April 12, World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 12. If there are relatively calm and collected Aries in nature, then this is you.

An observant philosopher with an interest in people, you have a friendly, fun, pleasant nature that attracts many friends and admirers.

Communication is your forte. You value knowledge and love to share it with others, you perfectly understand what motivates other people, and you may even notice a well-hidden catch.

Generator of ideas, you are constantly looking for new amazing ways to bring your plans to life, have a subtle sense of humor, eloquence and know how to inspire love for yourself to everyone you meet on the way.

Aries men born on April 12:
  • are distinguished by the following qualities: 
  • enthusiasm, 
  • devotion, 
  • energy, 
  • idealism,
  • Aries is always in motion, creating around himself and his woman a special reality of passion, vivid emotions, dynamics and victories.
  • He is comfortable only in a state of struggle and race for first place, and therefore he will always seek his beloved woman in competition with strong competitors.
Aries women born on April 12:
  • endowed with such properties: 
  • strength, 
  • intelligence, 
  • independence.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.


World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day (International Day of Human Space Flight )

12 April, 1961

The launch of the spacecraft "Vostok" with the space pilot Yuri Gagarin on board
The launch of the spacecraft "Vostok" with the space pilot Yuri Gagarin on board

April 12 the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics - a memorable date dedicated to the first flight of man into space.

This is a special day - the day of the triumph of science and all those who are currently working in the space industry.

As a holiday - the Day of Cosmonautics - in Russia was established by decree of April 9, 1962, and received international status in 1968 at a conference of the International Aviation Federation.

By the way, since 2011 it carries one more name - the International Day of Human Space Flight (International Day of Human Space Flight). On April 7, 2011, at a special plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, at the initiative of Russia, an official resolution was adopted on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first step in the exploration of outer space.

More than 60 states have become co-sponsors of this resolution.

On April 12, 1961, a citizen of the Soviet Union, Senior Lieutenant Yu.A. Gagarin on the spacecraft Vostok for the first time in the world made an orbital flight around the Earth, opening the era of manned spaceflight.

The flight, which lasted only 108 minutes, became a powerful breakthrough in the exploration of outer space. The name of Yuri Gagarin became widely known in the world, and the first cosmonaut received the title of major ahead of schedule and also the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

As you know, before the man sat in the spacecraft, four-legged friends of the man were sent to the flight. In August 1960, the Soviet space ship Vostok with the dogs Belka and Strelka on board made a daily flight with a return to Earth.

The first international flight in the history of cosmonautics took place on July 15, 1975 - the pioneers were the Soviet ship ''Soyuz-19'' and the American ship ''Apollo''.

Entering the 21st century, we see astonishing advances in space technology:
- tens of thousands of satellites are turning around the earth,
- spacecraft have landed on the moon, bringing out soil samples.
- Subsequently, automatic probes dropped to Mars and Venus,
- several spacecraft left the solar system and carried messages to the Extraterrestrial Civilizations.

Therefore, proclaiming this holiday - the International Day of Human Spaceflight - the UN General Assembly expressed its deep conviction "in the common interest of mankind in promoting the exploration and use of outer space, which is the property of all mankind, for peaceful purposes, in scaling up this activity and in continuing efforts to to enable all States to take advantage of the benefits. "

And the holiday itself was recommended to be celebrated at the international level every year on 12 April to commemorate the beginning of the space age for humanity, Reaffirming the important contribution of space science and technology to the achievement of sustainable development and the welfare of nations and peoples, and to ensuring the realization of their desire to preserve outer space for peaceful purposes.

And today, April 12 in honor of the holiday in different countries are all kinds of events - exhibitions, conferences, educational and educational lectures and seminars, film screenings and much more.

In Russia, in the main Cosmonautics Museum special projects are being prepared, many Russian educational institutions and planetariums hold exhibitions and actions, public organizations organize solemn rallies and other events dedicated to this Day. After all, this is a common holiday, connecting the past, present and future of the people of the Earth.

By the way, in October the World Space Week is annually held, dedicated to another significant event - on October 4, 1957, the world's first artificial Earth satellite was launched into the near-earth orbit.

Also on April 12...

1242 - on the ice of Lake Peipsi, a battle took place between Novgorod under the leadership of Alexander Nevsky and the knights of the Teutonic Order. Alexander Nevsky defeated the German knights. The battle went down in history under the name of the ''Ice Battle''.

1833 - New Yorker Charles Gaylor patented the first fire safe in the United States. The design consisted of two iron cabinets, one of which was placed in the other. An air gap was made between them. The invention was given the name "Salamander Cabinet". It was believed that the salamander has the ability to emerge unscathed from the fire.

1839 - Nikolai Przhevalsky, a Russian explorer of Central Asia, was born, a traveler who first described a wild camel, an equally wild horse, and even fearlessly depicted a bear-pike-eater.

1919 - Workers of the Moscow-Sorting depot repaired three steam locomotives at the weekend. The initiative was widely picked up, and a new word “subbotnik” appeared in the dictionary - free work for the good of the country.

1933 - Montserrat Caballe, Spanish singer (soprano) was born. Glorified in the party Norma ("Norma" Bellini). Belcanto master.

1939 - John Roy of Wil, c. Essex, Great Britain, began to grow a mustache, and on April 12, 1976, they had the greatest scope - 1.89 m, being the longest among the British. However, in 1984, while taking a bath, he accidentally sat down on a mustache and lost 42 cm. In order to level his mustache, he had to cut the second one.

1954 - a group “Comets” recorded vinyl with the song “Rock around the clock”. The main part of musicologists consider this date as the birthday of rock and roll.

1956 - Andy Garcia, American actor and director, was born.

1971 - Shannen Doherty, American actress, was born.

1979 - Claire Danes was born, American film actress (“Star dust”, “Romeo + Juliet”).

1981 - the first reusable ''Columbia'' transport spacecraft with astronauts Young and Crippen (USA) was put into orbit.

1988 - The first in the country patent for a genetically grown animal is issued in the USA. Onkomysh, created by scientists at Harvard University, at the age of six weeks, began to suffer from cancer. Thus, scientists have derived a "raw material base" for the experiments that do not require manual cancer screening.

1992 - ''Euro-Disneyland'' opened near Paris.

1994 - spamming program was launched for the first time. With its help, the matrimonial law firm ''Canter & Siegel'' from Arizona sent out its advertisement to 10 thousand users at once. The first reaction of the “consumer” was extremely negative, but the owners of other businesses did not reckon with it, and the era of megaspam began.

1994 - Sirsha Ronan was born, Irish actress (“Redemption”, “Lovely bones”, “Hannah. The perfect weapon”, “Guest”).

2005 - Intel began shipping dual-core Pentium 4 Extreme Edition 840 processors.


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