April 16, or Circus and Circulatory System

Photo: Mariana Mikhailova

Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 16. Laughter is a natural state for all those born on April 16, they are naturally endowed with a brilliant ability to charge others with fun.

And yet it is impossible to play a comedy without knowing the great meaning of tragedy and genuine sadness, so those born on April 16 are well versed in this.

They know that a kind smile is a kind of medicine that is very useful in painful situations, but they also know that grief and joy are sometimes inseparable, and therefore it is easier for others to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.


Aries men born on April 16:
  • possess the following distinctive features: 
  • leadership, 
  • enterprise, 
  • energy, 
  • enthusiasm.
  • Aries is always in motion, creating around himself and his woman a special reality of passion, vivid emotions, dynamics and victories.
  • He is comfortable only in a state of struggle and race for first place, and therefore he will always seek his beloved woman in competition with strong competitors.
Aries women born on April 16:
  • characterized by the following traits: 
  • courage, 
  • activity, 
  • enterprise.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

William Garvey first laid out a new look at the circulatory system in the human body

April 16, 1618

William Garvey first laid out a new look at the circulatory system in the human body

April 16, 1618 William Harvey, a famous English scientist and physician, organized a public lecture in London.

In this lecture, he first laid out his vision of circulatory systems in the human body, as well as other warm-blooded animals. He told that he conducted a series of experiments that allowed him to make a series of observations. He calculated that the blood moves in a circle, or rather, in two circles: small - through the lungs and large - through the entire body.

After this speech ten years later, in 1628, Harvey published an "Anatomical study on the movement of the heart and blood in animals."

This work has become a classic. He crossed out before existing ideas about blood circulation, based on the views of the ancient coryphaeus of medicine Claudius Galen.

Ancient physician Galen lived in the 2nd century AD. He created the first in the history of physiology, the theory of blood circulation, according to which it was believed that the blood is formed in the liver from food and moves through veins blindly terminating in organs, and that the arterial and venous blood - the fluids are different, and if the first "carries the movement, heat and life ", the second is called to" feed the organs. "

This view was refuted by the discovery of Harvey. And although it was met with a lot of criticism from the scientists who adhered to the views of Galen, but, nevertheless, the discovery of blood circulation by Harvey was recognized even during his lifetime by other scientists - Descartes, Schlegel, Pecke and others.


International Circus Day

Every year, on the third Saturday of April, the entire world circus community and lovers of this amazing art celebrate an unusually cheerful holiday - International Circus Day. It was established not only to show the circus in all its glory and to please fans of this art with new programs and performances, but also to pay tribute to the contribution of circus art to culture.

The initiators of the establishment of this holiday, in 2009, were the ''European Circus Association'' and the ''World Circus Federation'', operating under the patronage of Princess Monaco Stephanie. Then the President of the ''European Circus Association'', which currently includes 21 circus, Urs Pils and Princess Stephanie invited all circuses to support the initiative of the annual celebration of International Circus Day, which was first celebrated in 2010 and has since become annual for many countries.

Also on April 16...

1607 - the British began settling Virginia.

1705 - Queen Anne of England produced the scientist Isaac Newton knighted.

1836 - US Congress is faced with an unusual problem. It turned out that during the reign of Jackson, the government had accumulated an extra $ 37 million. The congress vigorously decided where to put them now.

1844 - the future famous French writer Anatole France (real name Anatole Francois Thibault) was born in the family of the second-hand bookseller. One of his most famous novels was “Salamander” (in the original name - “The Tavern of the Queen Goose Paws”) and the tetralogy “Modern History”. And in 1921, Anatole France won the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1867 - Wilber Wright, American inventor, aircraft designer, pilot, eldest of the pioneers of aeronautics, was born.

1889 - Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born, known to the whole world as ''Charlie the tramp'' from the films ''Little Tramp'', ''New Times'', ''Lights of the Big City'', ''Gold Rush''.

1922 - An attack of invisibility on a person was registered in the West End (London).

1924 - Henry Mancini was born, American film composer and conductor. He received for his music 4 awards "Oscar" and 20 "Grammy" ("Pink Panther", "Big Race", "Moon River", etc.).

1943 - chemist Albert Hoffman discovered the narcotic effect of LSD by accidentally dropping a small amount of this acid on his finger.

1954 - Ellen Barkin was born, an American film actress (“Switch”).

1963 - the launch of the Vostok-5 spacecraft piloted by the first female cosmonaut V. Tereshkova in the world.

1964 - American female pilot Geraldine Mock became the first woman to fly around the globe.


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