May 7, or Radio and Man of the Sea Day


Zodiac Sign Taurus

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May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 7People born on on this day are distinguished by exceptional devotion. They will give the last thing they serve, be it religion, profession, art or society.

Although money in itself does not bother them too much, those born on May 7 feel the taste of material wealth and enjoy the beautiful objects that surround their life. Perhaps because they do not seek to get rich at any cost, they are often bombarded with gifts, inheritances, or hefty rewards.

The less enlightened persons of those born on May 7 are quite satisfied with material acquisitions; their more erudite brethren prefer to advance from the material to the spiritual.

Sometimes the goals determined by these people have a religious connotation, but even atheists from among those born on May 7 are distinguished by exceptional devotion to their ideals.


Taurus men born on May 7:
  • have the following properties: 
  • prudence, 
  • determination, 
  • passion.
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.

Taurus women born on May 7:
  • endowed with such properties: 
  • fidelity, 
  • tenderness, 
  • as well as realism.
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


Birthday of a Radio

May 7, 1895

May 7: Birthday of a Radio

The day of May 7 entered the history of world science and technology as the birthday of radio. It was on this day in 1895, at a meeting of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, that the Russian physicist Alexander Stepanovich Popov made a presentation and a demonstration of the world's first radio receiver, having made his first radio communication session. And today it is a holiday of workers of all communication branches.

And, it seems, more recently Russian Popov and Italian Marconi tried to convert electromagnetic oscillations into human speech, and less than a century ago, detector receivers with headphones were perceived as a miracle. But today radio, television, mobile communication have become the natural attributes of our life.

The modern informational boom is the result of the work of many generations of scientists, engineers, technicians - all those who are connected with the fate of the telecommunications industry. And therefore, Radio Day can be safely called a professional holiday of workers of television, radio broadcasting, postal workers, signalers, shortwave radio amateurs. All those who promptly inform us about the most important events taking place in the world, unite on the radio waves human affairs, thoughts and souls.

Recall that on April 18 in many countries around the world there is another holiday of all amateur radio enthusiasts - World Radio Amateur Day, and on February 13 - a very young holiday - World Radio Day.

Day of the Man of the Sea

Every year on May 7, the ancient fishing town of Nazaré, located about 100 kilometers north of the Portuguese capital Lisbon, turns into the sea capital of the country.

On this day, thousands of tourists come here from all over the world, residents of Portugal come to plunge into the ocean of the holiday dedicated to the gifts of the sea. The Day of the Man of the Sea is celebrated here, which, by the way, is considered unofficial, but they are aware of an unusual day all over the world. The paradox is that the Day of Man of the Sea is celebrated where there is no sea. After all, the village itself is located on the Atlantic coast. But this does not prevent residents for hundreds of years to organize a grand celebration and praise maritime traditions.

Local traditions and bright colored clothing of the citizens will provide this day a lot of impressions. What can we say about the festive procession of beautifully decorated fishing schooners! In honor of the Day of Man of the Sea, mass celebrations, contests, dances are held on the coast, and all this is accompanied by local merry music. Wives of fishermen wear traditional headscarves and embroidered aprons on top of seven flannel skirts of various colors. So the streets of the village are full of all sorts of colors.

The entertainment program necessarily includes feasts. Along the entire beach with a length of more than 1 km there are numerous restaurants and cafes serving freshly caught seafood. Guests and participants of the events are generously treated to a variety of dishes from natural fish and seafood. So do not even think about ordering meat on this day - at best, you can be simply ignored. In the national cuisine, the most popular fish is a cod, in Portuguese bakulau. They say they cook about 300 different dishes from it!!!
Robolo - wolf bass, monkfish and swordfish are considered no less tasty. The chefs of local cafes and restaurants are known as excellent masters of fish cooking and sauces for octopus, lobster and squid dishes.

Also on May 7...

399 BC - died Socrates (b. 469 BC), Ancient Greek philosopher.

1663 - The Royal Theater opened in central London. Nine years later it burned down, but was re-erected in its current location on Drury Lane. Today it is the oldest theater in England.

1774 - Francis Beaufort was born, an English sailor who developed a 12-point scale of wind power. In 1838, the Beaufort scale was adopted in the British fleet, and then by sailors all over the world. Zero on the Beaufort scale - calm, 4 points - moderate wind, 6 points - strong wind, 10 points - storm, 12 points - hurricane.

1812 - Robert Browning was born, an English poet (and the pistols had nothing to do with it), who introduced the monologue-confession to the English poetry.

1833 - Johannes Brahms, German composer, pianist, conductor was born.

1840 - Peter Tchaikovsky was born (d, 1893), a Russian composer.

1887 - American Thomas Stevens completed the first world tour on a bicycle, traveling 13,500 miles and having been on the road more than three years.

1895 - at the historical meeting of the Physical Division of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society at St. Petersburg University, A.S. Popov demonstrated the world's first spark wireless receiving and transmitting radio system created by him, suitable for reliable exchange of information signals.

1901 - Gary Cooper (Frank James), American film actor, was born. He was the embodiment of a strong, sincere American, stingy with words, but able to fight back the "bad guys." In 1960, he received a special Oscar for his contribution to the development of cinema.

1940 - Peter Benchley, American writer, author of the best seller of all times and peoples "Jaws" was born.

1941 - The Glenn Miller Orchestra recorded one of their most popular tunes - ''Chattanooga Choo Choo''.

1945 - at 2:41 am in Reims, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed.

1946 - ''Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo'' (Tokyo Telecommunication Company) was founded in Tokyo, which later became a ''Sony''.

1951 - Warner Baxter (b. 1889), American actor, Oscar winner, died ( ''The Great Gatsby'', ''In Old Arizona'', ''42nd Street'', ''Crime Doctor'') .

1956 - The Minister of Health of Great Britain refused to start a campaign against smoking, stating that he was not personally convinced of it's harm.

1985 - A resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU on measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism was adopted. The beginning of the largest anti-alcohol campaign in the history of the USSR.

1988 - For the first time, people who claimed to have been abducted by aliens, gathered in Boston.

1996 - ''The Fifth Element'' by Luke Besson at the Cannes Film Festival.

1999 - for the first time since the split of the Christian church in 1054, the Pope visited an Orthodox country (Romania).

2003 - the inhabitants of the Earth could observe a rare astronomical phenomenon, occurring only a few times a century. Mercury moved between the Earth and the Sun. With the help of ordinary binoculars, one could see a clear contrast point, slowly moving along the solar disk.

2003 - representatives of Carnegie Mellon University announced their intention to create a Robot Hall of Fame with the aim of paying tribute to both the robots themselves, whether real or fictional, or their creators.

2011 - Willard Boyle (b. 1924), “the father of digital photography,” Nobel Prize in Physics (2009).


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