May 9, or Victory Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 9People born on on this day have a heightened sense of justice, they are extremely reliable personalities and inspire those around them to be equally reverent about fulfilling their once promises.

Supporting the just cause is a natural need for these truly obsessed people. Moreover, they have the courage to fight for their ideals, even sacrifice themselves for the sake of their realization.

A certain problem for those born on May 9 is excessive enthusiasm for ideas, undertakings or goals, which does not imply careful planning of actions.


Taurus men born on May 9:
  • have the following distinctive features: 
  • realism, 
  • musicality, 
  • honesty.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 9:
  • have the following nature differences: 
  • loyalty, 
  • down-to-earthness, 
  • and decisiveness.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Victory Day

Soviet soldiers are celebrating a Victory Day
Soviet soldiers are celebrating a Victory Day

War always begins suddenly, although a generation later for historians it seems inevitable. In 1941 the most terrible, the closest, the most expensive - the Great Patriotic War began. They say that without the huge losses the Nazis could not stop ...

Today, May 9 - Victory Day in the war over fascist Germany - is one of the most important, touching and glorious holidays in Russia, the former Soviet republics and many countries of Europe.

In the Berlin operation in 1945, which was the final in the Great Patriotic War, over 2.5 million soldiers and officers, 6,250 tanks and self-propelled guns, and 7,500 aircraft were involved. The losses were enormous: according to official figures, the Red Army lost more than 15,000 soldiers and officers per day. In total, in the Berlin operation, Soviet troops lost 352,000 people.

May 9: Victory Day
Soviet soldiers put the flag on the Reichstag

During the operation tanks were widely used in the city. In such conditions, tanks could not apply a wide maneuver, as a result of which they became a convenient target for anti-tank weapons of the Hitlerites. This also led to high losses: in two weeks of fighting, the Red Army lost a third of the tanks and self-propelled artillery units (self-propelled guns) that participated in the Berlin operation, which amounted to 1997 units. Also, 2,108 guns and mortars and 917 combat aircraft were lost. As a result of the operation, the Soviet troops completely defeated 70 infantry, 12 tank and 11 motorized enemy divisions, captured about 480 thousand people.

May 9, 1945 at the Central airfield named after Frunze landed a plane "Li-2" with the crew of AI. Semenkov, who delivered to Moscow an act of surrendering fascist Germany. And on June 24, the Victory Parade was held on Red Square in Moscow. Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky commanded parade, hosted the parade - Marshal Georgy Zhukov.

At the parade, the regiments of the fronts: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Byelorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian, held a solemn march. The combined regiment Of the Navy. As part of the regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front, a special column was held by representatives of the Polish Army. Ahead of the combined regiments of the fronts were the commanders of the fronts and armies, Heroes of the Soviet Union carrying the banners of glorified units and formations. The parade ended with a march of 200 standard-bearers who flung the banners of defeated German troops to the platform at the foot of the Mausoleum.

The parade ended with a march of 200 standard-bearers who flung the banners of defeated German troops to the platform at the foot of the Mausoleum

The Victory Day of the Soviet Union over fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War was and remains one of the most revered holidays in Russia and in the former Soviet republics. According to the glorious tradition of recent years, everywhere, volunteers are distributed George ribbons, which not only veterans, but also the young people are tied up and worn as a symbol of the connection between generations and the memory of the Great Victory.

Also on this day, there are wreath-laying ceremonies for monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, various events are held to honor veterans of war and workers of the rear front, festive concerts, lessons of courage in educational institutions, reconstruction of battles and much more.

The tradition of recent years was the holding on May 9 of the civil-patriotic action "Immortal Regiment", which today became an international public movement to preserve personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War. Every year on the Victory Day, the participants of the movement march through the streets of the city with photos of their relatives - veterans of the army and navy, partisans, underground fighters, Resistance fighters, back workers, prisoners of concentration camps, blockades, children of war - and also write family stories about them in the People's Chronicle on the website of the movement "Immortal Regiment". To date, this action covers more than 80 states and territories.

Also on May 9...

1502 - Christopher Columbus, with a small flotilla of four ships and a crew of 150 men, sailed from Cadiz on his last, fourth trip to America.

1837 - Adam Opel was born, a German industrialist, founder of Opel.

1860 - born James Barry, Scottish playwright and writer. The most famous work of the writer was the play "Peter Pan" - the story of a boy who did not want to become an adult.

1886 - Second estimated date of Coca-Cola creation.

1907 - On this day, the American Anna Jarvis began her national campaign to establish the celebration of Mother's Day in the United States.

1911 - Russian scientist B. L. Rosing conducted the world's first television program.

1913 - the movie world learned about Fantomas: the silent movie  "Fantomas Man for the Guillotine" directed by Louis Feyad with the demonic René Navar in the lead role was released. This tape had little to do with the comedy "Fantomas" of the mid-sixties. Then, in 1913, for the first week of hire, 80 thousand people watched this movie. Steamers and restaurants began to be called in the name of the cine-hero, the statuettes of Fantomas and his dummies scattered in full size like hot cakes. Fantomas has become a brand.

1949 - Billy Joel, American singer and composer was born.

1960 - the world's first contraceptive pill went on sale in the United States.

1962 - David Gaan was born, vocalist of the British band ''Depeche Mode''.

1970 - Anita and Abbie Hoffman staged an "electronic voodoo" ritual in front of the 30,000th anti-war rally: mumbling spells, they broke the television, from the screen of which Nixon announced the introduction of American troops into Cambodia. In response to the US invasion of Cambodia, 400 hippies staged an invasion of the United States from the Canadian border, attacked Blair, threw paint bottles into the windows, pretending to threaten the residents. Flashmob, in short.

1996 - Tux became the official mascot of Linux.

2003 - on the main assembly line of the Zaporozhie Automobile Plant, the first copies of new Opel models - the Corsa, Astra and Vectra - were assembled.


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