfeifer was born, American actress (''Ladyhawke'', ''The Witches of Eastwick'', ''Married to the Mob'', ''Dangerous Liaisonssons'', ''Batman Returns'').
1970 - Uma Karuna Thurman was born, American film actress (“Henry & June”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Batman and Robin”, “Kill Bill”). Her father is a professor at Columbia University who studies Buddhist religion. He was the first representative of the West among Tibetan monks. He even named his daughter after the wife of the most high god Shiva, the goddess Uma Parvati.
1970 - Andre Agassi was born, American tennis player, Olympic champion.
1978 - Denmark abolished the death penalty.
1982 - The population of China exceeded a billion people.
1989 - musician (and for some time a film actor) John Bon Jovi married in Las Vegas to Dorothea Hurley, in whom he had been in love since childhood.
1991 - cyclone in Bangladesh (April 26 - 30, maximum damage: 29th), 138,000 dead
1993 - Elizabeth II announced that Buckingham Palace would be open for tourists for the first time, and the money from the sale of entrance tickets would be used to repair the Windsor Castle, which suffered from the fire.
2011 - the wedding of the Duchess Catherine Elizabeth of Cambridge and the Duke of Cambridge Prince William.
Dance day
This holiday is dedicated to all types of dance - classical and modern ballet, ballroom and folk, professional and amateur ...
The International Day of Dance is celebrated since 1982 by the decision of UNESCO, and the date April 29 was proposed by the ballet dancer, teacher and choreographer P. A. Gusev in memory of the French choreographer, theorist and reformer of choreographic art, born on this day, Jean-Georges Noverre, who entered history as the father of modern ballet.
Jean-Georges Noverr (1727–1810) performed as a dancer and headed the ballet troupe at the ''Drury Lane Theater'' in London. He first began to make a dance performances based on a serious theme, having a complete plot and played by characters.
Noverr developed the principles of heroic ballet and ballet tragedy. In 1759, his famous work “Letters on dance and ballets” was published, where Noverr substantiated the principles of the ballet-play, embodied by pantomime with a crew of the dancer, choreographer and artist.
Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Use of Chemical Weapons
The Convention participants have pledged do not develop, produce, acquire in any other way, accumulate or store, transfer, use chemical weapons, or conduct military preparations for their use;
do not help, encourage or in any way induce anyone to violate the Convention;
do not use as a riot control;
do not use as weapons of war;
destroy all stocks of chemical weapons and facilities for their production no later than 10 years after the entry into force of the Convention. In 2006, this period was extended for 5 years.
188 states are parties of the Convention. 98% of the world's chemical weapons stockpiles are in the hands of the Convention’s member states. At the same time, a number of states have not joined the Convention, and they have no obligations to the international community.
Also on April 29...
1897 - English physicist Joseph Thomson announced the discovery of an electron.
1899 - Duke Ellington was born, American jazz pianist, arranger, composer and conductor. He was the creator of the most extraordinary and large jazz orchestra in America.
1919 - Gerard Uri was born, French director-comedy man (''The Umbrella Coup'', ''The Sucker'', ''Don't Look Now... We're Being Shot At!'').
1930 - Jean Rochefort was born, a French actor (“Angelique, Marquise of Angels”, “The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe”).
1933 - the next final of the FA Cup. ''Everton'' beat ''Manchester City'' 3:0. First time in history, football players entered the field with numbers on T-shirts. ''Everton'' players having numbers from the 1-11, and ''Manchester city'' players had numbers from the 12 - 22 (at the goalkeeper).
1957 - Daniel Day-Lewis, Irish film actor, was born. In 1990 he was awarded the Oscar for the best male role in the film “My left foot” and in 2008 for the film “There Will Be Blood”.
1958 - Michelle Pfeifer was born, American actress (''Ladyhawke'', ''The Witches of Eastwick'', ''Married to the Mob'', ''Dangerous Liaisonssons'', ''Batman Returns'').
1970 - Uma Karuna Thurman was born, American film actress (“Henry & June”, “Pulp Fiction”, “Batman and Robin”, “Kill Bill”). Her father is a professor at Columbia University who studies Buddhist religion. He was the first representative of the West among Tibetan monks. He even named his daughter after the wife of the most high god Shiva, the goddess Uma Parvati.
1970 - Andre Agassi was born, American tennis player, Olympic champion.
1978 - Denmark abolished the death penalty.
1982 - The population of China exceeded a billion people.
1989 - musician (and for some time a film actor) John Bon Jovi married in Las Vegas to Dorothea Hurley, in whom he had been in love since childhood.
1991 - cyclone in Bangladesh (April 26 - 30, maximum damage: 29th), 138,000 dead
1993 - Elizabeth II announced that Buckingham Palace would be open for tourists for the first time, and the money from the sale of entrance tickets would be used to repair the Windsor Castle, which suffered from the fire.
2011 - the wedding of the Duchess Catherine Elizabeth of Cambridge and the Duke of Cambridge Prince William.
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