March 9, or Barbie and DJ Day


Zodiac Sign Pisces

February19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
March: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PiscesMarch 9. Very principled, fantastically stubborn personalities born on March 9, with great interest and undoubted benefit for others, analyze and study the space around them - both mentally and physically, emotionally and spiritually.

They won't rest until they get to the bottom of any problem.

They are dissatisfied with various forms of pretense, authoritarianism and condescension, it is extremely important for them to remain natural even in the most difficult situations.

Altruists, these people sincerely strive to support the poor and the weak - if not in deed, then at least in word.

Most of them have amazingly developed personal magnetism.

Their psychological abilities are also strong, so those born on this day are used to trusting their intuition, which most often does not let them down.



Pisces men born on March 9Yuri Gagarin, YG (rapper), Bobby Fischer.
  • have the following characteristics:
  • sexy, 
  • sensual, 
  • caring, 
  • intuitive.
  • Pisces men are idealists and dreamers, they are light and comfortable people in communication.
  • Politeness and tact do not allow men of this sign to show open aggression, which is often their problem.
  • Pisces men fall in love easily and find it difficult to build strong harmonious relationships.
  • The main problems in love are associated with striving for an unattainable ideal and building relationships with those who have a much brighter temperament.

Pisces women born on March 9Taeyeon, Maite Perroni, Ornella Muti.
  • endowed with such qualities:
  • artistic, 
  • romantic, 
  • adaptable.
  • Pisces women are charming, delicate and mysterious young ladies who attract men with their vulnerability and defenselessness.
  • Their femininity and weakness are their main trump cards, creating an atmosphere of mystery around them.
  • Her location is not easy to achieve, and it is her reason that sometimes makes her not go on about emotions.
  • The strongest traits of Pisces women are femininity and the ability to properly manage their trademark features - fragility and softness.

Main event

Barbie doll first appeared

March 9, 1959

March 9 in history (19 events): or Barbie and DJ Day

Barbie doll - the most popular toy in the world. Every week in the world is sold about a million dolls, every second - two dolls.

American girl at the age from 3 till 10 years on the average have eight dolls of Barbie,
Italian - seven,
French, German and English girls - five.
Russian girls have on average only one Barbie.

In total, Mattel sold over a billion Barbie for half a century.

In 2009, Barbie celebrated her 50th anniversary.

The "related" roots of Barbie come from Germany. There in the early 1950's based on the popular comic book for adults was created a small doll Lily. With large breasts, long legs, Lily was not meant for children and was not sold in toy stores. Ruth Handler saw a doll in a tobacco shop in Switzerland. The toy made a great impression on her. Ruth bought three dolls at once.

Having arrived home in the USA, Handler instructed the designer Jack Ryan to change the doll a little and make it more acceptable for children. The doll's creator named Barbie in honor of her daughter. The toy was patented in 1958 and was intended for girls 3 to 12 years old.

On March 9, 1959, the Barbie doll first appeared at the New York Toy Fair in a black and white striped swimsuit, sunglasses and heels.

The novelty was taken cautiously, but the competent advertising company did its job: the party of 3 thousand dolls dispersed very quickly.

And only five years after the appearance of the sale of Barbie it sold millions of pieces. Dolls lived their lives, grew dresses, friends, studied and worked, conquering more than one generation of children in 150 countries.

The first doll was sold for only three dollars, but already in 2004, a blonde born in 1959 was sold at eBay auction for 3 thousand 552 dollars, and two years later at Christie's auction in London, its price rose to 17 thousand dollars. Not a bad salary for a lady of retirement age!

What would Barbie look like with the figure proportions of an ordinary woman
What would Barbie look like with the figure proportions of an ordinary woman


World DJ Day

The word DJ is, as we know, an abbreviation - disc jockey - and defines the profession of a person who chooses and plays recorded music for the audience.

World DJ Day is rather not an official holiday, but an important charity event, which has been held since 2002 on behalf of the International Club Industry.

Every year on March 9, as part of World DJ Day, a worldwide charity event is held to help children's organizations. The event was initiated by the World DJ Fund and the organization Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy, which uses music to treat children and adults.

All profits received by DJs, clubs, radio stations on this day are sent to various international children's funds and institutions.

Also on March 9...

1074 - Pope Gregory VII excommunicated all married priests from the church.

1454 - born Amerigo Vespucci, the Florentine navigator, after whom America is named.

1500 - Spanish expedition under the command of Cabral went to India, on the way discovering the land of Brazil.

1611 - observing the rise through a telescope, Johann Fabritius first finds spots on the sun.

1776 - Adam Smith’s book Studies on the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was published in London. The book marked the beginning of political economy.

1796 - Napoleon married Josephine Beauharnais, the widow of an officer who was executed at the guillotine during the Great French Revolution.

1822 - Charles Graham from New York received a patent for artificial teeth.

1858 - the first street mailbox is patented in Philadelphia (USA).

1933 - the gold standard is abolished in the USA.

1934 - Yuri Gagarin was born, the first cosmonaut of the Earth. On April 12, 1961, the ship "Vostok" with Gagarin on board went into space, making a revolution around the Earth.

1943 - Robert Fisher, the 11th world chess champion, was born.

1955 - Ornella Muti (Francesca Romana Rovelli), Italian film actress, tamer of the Shrew, was born.

1964 - Juliette Binoche was born, French actress (“Chocolate”, “The English Patient”, “Three Colors: Blue”, “Lovers from the New Bridge”).

1977 - The use of saccharin in food and medicine is prohibited in the United States and Canada.

1987 - The Irish band ''U2'' released their most famous album, ''The Joshua Tree''. His CD version was the first album, sold over a million copies.

1990 - negotiations on the unification of Germany began in Berlin.

2011 - Discovery Shuttle completed its 27-year career, making a successful last landing at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


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