March 30, or Psychoanalysis and Lada Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesMarch 30. Born on this day - individuals are extremely straightforward, rarely paying attention to the consequences of their actions for others.

This creates antagonism between them and society and also creates obstacles to success.

These people may stumble in the race to achieve personal or social goals, fail, but ultimately they are unsinkable.

Of course, such an obsession invariably leads to success, although recognition of merit may come too late in life or even after death.


Aries men born on March 30:
  • can be proud of the following qualities: 
  • confidence, 
  • leadership, 
  • artistry, 
  • positivity.
  • The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept rivalry with a woman, and therefore, choosing a relationship for life, prefers gentle and passive persons who are ready to completely give him the reins of government.
  • At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only betrayal, but even flirting on the side.
Aries women born on March 30:
  • are distinguished by special features: 
  • confidence, 
  • activity, 
  • entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with exaggerated self-esteem, experiencing a constant need to be independent.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

The world first heard about psychoanalysis

March 30, 1896

March 30 in history (23 events)

In the fourth number of the magazine "Revue Neurological" published in Paris, an eight-page article "Heredity and the etiology of neuroses" was published.

The article was in French, and its author is the little-known Viennese psychiatrist Sigmund Freud.

The number of the "Revue Neurological" was dedicated to the deceased three years earlier the outstanding French neurologist Charcot, who became known to the general public for a soothing shower.

Freud trained at the Charcot clinic in 1885-1886.

In the first works of the psychoanalyst Freud, only outlines of the theory were done, which were the basic postulates of the overwhelming role of the subconscious and sexual principles for the psyche. Despite the categorical rejection of psychoanalysis by a number of reputable physicians, Freudian-ism eventually gained wide popularity.

A turning point for psychoanalysis is considered July 24, 1895, when Freud dreamed, after which he came to the conclusion that dreams have meaning, being symbolic messages from the unconscious, and lend themselves to rational analysis and interpretation. Later, this led to Freud's application of the method of free associations.

This new direction was ignored by the scientific world until 1910, when psychoanalysis was supported by a degree psychiatrist Karl Gustav Jung.

In the first half of the 20th century, a number of trends emerged from "classical Freudian-ism" - Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Erich Fromm and others, who challenged certain Freudian postulates.

Folks Calendar


On this spring day, it is customary to chant Mother Nature, who “wakes up” after a long winter.

The name of the holiday consists of two words - Lada and Day. It is dedicated to the goddess of love, marriage, spring, spring plowing and sowing.

Before inviting, “calling out” the spring, Lada was asked for permission: “Bless, Mother Lada, call the spring!”.

The Slavs, rejoiced in the spring, which had come to replace the long and cold winter. Nature awakened, not only everything around came to life, but also the ability to love awoke in heart. So it was celebrated as the arrival of double warm - natural and spiritual.

Ladaday was a pagan holiday, and its celebration was accompanied by beautiful rituals and ceremonies.

  • “Ladagessing” when girls threw rings and flowers. 
  • High fires were made, which were considered cleansing, and the ashes from them were healing. Boys and girls led round dances, sang songs glorifying love and the goddess Lada. 
  • Women climbed onto the rooftops and other elevations and called for spring. 
  • Newlyweds presented real flowers, berries, honey as a gift to Lada.

It was believed that Lada herself maintains fire in young families, ensures that the flame of love does not die out. If something was wrong, then it was necessary for Lada to throw a twig or two into the hearth, and the feelings that began to fade, erupted with a new force.

Lada personified harmony, the fairness of Soul and Body. She patronized everything beautiful and elegant. She always had only light features. Even for hate she responded with love. It is known that on the altar of the goddess Lada - the sacred place - the birth shirts and other ancestral charms of warriors going to war were consecrated.

Bread baked in the form of cranes. These birds were not eaten as much as they used as amulets for a year. Placed them as high as possible above the door.

From the holiday of Lada, the tradition to give women flowers has come. In pagan times, Lada was presented as a sacrifice with wreaths of flowers and flowers. And birch was considered the favorite tree of the goddess Lada.

