April 4, Web-Masters, Rat and Rarest Stamp Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 4. Born on this day requires initiative in order to express their bright personality as much as possible. Perhaps it is also needed in order to withstand the vicissitudes of fate.

Circumstances often develop against these people - perhaps this is a consequence of the inadequate reaction of others to some of the personality traits of those born on that day, or maybe the whole point is that they themselves unwittingly become their own worst enemies. Be that as it may, they have to fight for what they want.

However, it often turns out that these people cannot immediately determine for themselves who they are on this earth and what they are looking for. This is why persistence is another quality they need to be successful.

Those born on this day should not only initiate projects, but demonstrate the ability to bring them to a successful final. Ultimately, the result of their activities will be assessed according to this very criterion. Of course, those born on April 4 should control their excessive activity with regard to new beginnings, since their possibilities are far from endless.


Aries men born on April 4:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • friendliness, 
  • lovingness, 
  • energy, 
  • enthusiasm,
  • bright, 
  • charismatic, 
  • active,
  • self-confident, 
  • distinguished by an extraordinary temperament,
  • constantly captivated by plans and ideas.
Aries women born on April 4:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • vigor, 
  • enterprise, 
  • independence, 
  • always on the move, 
  • doing a thousand things at once. 
  • As a freedom-loving sign, she values independence and pride in the opposite sex.

Main event

The adventures of the rarest ever printed stamp began

April 4, 1856

Mark of British Guiana Colony
Mark of British Guiana Colony

On April 4, 1856, the adventures of the rarest ever printed stamp - the brand of the British Guiana colony, today - the Cooperative Republic of Guyana - began.

This rarity was hand-crafted in the printing house in a single copy, which was facilitated by the delay of the ship from London, which brought postage for the colonies. The octagonal "British Pink Guiana", printed in black on red, has no perforation. In the center of the stamp is an image of a three-masted schooner. Above the image of the schooner and beneath it is the slogan of the colony in Latin Damus Petimus Que Vicissim ("Let and hope to receive").

In 1873, a 12-year-old school boy found in his father's house an envelope with this stamp and stripped it off. However, the boy was not particularly interested in the brand and for 6 shillings (about one and a half dollars at that time) sold to a philatelic neighbor.

Five years later, the brand was in Europe, where, after a series of dramatic resale in 1980, it was purchased for 935,000 dollars by John Dupont, a representative of one of America's richest industrial clans.

In 1997, Dupont was sentenced to 30 years in prison for killing the Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling, Dave Schulz.

Apparently, this unique artifact was stored in the basement of a bank while its owner was serving a sentence until his death in prison in 2010.

 And in March 2014 it became known that this legendary and very low postage stamp will be exhibited at auction house "Sothebys" in New York, at an auction that is conducted as part of the sale of the state of the deceased multimillionaire John Dupont.

"This is the most unique brand in the world. For any collector, it represents the highest peak of philately, "- said then representative of Sothebys David Riden.

As a result, at the auctions that took place on June 18, 2014, the 1-cent mark was sold for 9.5 million dollars and thus became the most expensive postage stamp in the world. Designer and owner of the shoe company Stuart Weizmann bought the brand by phone in the very first minutes of the bidding.


Web-master's Day

The holiday of the web-master is celebrated on April 4 because the date 4.04 reminds you of the Internet error 404 (“Page not found”).

For the first time the term “web-master” was introduced into the circulation by the “forefather” of the Internet Tim Berners-Lee in the document “Guide to the style of hypertext on-line” in 1992.

In the early 1990s, when the “public” Internet was just beginning to develop, the functionality of the first web-masters was very diverse: it included the duties of a web designer, author and site moderator, programmer, system administrator, content manager semantic content of the site), site technical support employee. With the development of the Internet and the emergence of larger sites, the technologies for their development have improved, which has led to the separation of specializations of web-masters in different professions.

By the way, it turns out that, unlike Russian language, where there is no female form of the name of this profession, female web-masters are sometimes called “web mistress” in English, but this form is not widely used.

