May 21, or island of Saint Helena, Cultural Diversity and John the Theologian


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 21People, whose birthday falls on this day, can be compared to squirrels in a wheel.

You rush from place to place, constantly meeting people, here and there, collecting bits of information. A wonderful conversationalist, you are always ready to share what you have learned with others.

Preferring to slide on the tops, you perfectly grasp the essence of the problem and the most important positions, better understanding people and understanding situations more subtly than even those who go into details.

The reason for this lies in the fact that this date falls on the Taurus-Gemini transitional sign, which means that you fully received the features of both.


Taurus men born on May 21:
  • are distinguished by the following properties: 
  • reliability, 
  • honesty, 
  • musicality.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.

Taurus women born on May 21:
  • possess the following traits: 
  • charm, 
  • addiction, 
  • courage.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Main event

The Spanish navigator João da Nova opened the island of Saint Helena

May 21, 1502

The Spanish navigator João da Nova opened the island of Saint Helena

As a state since 1143, Portugal has always been turned to the sea. Since ancient times fisheries and trade have been the most important. Interest in research, together with the development of technologies in navigation, gave birth to Portuguese expansion and great geographical discoveries.

One such discoverer was the Spanish navigator João da Nova, who was in the service of the Portuguese. In 1501, following from Portugal to India at the head of a fleet of 4 ships, he found the Ascension island in the Atlantic Ocean, and on the way back - another small island.

This island in the South Atlantic was found da Nova on May 21, 1502, the day of St. Helena, hence the name of the island. Saint Helena - a volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, 1,900 km to the west of South Africa and an area of ​​122

The island has long remained unknown to other Europeans, until 1588, when he was visited by English captain Cavendish on his way back from his voyage around the world.

The settlement of the island began even later - only in the middle of the 17th century, when the Dutch founded the first colony here. According to legend, St. Helena is the first point in the southern hemisphere, where European colonization began.

This island has become a strategically important object, as it served as a point of supply of water and food for sea vessels on the way to India.

In the 17th century island was owned by the Dutch for a short time, but in a bitter struggle for possession of the island  England won, and in 1659 the island came to the East India Company, which owned island until 1834, after which the island became a colony of Great Britain.

But the most famous island of St. Helena, as a place of exile of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815-1821 years when the British government kept him prisoner here, and here he died in 1821.

But the most famous island of St. Helena, as a place of exile of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815-1821 years
Place of exile Napoleon

Now the island belongs directly to the English crown. Under the constitution of 1967, St. Helena received limited self-government. Head of government is the English governor, who directly manages the activities of the Legislative and Executive Councils. In addition to the governor, the government secretary and treasurer are appointed to the Legislative Council, and 12 members of the council are elected by the population. The Executive Council performs the functions of the government.

The main occupation of the island's population is agriculture and fishing. Foreign trade is conducted only with the United Kingdom and the United States. St. Helena is provided with considerable financial assistance from the metropolis.

The population of the island is about 4,500 inhabitants (2016), mostly mulattoes - descendants of English and Portuguese immigrants, exiles, African slaves, workers from China and India.


World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development 

This date proclaimed by the UN General Assembly  instead of World Day for the Development of Culture.

If we turn to official sources, this Day provides an opportunity to further understand the values of cultural diversity and the opportunity to learn to develop cooperation among the peoples of the world.

John the Theologian Day

Orthodox today remember John the Theologian - and he is also considered the patron saint of writers, editors and publishers. In addition to bookmakers, he is considered his patron by booksellers and workers in the paper industry.

Also on May 21...

1091 - the first recorded eclipse of the Sun in Russia occurred.

1265 - Dante Alighieri was born, Italian poet and thinker, author of the Divine Comedy, creator of the Italian literary language.

1471 - born Albrecht Dürer, German painter and theorist of Renaissance art.

1853 - self-taught naturalist Philip Henry Gosse set up in Water Riding Park in Ridgers Park in London - in fact, the first aquarium.

1859 - the launch of the Big Ben clock in London.

1892 - The premiere of one of the most performed operas in the world, The Pianzas, took place in Milan.

1904 - FIFA - International Football Federation was founded in Paris.

1916 - “summer” time is introduced in the UK for the first time in world practice.

1925 - In the United States, Clarence Birdsay applied deep freezing to preserve products that have undergone prior culinary processing.

1928 - Walt Disney received a patent for the exclusive use of the image of Mickey Mouse.

1980 - The United States hosted the premiere of the film "The Empire Strikes Back" from the Star Wars series.

1982 - The Falklands War: Great Britain launched a naval landing on the Falkland Islands.

1997 - In Washington, the American company Mattel, which sells millions of Barbie dolls around the world, held a presentation of its new product, the Becky doll, “politically correct” called “partially disabled Barbie girlfriend. Becky sold complete with a wheelchair of the traditional “Matell” pink color.

2008 - “Iodine Day” in St. Petersburg: a wave of rumors spread around the city about the alleged release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere at the Leningrad NPP. Pharmacies in St. Petersburg sold out the entire stock of iodine-containing drugs.


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