Also on March 30...

1282 - because of the French soldier who insulted a local girl at the festival in Palermo, the Sicilians slaughtered 2 thousand French, starting a general uprising in Sicily.

1613 - Ivan Susanin accomplished his immortal feat. Susanin was the patrimonial elder of the village of Domnina of the Kostroma Territory. Saving the founder of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, he led the Poles into a swampy forest and died a "martyr's death." For a long time, the only document testifying of the heroic deed of Susanin was the chartered diploma of 1619 by Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich about the giving of Susanin's son-in-law, Bogdan Sobinin, half of the village with “whitewashing” of all taxes and duties “for serving us both for blood and patience ...”, which said that his father-in-law “ was found by the Polish and Lithuanian people and tortured by them with great unmeasured torture and they asked where the great sovereign, the tsar and the grand duke Mikhail Feodorovich ... knowing about us ... and enduring unmeasured torture ... did not say about us ... and for that Polish and Lithuanian people were tortured him to death. " Only at the end of the last century became possible to prove that this is not a legend, and Susanin is not an accidental victim of robbers.

1746 - Francisco José de Goya, an outstanding Spanish artist, was born.

1796 - the future "king of mathematics" Karl Friedrich Gauss, then a first-year student at the University of Göttingen, solved the problem before which mathematical science had passed more than two thousand years. He figured out how to build a regular 17-gon, using, by the way, only a divider and a ruler.

1840 - ''The Land of Wilks'' was opened, which later turned out to be the sixth continent of the Earth - Antarctica.

1853 - born Vincent Van Gogh, Dutch artist ("Sunflowers", "Man with a cut off ear", "Open cafe").

1858 - American Hymen Lipman patented a pencil with a washable eraser on the other end.

1867 - an agreement on the sale by Russia of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands to the United States of America is signed.

1894 - Sergei Ilyushin was born, a Russian aircraft designer, creator of the ''IL'' aircraft.

1895 - in the hospital of South Devon and East Cornwall (Great Britain), the heaviest object ever removed from a human stomach was removed - a hair ball weighing 2.35 kg. He was in the stomach of a 20-year-old girl who was suffering from obsessive swallowing.

1937 - born Warren Beatty, American actor ("Bonnie and Clyde") and the sex symbol of Hollywood. In his biographical book, Beatty claims to have seduced 13,000 women.

1945 - Eric Clapton, English rock musician, composer and actor, was born.

1967 - At Easter, 35,000 hippies staged a “Flower Power Love-In and Be-In” in New York's Central Park.

1968 - Celine Dion, Canadian singer, was born. Ascended above, everywhere with the help of “Titanic”; now it only remains to try to stay afloat for as long as possible.

1970 - ''The White Sun of the Desert'' film by Vladimir Motyl was released. He was immediately taken to the quotes: “The East is a delicate matter,” “- Said, how did you find yourself here? “They shot ...”, “Mahmud, set it on fire!”, “Gyulchitay, show your face” ... By the way, this is the only film of those times bought by the United States to show how to really shoot westerns.

1976 - The musical punk movement began: a crowd of 50 people gathered at the first concert of ''The Sex Pistols'' in the ''London club 100''; In fact, the first attempt was made in November 1975, but then ten minutes after the group began performing in a suburban ballroom dance school, their performance was interrupted by the banal disconnection of equipment by school leaders.

1987 - At the London auction of Van Gogh's painting "Sunflowers" were sold for $ 50 million.

1992 - The Silence of the Lambs film won five Oscars.

1992 - The Portland City Court (USA) issued a decision obliging ''Philip Morris'' to pay $ 81 million to a family of a smoker who died of lung cancer who had smoked ''Marlboro'' cigarettes for 40 years.

1994 - Pink Floyd released the album "The Division Bell".

1998 - The British company ''Rolls-Royce'' was bought by the German auto giant ''BMW'' for $ 570 million.


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