May 6, or The Grand Opening


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 6People born on on this day speak the language of fantasy, imagination and the subconscious.

Those born on may 6 are characterized by increased compassion for others; they accurately guess the moods and aspirations of others and strive to bring them to life, becoming a kind of guiding star.

Teachers, counselors, caring parents, they skillfully lead their charges into a bright tomorrow, helping them to overcome obstacles, to understand the motivation of actions.


Taurus men born on May 6:
  • can boast the following qualities: 
  • poise, 
  • determination, 
  • musicality.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 6:
  • are not like others with such properties: 
  • dependence, 
  • tenderness, 
  • as well as sensuality.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.

Most event

The grand opening of the Tunnel under the English Channel and connecting France and England took place

May 6, 1994

Entrance to the tunnel
Entrance to the tunnel

On May 6, 1994, a ceremony of putting into operation a transport tunnel laid under the English Channel and connecting England and France was held. It was solemnly opened by the leaders of the participating countries - Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and French President Francois Mitterrand.

One of the greatest buildings of the 20th century, the tunnel under the Channel or Eurotunnel, connecting continental Europe with Britain, for a long time retained the title of the longest tunnel in the world (in this capacity it was replaced by the Seikan tunnel). Its total length is about 51 km, of which 38 km - directly under the seabed.

The idea of ​​linking England to the continent first appeared in the early 19 th century, when the French engineer A. Mathieu presented a project of an underwater tunnel. For many years, scientists have been developing different ways of overcoming the English Channel, putting forward ever more fantastic projects. But practical results had to wait almost 100 years.

After the Second World War, the idea of ​​building a tunnel was again revived, but all decisions rested on financial difficulties. In 1984, the governments of Britain and France came to the conclusion that without the involvement of private funds construction is impossible, and announced a competition for the best design of the tunnel. In 1986, such a project was chosen, and the countries signed a construction contract. The main contractor was the Anglo-French consortium, consisting of 10 companies and 5 investment banks.

Work began on the English shore in December 1987, and in French - three months later. Huge machines with rotating cutting heads were spent on laying 1 km per month. One can only imagine the difficulties encountered by the builders - a shaky and unreliable ground, a constant danger of flooding, etc.

At the planned point, the parties met in December 1990, the last meters were drilled on both sides by hand - using picks and shovels. Having completed the breakdown of the service tunnel, the builders continued the construction of the two main ones, then the laying of rails, the laying of communications, the technical equipment of railway terminals in Folkestone (England) and in the vicinity of Calais (France), etc.,

After the inauguration of the tunnel on May 6, 1994, regular transport communication of Britain with the continent was opened at the end of the same year. In reality, Eurotunnel consists of two main tunnels, which have a rail track for trains, and one service tunnel that performs operational functions. Special trains with platforms for cars and carriages for passengers depart every hour. Today the journey from London to Paris takes less than three hours.

The grand tunnel under the Channel was a monument of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the project turned out to be very expensive (10 billion pounds sterling), and all expenses have not paid off until now, this structure still represents a sample of modern engineering skills, equally considering safety and functionality.

Also on May 6...

1626 - Dutch settler Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island from native Americans for glass beads costing about $ 25.

1686 - Russia and Poland concluded the “Eternal Peace”, according to which the Poles recognized the loss of Left-Bank Ukraine and Kiev.

1715 - “The Military Article”, the first military-criminal and military-procedural code of Russia, developed during the period when Peter the Great created the regular army, was published.

1840 - English mail began to use postage stamps. The Queen of England put into circulation the world's first postage stamps — one-penny black and two-penny blue, both with the profile of Queen Victoria.

1856 - Sigmund Freud was born, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist, founder of the theory and method of treatment of neurosis, called psychoanalysis and became one of the most influential psychological teachings of the twentieth century.

1861 - Rabindranath Tagore, Indian writer, poet, composer, artist, public figure was born. He became the first among non-Europeans who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1913).

1872 - In England, established the football Cup.

1895 - Rudolph Valentino (Rodolfo Pietro Filiberto Rafaello Guglielmi) was born, an American actor who gave the moviegoers a perfect example of a Latin lover. Quote: "I do not like women who know too much."

1916 - the first communication took place in the USA with the help of a radio telephone between coast and ship. The captain of the ship New Hampshire received instructions from the leadership of the navy on further actions.

1952 - Christian Clavier, French actor, screenwriter and producer (“Aliens”, “Asterix and Obelix”) was born.

1953 - American surgeon John Gibbon for the first time successfully applied the device "artificial heart - lungs" for open-heart surgery.

1961 - George Clooney was born, an American film actor (''Ambulance'', ''From Dusk Till Dawn'', ''Ocean's Eleven'', ''Descendants'', etc.).

1992 - Marlene Dietrich (b. 1901), German and American actress and singer, died.

2012 - The “Marsh of Millions” took place in Russia, which led to the “Swamp case”.


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