May 1, or Spring, Workers and Solidarity


Zodiac Sign Taurus

April: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
May: 1 2  3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
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TaurusMay 1. People born on on this day have the rare talent of an observer, and they are always happy to express their conclusions to others. This happens either orally or in writing, they never combine.

Not too talkative and eloquent, those born on May 1 put meaning in every word spoken. Their judgments are always specific and precise, sometimes controversial, but always frank.

Those born on May 1 are not only straightforward, but also express a keen interest in everything that happens around them.

Even the most timid of them are trying to establish themselves not only in the family, but also in the circle of colleagues and like-minded people.


Taurus men born on May 1:
  • differ in the following qualities: 
  • naturalness, 
  • intelligence, 
  • stability. 
  • Taurus are not idealistic, preferring to analyze and choose a woman who is comfortable for themselves for life. 
  • They prefer an equal relationship, and once married, they rarely get divorced.
Taurus women born on May 1:
  • are not like others in such properties: 
  • charm, 
  • naturalness, 
  • and also realism. 
  • Taurus is one of the most beautiful women in the zodiacal constellation, characterized by powerful sexual energy and a desire to be the center of attention. 
  • Often they become the soul of the company, while not claiming to be unconditional leadership.


International Worker's Day

On May 1, many countries of the world celebrate an international holiday - Labor Day (Spring and Labor Day), which was originally called the International Workers' Solidarity Day.

On May 1, many countries of the world celebrate an international holiday - International Workers Day (Spring and Labor Day), which was originally called the International Workers' Solidarity Day.

On May 1, 1886, American workers organized a strike, demanding an 8-hour working day. The strike and the accompanying demonstration ended in a bloody clash with the police.

In July 1889, the Paris Congress of the Second International, in memory of the workers' speech in Chicago, decided to hold annual demonstrations on May 1.

In July 1889, the Paris Congress of the Second International, in memory of the workers' speech in Chicago, decided to hold annual demonstrations on May 1.

For the first time the day of international workers' solidarity was marked in 1890 in Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, the USA, Norway, France, Sweden and some other countries.

For a long time the holiday was a symbol of irreconcilable class struggle, had a "political color" and was marked by demonstrations decorated with portraits of political figures, leaders of production, slogans, appeals, posters and diagrams about achievements in this or that branch of the national economy, science and culture.

But gradually this context was lost.

Today this holiday is celebrated in 142 countries and territories of the world on May 1 or the first Monday in May.

For a number of countries, the tradition of collecting people under the banners of trade unions has still been preserved, but in most states this is still not a political holiday, namely Labor Day, a bright spring holiday, when folk festivities, performances of artists, fairs, peaceful processions and many entertainment events are organized.

And for someone it's just another day off, during which you can just relax or spend time with your family.

By the way, in some countries Labor Day is celebrated at a different time - they are, for example, the USA and Japan.

More than 80 countries (including India) do not have a Labor Day.

Also on May 1...

1707 - The union of Scotland with England (Anglo-Scottish Union), the formation of Great Britain took place.

1786 - In Vienna, the premiere of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's ''The Marriage of Figaro'' was successfully held.

1840 - The world's first postage stamps are put on sale in England: one-penny black and two-penny blue with a profile of Queen Victoria. The author of the idea of using stamps to pay for mailings was Rowland Hill, later awarded the knighthood.

1862 - Marcel Proust, French writer, was born.

1869 - Kharkiv observed a rare phenomenon for this latitudes - the Northern Lights.

1880 - Albert Lasker, American philanthropist, father of modern advertising was born. Lasker made the advertisement aggressive: she began not only to inform the potential buyer about new products or services, but to impose on them, i.e. actually sell.

1884 - In Chicago, construction began on a building that first received the title of "skyscraper." In the first skyscraper there were only 10 floors ...

1899 - aspirin first appeared on the market.

1907 — Workers ’demonstrations on the occasion of May Day were held in many European capitals, and a general strike was declared in Warsaw on that day.

1915 - the English liner “Lusitania” entered its last flight. The crash of this ship was a pretext for the entry of the USA into the First World War.

1931 - The official opening ceremony of the tallest (at that time) building in the world — the 102-story ''Empire State Building'' — took place in New York.

1940 - officially announced the cancellation of the 1940 ''Olympic games'' - because of the war.

1945 - ''The Victory Flag'' was erected in Berlin over the Reichstag building.

1946 - John Woo, Chinese and American film director ("Broken Arrow", "Face/Off", "Mission Impossible-2", "Windtalkers") was born.

1948 - the creation of the Сhina Repablic is proclaimed.

1954 - Ray Parker Jr. was born, an American musician, his most famous composition "'Ghostbusters'' (1984) became the leitmotif of the same name movie
 “Ghostbusters” and reached first place in the American charts.

1954 - in Seoul, Rev. Moon founded the Unification Church (Association of the Holy Spirit for the unification of universal Christianity). Currently, Moon has millions of followers in 150 countries around the world.

1961 - Fidel Castro announced that from now on there will be no elections in Cuba.

1966 - ''The Beatles'' last show, in England, during a concert of the laureates of the annual survey of the music magazine ''New Musical Express'' at ''Wembley Stadium''.

1978 - in the UK for the first time Worker's Day is celebrated as a public holiday.

2004 - Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Estonia became part of the European Union. This extension is the largest in the history of the EU.

2009 - Same-gender marriage legalized in Sweden.


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