March 28, or First Washing Machine


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesMarch 28. Like the Knight of Wands in the Tarot deck, the energetic and adventurous Aries born on this day have an ardent and flamboyant character.

They are outstanding, enterprising, optimistic leaders.

A true individualist, you believe in yourself and your ability to deal with problems.

Your mind is as active as your body.

You strive to solve the life tasks facing you, constantly being involved in new interesting projects, and quickly get tired of boring, routine, monotonous work.


Aries men born on March 28:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • attentiveness, 
  • passion, 
  • dedication, 
  • competitiveness.
  • The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept rivalry with a woman, and therefore, choosing a relationship for life, prefers gentle and passive persons who are ready to completely give him the reins of government.
  • At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only betrayal, but even flirting on the side.
Aries women born on March 28:
  • are not like others with such facets of temperament: 
  • courage, 
  • activity.
  • Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with exaggerated self-esteem, experiencing a constant need to be independent.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

In the US, the first washing machine is patented

March 28, 1797

March 28 in history (18 events)

Since the man began to wear clothes, he was faced with the question of how to wash it. The necessity of washing clothes existed at all times and among all peoples.

Of course, hand washing was always, but the history of the invention of devices that would facilitate it, begins several centuries ago.

For example, seamen used this method during the voyage: clothes were attached with a rope and thrown overboard, and seawater with foam thoroughly washed off all the dirt from the fabric.

Or women who during washing washed linen on stones, for a greater efficiency of using sand as an abrasive.

And the means for washing were known since ancient times. During excavation of Ancient Rome, the remains of soap from the ash and fat of sacrificial animals were found.

But still, hundreds of years of washing was mostly done by hands, and finally, in the 18th century, the issue of creating a device capable of facilitating and speeding up this process was taken up closely. And in 1797 one of these devices was created.

March 28, 1797 in the United States Nathaniel Briggs from New Hampshire patented the first washing machine, which is a wooden box with a movable frame.

The following similar invention was again patented in the US, in 1851 - American James King invented a washing machine with a rotating drum, which was very similar to the modern one, but the drive was tame.

In subsequent years, such inventions were patented with an enviable regularity, creeping in with all the new improvements.

Sometimes manual power was replaced by an animal, as one gold digger in California did. He arranged a public laundry on the basis of a washing machine, launched by 12 mules. An important and indispensable attribute of the machine were hand rollers for pressing laundry, invented in 1861, which were attached to the body of the machine.

The process of distribution and improvement of washing machines was gaining momentum, and by 1875 in America alone, more than 2,000 patents for laundry devices had been registered.

Not all ideas were viable and developed further.

The original countdown era of washing machines began with their serial production in 1900 by the German firm MIELE & CIE. And they were in high demand, which spodviglo and other companies to do this production.

The revolution in the development of washing machines was the use of a motor - at first it was either a gasoline internal combustion engine or an electric motor.

Machines with electric drive appeared in 1908, and the first automatic washing machine appeared in 1949.

Year after year, washing machines became more and more perfect - they learned how to rinse, squeeze, turn off, have several washing regimes, decreased in size ... In general, they have become just an inalienable attribute of the life of modern man.

It is also worth noting that the technical evolution of washing machines was accompanied by their aesthetic perfection. In addition to engineers, these designers also worked on these products. "Ugly duckling" has turned into an elegant household appliance, not only performing a wide range of functions and simplifying the life of a person, but also decorating his home.

Also on March 28...

1462 - Ivan III became the ruler of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

1483 - born Raphael (another possible date of birth - April 6) (d. 1520), Italian artist and architect.

1521 - Fernand Magellan was the first European to make contact with the Filipino aborigines.

1584 - Ivan IV the Terrible (p. 1530), the first Russian tsar (1547-1584) died Ivan the Terrible.

1776 - ''The Bolshoi Theater'', one of the largest in Russia, was founded in Moscow. Now it is one of the strongest theaters of opera and ballet.

1801 - The kingdom of Neapolitan gave to France the island Elba.

1910 - In Marseille, the world's first hydroplane took off.

1936 - Mario Vargas Llosa, a Peruvian-Spanish novelist and playwright, publicist, political figure, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2010, was born.

1941 - Virginia Woolf (born 1882), English writer and literary critic, died of cuicide.

1943 - Sergey Rakhmaninov (born 1873), Russian composer, pianist and conductor, died.

1964 - ''Madame Tussaud’s London Wax Museum'' announced that members of ''The Beatles'' would be the first rock musicians to appear at the museum.

1985 - Marc Chagall (born 1887), a Russian and French avant-garde artist, died.

1986 - Lady Gaga was born, American singer, winner of 6 Grammy Awards.

1994 - Eugène Ionesco (born 1909), a Romanian and French playwright, one of the founders of the Theater of the Absurd, died.

1996 - Phil Collins announced the start of a solo career and resignation from the ''Genesis'' group.

2004 - Peter Ustinov (born 1921), English writer, actor, director died. Repeatedly played the role of the famous detective Hercule Poirot.

2009 - Maurice Jarre died (b. 1924), French composer, winner of three Oscars and other awards, father of Jean-Michel Jarre.


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