May 17, or First Color Photo, Homophobia, Information Technology, First Internet Server Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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TaurusMay 17For those who were born on this day, a fundamental approach to life is characteristic, they strive to reach the very essence in everything.

Regardless of the area in which their activity takes place, they try to give everything a simple, but sometimes quite deep explanation.

Born 17 May do not like to be bound by compromises or burden their own person with unnecessary difficulties.

They are not very tactful; always say what they think. This approach can cause both antagonism on the part of others and ensure unconditional success.


Taurus men born on May 17:
  • are distinguished by the following features: 
  • hardness, 
  • performance, 
  • prudence.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 17:
  • endowed with such qualities: 
  • femininity, 
  • loyalty, 
  • as well as sensuality.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Main event

For the first time, a color photograph taken using the method of the physicist James Maxwell was shown publicly

May 17, 1861

For the first time, a color photograph taken using the method of the physicist James Maxwell was shown publicly

In London's King's College on May 17, 1861 was the first publicly demonstrated color photograph, made by the method of Scottish physicist James Maxwell (1831-1879). As a photographed object, Maxwell chose a ribbon from a plaid tartan against a black velvet background.

The essence of the method was as follows: three glass positives were projected onto the screen simultaneously through glass vessels filled with red, green and blue liquids, each of which was imprinted through an appropriate filter. The role of the filter in this experiment was played by a vessel. Then the images were superimposed on each other, and a photograph was obtained.

The opinions of Maxwell's contemporaries about his demonstration were ambiguous. But one can say for sure that it has become one more step in the development of photography.

Today it is known that the red colors on the removed checkered tape reflected the ultraviolet rays, which were registered by the photographic plate during the survey, and the green filter was not strictly zoned and let the blue rays pass.

The International Day Against Homophobia

The International Day Against Homophobia (IDAHO) is celebrated on May 17 in memory of the exclusion of homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases on May 17, 1990.

The main objective of this was to attract public attention to gays, lesbians, bisexuals and trans-gender people (LGBT), especially in those countries where sexuality is still considered taboo, and LGBT people are discriminated.

The day was not chosen by chance - it was on May 17, 1990 that the World Health Organization General Assembly excluded homosexuality from the list of mental diseases.

To establish the International Day for the Fight against Homophobia, the organizing committee published the petition “For the International Day to Combat Homophobia” written by Louis-Georges Teng and addressed to the UN and governments and parliaments of all countries.

By May 17, 2005, after a campaign that lasted a year, the “IDAHO appeal” was signed by about 24 thousand people.


  • opposing any physical, moral and symbolic violence against people with a different sexual orientation or gender identity;
  • support and coordination of all initiatives around the world that help all citizens achieve equal rights;
  • display of solidarity with all lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people of the world, including where they are not able to speak out for their rights;
  • a broader human rights campaign.
The recognition of this day make certain obligations on the international community, which has already united in the fight against many other forms of discrimination and social violence, but so far in most states has not provided broad support in the fight for equal rights regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 

The World Telecommunication and Information Society Day replaced the previously celebrated International Telecommunications Day and World Information Society Day.

"International Day of Telecommunications" was celebrated in 1969-2005. The date of the holiday is associated with the creation of the International Telegraph Union on May 17, 1865, which was later renamed the ''International Telecommunication Union'' (ITU).

In his 2006 message on World Information Society Day, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan noted the importance of establishing this memorable day. ''The date noted, emphasizes the link between the enormous potential of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the acceleration of development'', said K. Annan. He called on all UN member states to develop measures to increase security and build confidence in information and communication technologies, to create a free, secure information society.

Now it is a professional holiday for all programmers, system administrators, Internet providers, web designers, editors of Internet publications and all other people involved in the field of information technology.

The First Internet Server Appeared

By the way, in 1991 this day became important and significant in the life of all users of the World Wide Web due to another event: the first Internet server appeared.

The WWW project (World Wide Web) began its existence much earlier - in 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee first published his ideas and proposals for creating a worldwide computer network. However, the detailed development of the project began only a year later, when Tim got access to the NeXT computer. Which became the first Internet server, browser (web browser) and network editor.

Only after that it became possible to translate the ideas of Berners-Lee into reality. On May 17, 1991, the draft was finalized and submitted to the CS Committee. It was then that the first Internet server appeared and the standard for WWW (World Wide Web) pages was approved.

During 1991, servers appeared in other research centers in Europe and the USA. By November 1992, there were 26 servers in the world, by the end of 1993, this figure had increased significantly and exceeded 200. In 1995, the WWW reached such proportions that it could no longer be called an "amateur network." Today, the Internet is used by hundreds of millions of users, and the number of servers has reached enormous numbers, and continues to grow.

Also on May 17...

1718 - English lawyer James Pakl patented the world's first machine gun.

1749 - Edward Jenner was born, an English doctor, surgeon, creator of the smallpox vaccine.

1792 - 24 brokers hiding from the sun under the shade of a spreading tree set up the New York Stock Exchange. Where the tree grew, Wall Street is located today.

1805 - Beethoven's Kreutzer Sonata premiere took place in Bonn.

1846 - Belgian Adolf Saks patented the saxophone.

1916 - in England for the first time in the world, the changing to summer time was done.

1944 - liquidation of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In one night - on May 18 - about 200 thousand Crimean Tatars were taken from the Crimea to the settlement in the regions of Central Asia, the Urals and the Upper Volga region.

1961 - Enya Brennan was born, the famous Irish singer and composer.

1963 - The first folk festival is held in Monterey (California), at which Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger perform.

1997 - Paul McCartney received over 3 million questions over the Internet in 30 minutes (world record).

1998 - A curry dish weighing 2,653 kg (world record) was cooked in Maldon (England).

2000 - in Copenhagen in the UEFA Cup final, Turkish “Galatasaray” after a goalless draw in main and extra time beat Arsenal in London on a penalty 4: 1. For the first time in history, one of the prizes of European football went to the representatives of Turkey.

2012 - Donna Summer (b. 1948), American singer, died.


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