May 5, or "I love you", Midwives and Disabilities


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 5People born on on this day consider it their duty to teach and enlighten others.

Regardless of their social status, they are ready to provide valuable advice on how to improve life. Their activity in this regard is too intrusive and causes noble indignation and protest from others.

However, later, many who have rejected the help of those born on May 5 come to understand how timely their advice was.


Taurus men born on May 5:
  • differ in the following properties: 
  • reliability, 
  • loyalty, 
  • firmness.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 5:
  • have the following properties: 
  • addiction, 
  • charm, and 
  • realism.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Main event

The damage from the new computer virus "I love you" was a billions dollars in North America   

May 5, 2000

The damage from the new computer virus "I love you" was a billions dollars in North America

In the beginning of the May 2000, the number of confessions in love at least 3 times higher than the average statistical indicators. Everyone recognized everything from secretaries to parliamentarians and ministers, and insistently and indiscriminately to everyone to whom they could do it. This crushing love began on May 4, 2000, when one of the users (presumably a student) sent out his new worm virus on the Internet.

Further propagation of the worm went fantastically quickly due to "fan mailing" - he sent his copies to all e-mail addresses from the Outlook address book. As a result, the spread of infected letters had an explosive effect, comparable to a nuclear chain reaction.

Let's say there are about 300 addresses in the address book of the server, 50 people work in the company, and about 20% of the staff do not understand that it is impossible to run files from attachments, we get something like this. If a letter with a virus gets to such a company, then the company leaves approximately 0.20 * 50 * 300 = 3000 infected letters. The countries of Asia were the first to suffer from the Love.Letter virus, as the virus was released right there (Philippines).

Then he came to Europe, from Europe to America and to Russia. According to the estimates of various companies, a huge number of computer networks were affected (from 30% to 80% depending on the country). The number of infected computers on the third day of the worm invasion was estimated at 3 million.

The greatest danger was to publishers and the media, including radio stations, magazines, advertising agencies and, in particular, those who own large archives of graphic and music files. This is due to the fact that "I Love You" deleted certain file types. And the upgrade of the anti-virus database allowed to remove the virus, but could not stop the already begun process of its destructive effect.

There is evidence that mail messages from "I Love You" were received at the Pentagon, the Federal Reserve Bank, the US Department of Defense; The FBI began investigating the causes and sources of the spread of the virus.

Already on May 5, only in North America, losses amounted to about a billion dollars. And in the USA themselves losses were soon estimated at $ 10 billion.


Day of Midwives

The idea of the Day of Midwives was proposed by the International Association of Midwives at a conference in the Netherlands in 1987. The status of the official holiday this day acquired only in 1992. Today it is celebrated in more than 50 countries.

The main goal of the holiday is to inform the population about the importance of the work of midwives. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this profession, because it is very often the life and health of the mother and child depends on the midwife, her experience, knowledge and skills.

Midwives help women become mothers, accompanying them from the moment they get to the hospital until getting out, they draw up documents.

They staying next to the expectant mother before, after and directly during childbirth, provide the mothers with necessary medical care and moral support. In addition to high professionalism, midwives must also possess such qualities as responsibility, kindness, responsiveness and compassion.

As part of the actions held on this day all over the world, midwives organize street processions, set up tents in public places, where they give free consultations and provide information to all who wish about their activities. They also organize meetings, seminars and conferences, share experiences and talk about new achievements in their industry, award individual representatives of the profession or whole teams of midwives.

International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

May 5 is International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This date started in 1992, when, on May 5, people with disabilities simultaneously in 17 European countries spent the day fighting for the equal rights of people with disabilities and against discrimination of people with physical, mental or sensory disabilities.

The purpose of today's date is to draw the attention of the general public to the problems related to the protection of the rights of people with disabilities, because it is obvious that their rights to employment, affordable education and infrastructure are often not respected even in economically developed countries, not to mention others.

Recall that the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated annually on December 3.

Also on May 5...

1764 - In St. Petersburg, under the decree of Empress Catherine II, the ''Educational Society of Noble Maidens'' was founded, and with it a school for petty-bourgeois girls (''Smolny Institute'') - the first Russian women's educational institution.

1818 - born Karl Marx, German philosopher, economist, sociologist, who influenced the entire political history of the 20th century.

1830 - John Bee Stetson, American entrepreneur - manufacturer of hats, was born. In 1865 he began his business, having in his hands $ 100. After 20 years, three and a half thousand workers worked at the Stetson factory, and by the end of his life, factory produced 2 million hats annually. Stetson hats were worn by all: gangsters, cowboys and presidents, but also the heroes of Gary Cooper and Humphrey Bogart.

1836 - The first railway in Europe was commissioned in Belgium.

1846 - Henryk Sienkiewicz, Polish writer, Nobel Prize in literature was born.

1891 - The Carnegie Hall concert hall opened in New York. The conductor of the first concert at the opening was Peter Tchaikovsky.

1912 - the beginning of the V Olympic Games held in Stockholm (Sweden), where for the first time the traditional opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games were held, which became traditional. The competition itself took place over two and a half months; The best results were achieved by the hosts, who won 24 gold and silver medals and 17 bronze medals.

1921 - the most famous fragrance of the twentieth century appeared - the perfume of Chanel No. 5. According to the legend, having mixed 80 different smells in one bottle, Coco Chanel chose the fifth of 10 perfume tubes, added a little “lily of the valley” to it, and assigned her name and a number of the test bottle. Perfumer Ernest Bo, who before the revolution worked at the oldest Russian perfume factory ''Ralla'', helped her to create perfumes, “which smell like a woman”.

1925 - In the US town of Dayton (Tennessee), 24-year-old school teacher John Scopes was arrested, daring to teach Charles Darwin's evolutionary theory prohibited by state law. The trial, which began two months later, was named "Monkey's" and attracted the attention of the whole world. Scopes was found guilty on July 21 and sentenced to pay $ 100. The events of this famous process served as the basis for the play "Reaping the Storm" (''Inherit the Wind'') (1955), the eponymous Hollywood film (1960) and the episode "The Monkey Suit" of the animated series "The Simpsons", as well as a large number of jokes in various publications.

1940 - Lance Henriksen was born, American actor, one of the favorite actors of James Cameron (“Aliens”, “Terminator”). Winner of a phenomenally low voice.

1949 - Representatives of Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden (later Greece, Iceland and Turkey will join the Council) at a conference in London signed a document on the formation of the Council of Europe.

1981 - born Craig David, British pop vocalist and musician.

1988 - Adele, English singer and songwriter, performing pop jazz / soul.

1988 - the first broadcast from the summit of Everest took place.

1998 - Englishman Paddy Doyle set a record for jumping squatting - in 1 hour he jumped up squatting 3,743 times

2000 - the damage from the new computer virus “I love you” amounted to a billion dollars only in North America.

2000 - a parade of planets.


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