April 27, or Diapers Birthday


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

TaurusApril 27. People born on on this day usually act behind the scenes. They rarely become leaders, unless circumstances force them to do so.

They find their greatest satisfaction in being able to retire and act in an atmosphere of complete tranquility. They are not characterized by increased social activity.

Born 27 April can exercise their influence on the course of events without a physical presence. They have a powerful intellectual charge, their thoughts, undertakings and even their image can set any processes in motion. And in solitude, they never feel alone.

In addition, they never suffer from jealousy towards those who find themselves in the center of public attention.

They always look for benefits from their actions, make sure that the work is completed on time, so they simply do not have time to receive criticism or praise.

They themselves know their pros and cons, are aware of the mistakes and mistakes they have made, so they do not need external evaluation.


Taurus men born on April 27:
  • possess the following distinctive features: 
  • prudence, 
  • passion, 
  • devotion.
  • The Taurus man does not have powerful energy, he does not gush with ideas, is somewhat lazy and passive, but he is able to provide material comfort, take on all the worries about the family and his beloved woman, and become a reliable rear and partner.
Taurus women born on April 27:
  • are not like others in such features: 
  • naturalness, 
  • reliability, 
  • and also decisiveness.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Birthday of a diapers

April 27, 1965

Birthday of a diapers

April 27, 1965 in the US were patented disposable diapers under the brand name "Pampers." Their creator was Victor Mills - American chemist, lead technologist of the company "Procter & Gamble" and part-time grandfather of three small grandsons.

The history of creating diapers began much earlier, when Mills was forced to look after his grandchildren. Faced with a lot of inconveniences associated with the change of diapers, he thought of - washing is not necessary, but should be thrown away. He realized that there should be a disposable diaper (from a material that absorbs the fluid well and does not constrict the child's movements), which can be changed quickly and without complications, and then simply discarded.

The idea of ​​Mills was to create a folded gasket with a high absorbing capacity, and already this gasket was planned to be placed in plastic panties of a special shape. The first models Mills tested on their own grandchildren. Home tests have confirmed the promise of the idea.

But the American population reacted negatively to the batch of the new product, as the conditions for testing were chosen extremely unfavorably. Disposable diapers attempted to use in the summer in the city of Dallas, when the temperature did not fall below +30 C. Because of the plastic panties worn by the child at this temperature, the babies irritated skin almost instantly.

But, fortunately, the hands of the developers did not descend, and the following tests in March 1959 became a date in the history of mankind, which marked the first successful mass use of disposable diapers.

The creators refused to dense plastic, the product became softer, better absorbed moisture. Two-thirds of the families participating in the experiment recognized the fact that new disposable diapers are better than old and familiar ones.

Positive feedback has markedly intensified the enthusiasm not only of Mills, but also of the management of the company "Procter & Gamble". The first diaper was called "Pampers" - from the English word "pamper" - to "pamper" or "cherish", "pamper". Also, equipment was created for the mass production of disposable diapers, which went on sale.

Since the invention of diapers, the technology of their production and materials have been improved. Modern diapers eliminate the contact of the tender baby skin with irritants, reduce its contact with moisture, and prevent friction.

In addition, they come in different types and sizes, depending on the weight and gender of the child. Today, along with baby diapers, there are diapers for adults and even for animals. Moreover, this useful invention has long left the boundaries of the Earth and without them there is not a single space flight. They are also used, for example, for long races on cars and in other similar situations, and the world market of disposable diapers annually absorbs products worth billions of dollars.

In Folk Calendar

Martyn Fox Chaser

According to hunters, on this day, foxes move from old to new holes. 

It is believed that the first three days and three nights of their housewarming fox are blind and deaf.

Also on April 27...

1521 - In the Philippines, the natives killed the Portuguese navigator Fernand Magellan, the first navigator under whose command a round-the-world voyage was made.

1791 - Samuel Finley Breeze Morse, American artist and inventor, 1st President of the National Academy of Drawing, was born. Everyone knows his telegraph and alphabet code. But morse painter know a few. One of his paintings is the ''Gallery of the Louvre'', which depicts 38 masterpieces of this museum, Morse himself and his friend the writer Fenimore Cooper and his family.

1822 - Ulis Simpson Grant, American General, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Army during the American Civil War and the 18th President of the United States (1869-77), was born.

1828 - London Zoo opened.

1865 - disaster on the Mississippi River (USA) with the passenger wheelboat "Sultana". The ship was overloaded - 2394 people - more than 3 times the permissible rate. In addition, passing cargo and coal were taken. 8 miles from Memphis, a steam boiler exploded. In a matter of minutes the ship turns into a gigantic bonfire floating upriver: the steam engine and the second boiler were not injured, the paddle wheels continued to rotate. The number of people killed by the explosion, killed in the fire, drowned and missing was about 1653 people, 741 people were saved. About 70 people died from injuries and burns in the hospital. The total number of victims of this disaster was more than 1,700 people.

1899 - Walter Lanz was born (died 1994), an American cartoonist, animator, producer and director, known mainly as the creator of the cartoon character Woody Woodpecker.

1909 - Valentina Grizodubova was born (died 1993), Soviet pilot, participant of one of the record flights, the first woman who have award - ''Hero of the Soviet Union'' (1938).

1945 - Adolf Hitler gave the order to open the floodgates on the Spree River and flood the subway stations after learning that Soviet soldiers had penetrated the subway. Thousands of people are dying - wounded German soldiers, women, children.

1963 - Fidel Castro Ruz, the leader of the Cuban revolution, arrives in Moscow for the first time. He flew secretly from Liberty Island, since it was impossible to exclude the possibility of an “accidental” attack of his plane by the Americans.

1975 - in the ''Formula 1'' race for the first and last time in history, a points were scored by the woman.

1982 - On the night of this day, the 27-year-old South Korean police officer Wu Bom Cohn, while in heavy drunkenness, killed 57 and wounded 35 people (the most mass murder by one person).

1984 - Patrick Martin Stump, American musician, front-man, pop-rock band ''Fall Out Boy''.

1993 - For the first time since 1949, a meeting took place between representatives of China and Taiwan.

2005 - the first flight was made by an ''Airbus A380'' airliner.


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