May 16, or Peaceful Coexistence and Biographers Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 16. Born on this day should find a middle ground between the manifestation of their unrestrained disposition and the preservation of more or less justified stability.

Many of those born on this day realize too early that eccentric tendencies are raging in them, and consider themselves extroverts.

Of course, there are those among them who were brought up in severity from childhood, in this case the fire flares up in them already in their mature years.

Be that as it may, the raging disposition in these people is revealed sooner or later. Born 16 may may come across as quite balanced individuals; indeed, many of them are ingratiating and even obsequious.


Taurus men born on May 16:
  • differ in the following qualities: 
  • hardness, 
  • practicality, 
  • naturalness.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 16:
  • endowed with such properties: 
  • naturalness, 
  • down-to-earthness, 
  • as well as sobriety.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


International Day of Peaceful Coexistence

May 16: International Day of Peaceful Coexistence

On December 8, 2017, the UN General Assembly, by its Resolution (72/130), proclaimed May 16 as the International Day of Living Together in Peace, with the aim of constantly mobilizing the efforts of the international community to promote peace, tolerance, unity, mutual understanding and solidarity of people of the Earth.

Peaceful coexistence involves the recognition of differences, the ability to listen, understand, respect and appreciate others, as well as the ability to live in peace and unity. In an international format, peaceful coexistence is a type of relationship between states with different social systems, cultures, histories, traditions, which implies: the rejection of war as a means of resolving disputes between states, and resolving all disputes only through negotiations, and observance of other principles in relations between states, enshrined in international legal instruments.

The United Nations itself was created after the Second World War in order to protect future generations from disasters and the likelihood of new wars. The work of the Organization is to establish international cooperation in solving global economic, social, cultural or humanitarian problems, as well as in promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, regardless of race, gender, language or religion.

Back in 1997, the General Assembly proclaimed the year 2000 as the "International Year for the Culture of Peace", and next year the period 2001-2010 - "the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World". In October 1999, the General Assembly adopted the Declaration and the Program of Action for a Culture of Peace, which serve as a universal mandate for the international community, especially the UN system, in the task of promoting a culture of peace and non-violence.

Such a declaration was the result of the development of the concept that "thoughts about war arise in the minds of people, therefore, in the minds of people, the idea of ​​protecting the world should be rooted." After all, the world is not only a lack of conflict, but also a positive, dynamic process of participation, in which dialogue is encouraged, and conflicts are resolved in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation. Therefore, all forms of discrimination and intolerance must be eliminated in the society, including on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status.

And today, on the International Day for Peaceful Coexistence, the UN invites all Member States, UN system organizations and other international and public organizations and individuals to celebrate this date in accordance with their cultural traditions and other suitable circumstances or their local, national or regional customs, including through education and awareness-raising activities.

Biographers Day

Biographers Day is celebrated on the anniversary of the first meeting of Samuel Johnson with his future biographer James Boswell.

The meeting took place in one of the bookstores in London in 1763, and the resultant relationship between them was the two-volume, ''The Life of Samuel Johnson'' published in 1791.

The Englishman Samuel Johnson, or Dr. Johnson, as he was often called, was an eminent critic, lexicographer, and poet of the second half of the 18th century. The most famous of his work was the "Dictionary of the English language", on which Johnson worked for 9 years.

Scotsman James Boswell, a writer and memoirist, was honored to record for many years Johnson's conversations, his incredibly witty sayings and criticisms. "The Life of Samuel Johnson," according to many literary critics, has become the greatest biography in English, popular and readable to this day.

Also on May 16...

1703 - on the swampy bank of the Neva River on Hare Island, Peter the Great laid the foundation of the fortress St. Peter-Burh, which later became known as Peter and Paul. This date is considered the birthday of St. Petersburg.

1717 - Voltaire was imprisoned in the Bastille for his satirical works.

1764 - The Royal College of Artillery was founded in Alcazar of Segovia, now known as the Artillery Academy (Spanish) Russian. - The world's oldest active military academy.

1769 - Virginia’s parliament ruled that Britain was not allowed to collect taxes from American colonists.

1849 - The Prussian government, taking advantage of the fact that Karl Marx, as early as 1845, left Prussian citizenship, issued an order to expel him from Prussia as a foreigner. Marx went to Paris, from where he would also soon be expelled and would be forced to move to London, where he would live until the end of his days. So the ghost of communism and began its glorious ferment in Europe.

1881 - The world's first electric tram passed in Germany on the outskirts of Berlin. A model with an arc and wires appeared later - in 1890.

1919 - The beginning of the first flight across the Atlantic Ocean by the American pilot Albert Reed.

1920 - Joan of Arc, the folk hero of France, was canonized by the Vatican. A girl from a peasant family who, during the Hundred Years War, led the French against the British invaders, and in 1429 liberated Orleans from the siege, was captured by the Burgundians in 1430 They sold it to the British, who declared Jeanne a sorceress and, by a verdict of the ecclesiastical court, executed her by burning at the stake.

1929 - The first awards ceremony of the ''American Academy of Film Arts''. The prizes awarded were called ''Oscars'' only from 1931, while Janet Gaynor won the ''Best Actress Award'', Emil Jannings won the ''Best Female Award'', and William Wellman ''Wings'' movie took the first place. In this silent film it was told about two American pilots who were in love with one woman (she was played by Clara Bow) during the First World War.

1930 - In the province of Ontario (Canada), uranium ore deposits were discovered, which the Americans began to use to produce their first atomic bombs, later dropped on Japan.

1953 - Pierce Brosnan was born; Anglo-American actor, the penultimate James Bond.

1970 - England national football team, which recorded the song “Back Home” in its performance, led the British charts for three weeks. There was less success on the Mexican fields, and the British returned home, losing the championship title.

1986 - Megan Fox was born, an American actress.

1995 - In the Netherlands, a paper airplane with a wingspan of 13.97 m was made.

2000 - A new drug for alcoholism was tested in the USA.

2003 - A series of suicide attacks against Jewish targets in Casablanca.


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