Saint Isidore Day

On April 4, the Catholic world celebrates the day of St. Isidore, who is officially named the patron saint of computer and Internet users by the Pope John Paul II m in 2003.

The Catholic Saint Isidore (c. 560 - 4 April 636), Bishop of Seville, gained fame not only because of his piety, but also because of his love for the sciences.

He is the author of the 20-volume work "Etymology" (essentially, the world's first encyclopedia), the first to introduce the work of Aristotle in Spain, was a reformer and a man of broad views.

Saint Isidore is considered one of the last ancient Christian philosophers, as well as the last of the fathers of the great Latin Church.

Some historians have called Saint Isidore the most educated man of his time, who had a significant influence on learning in the Middle Ages.

The Catholic Church chose him as the patron of the Internet, based primarily on the fact that the World Wide Web is a huge treasure trove of practical and theoretical human knowledge.

By the way, the quartet of four great martyrs - Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia - was unofficially appointed as patrons of the Internet on behalf of the Orthodox Church.

World Rat Day

Every year on April 4, starting in 2003, an unusual holiday is celebrated - World Rat Day, created to attract attention to this extraordinary animal and designed to unite lovers of ornamental rats around the world.

The idea of ​​establishing this Day belongs to the American rat breeders, who thus decided to honor their tailed pets, ornamental rats, and then this idea was picked up by rat breeders from other countries.

The date of April 4th was chosen due to the fact that this is the day the rat-list started working - the oldest on-line resource dedicated to ornamental rats.

Also on April 4...

1500 - Portuguese navigator Pedro Cabral discovered Brazil, taking it for an island.

1581 - former pirate Francis Drake completed the world tour. Queen Elizabeth I arrived on board his ship "Pelican" and after dinner knighted him.

1785 - English inventor Edmunt Cartwright receives a patent for a mechanical foot-operated weaving machine.

1818 - Mine Reed was born, an English writer. The one whose rider turned out without a head.

1821 - Linus Yale, American inventor of the cylindrical door lock, was born.

1896 - Yukon gold rush began after the discovery of gold placers.

1932 - The American scientist Glen King first releases vitamin C. From what exactly he secretes him - from oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruits, or, perhaps, dug him somewhere in pears - history is silent. However, soon the whole world will be buzzing that this third letter of the Latin alphabet is essential in the body of any person.

1934 - The cat's eye reflective harness is first used on roads near Bradford, Yorkshire, UK.

1949 - in Washington, the USA, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Canada, Luxembourg, Norway, Portugal and France signed the North Atlantic Treaty - NATO was born. In 1952, Greece and Turkey joined the treaty, in 1955 - Germany, in 1982 - Spain. In 1999, Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic became members of NATO. In 2004 - Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia.

1952 - Gary Moore (died 2011), Irish guitarist, vocalist, composer, producer, arranger, leader of the ''Skid Row'' group was born.

1960 - Hugo Weaving was born, an American actor of Australian descent - the same agent Smith in ''The Matrix '' and the leader of the elves Elrond in ''The Lord of the Rings''.

1964 - The song ''Top-100'' of the American ''Billboard'' magazine for the first time (and this never happened again) was led by five songs, performed by the same band. Of course, the ''Beatles''. Here are the names of these songs: ''Can't Buy Me Love'', ''Twist and Shout'', ''She Loves You'', ''I Want to Hold Your Hand'' and ''Please Please Me''.

1965 - Robert Downey Jr. was born, Hollywood actor.

1973 - The opening of the World Trade Center took place in New York (Manhattan). Twin towers stood a little more than 28 years.

1979 - Heath Ledger, Australian actor (“The Dark Knight”, “The Patriot”, “The Four Feathers”, “The History of the Knight”, “Candy”) Actor died in early 2008 from an accidental overdose of medicines prescribed by a doctor, including painkillers, sleeping pills and antidepressants.

1994 - ''Netscape Communications'' was founded (then known as ''Mosaic Communications Corporation'').


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