March 27, or Theater and Steam Engine Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesMarch 27. Born on this day are highly individualistic.

Like children, they easily assimilate knowledge, but, having mastered certain basics, in the future these people will follow their own ideas about the expediency of their implementation.

Their style of behavior is special, it is based on the impeccable technique of using the scientific baggage accumulated over the years of study.

The most gifted persons of those who were born on this day are the initiators - they are the first to put forward brilliant and daring ideas, but even those of them who have more modest talents are able to make their own contribution to this or that undertaking.

Despite their penchant for experimentation, those born on March 27 remain realistic and hard to fool.

In fact, many of them have a strong emotional temper, acquired over the years of struggle towards success.

As a rule, these people are not particularly sensitive and sentimental and do not always treat the problems of others with understanding. In fact, the concept of a "soulful" person is not applicable to them, their attention is completely absorbed in work, often of a technical nature.


Aries men born on March 27:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • idealism, 
  • love, 
  • impetuosity, 
  • artistry.
  • The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept rivalry with a woman, and therefore, choosing a relationship for life, prefers gentle and passive persons who are ready to completely give him the reins of government.
  • At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only betrayal, but even flirting on the side.
Aries women born on March 27:
  • have the following properties: 
  • entrepreneurial spirit, 
  • nobility, 
  • energy.
  • Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with exaggerated self-esteem, experiencing a constant need to be independent.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

The first steam fire engine was tested

March 27, 1841

March 27 in history ( 23 events)

March 27, 1841 in New York, was tested the first steam fire engine, designed by Paul Hodge.

The invention was 14 feet long, weighed about 8 tons and required two horses to budge.

The car was determined to work in the one of the sections of New York, but after a while it was found to be too heavy. Besides, instead of extinguishing fires, car herself spewed sparks from the exhaust port ...

With the invention of steam engines and their use for driving fire pumps, it has been possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of fire extinguishing.

For a long time, the main fire-extinguishing agent was water, the use of which in some cases did not give the desired effect, for example, when extinguishing burning oils.

Officially, the first fire extinguisher is one that was patented in 1863 by engineer Alan Cray in Virginia (USA).

At the beginning of the 20th century, the teacher of the Baku grammar school A.G. Laurent proposed a new extinguishing agent - a fire extinguishing chemical foam generated in a fire extinguisher. The patent for foam and fire extinguisher Laurent received in 1902.


World Theater Day

Every year, on March 27, the international professional holiday of all theater workers is celebrated.

Traditionally, the World Theater Day is held under the same motto: "Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace among nations."

By tradition, theatrical festivals, solemn events are held on this day, and the premieres of new performances are also presented.

Traditionally, the theater plays two of the most popular genres - comedy and tragedy - the symbols of which are symbolic theatrical masks, a recognizable symbol.

The mention of the first theatrical production dates back to 2500 BC. The first theatrical game took place in Egypt, the plot was the images of Egyptian mythology - the history of the god Osiris.

The date of celebration of the Theater Day was approved more than half a century ago, in 1961, by delegates to the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute (ITI) at UNESCO, who initiated the annual holding of this event.

Theater Day is a real professional holiday for numerous theater workers: from actors, producers, directors and theater critics, to lighting technicians, assemblers, sound producers, ticket collectors and even cloakroom attendants.

On January 23, 1933, in his letter to the cloakroom workshop of the Moscow Art Academic Theater, Stanislavsky, the great Russian theater director and teacher of acting, wrote:“... the performance begins from the moment of entering the theater building. You are the first to meet the coming spectators ... ”. This quotation eventually transformed into a catch phrase: “Theater begins with a hanger”, which means the following: there are no secondary roles or professions in the theater shop.

Also on March 27...

1330 - Ipatiev Monastery (Kostroma) was erected. He is famous for the fact that Michael Fedorovich, the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, was blessed in his kingdom.

1512 - Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon discovered Florida.

1845 - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, German physicist, first Nobel Prize winner in physics in 1901, was born.

1854 - England and France declared war on Russia, which gave rise to the Crimean War.

1855 - kerosene is patented in the USA.

1860 - New Yorker Michael L. Byrne tantalized corkscrew.

1871 - Heinrich Mann, German writer (“Teacher Gnus”, “Loyal Father”) was born.

1878 - Russian peasant F. Blinov applied for a patent for the “car with endless rails” invented by him (the world's first tracked tractor).

1893 - ''Alexander Bell'', the world's first telephone company, began operations.

1893 - Swiss watchmaker ''Longines'' registered its logo.

1914 - the world's first blood transfusion occurred at the Brussels hospital.

1914 - Igor Sikorsky set the world speed record with 4 passengers - 106 km / h on his C-6A aircraft.

1928 - The world's first postage stamp was issued on the football theme in Holland.

1942 - Michael York was born, a British actor, best known for his roles in the films ''Romeo and Juliet'', ''Cabaret'' and ''Murder on the Orient Express''.

1963 - Quentin Tarantino, actor, screenwriter, director and producer (“Pulp Fiction”, “From Dusk Till Dawn”) was born.

1966 - A dog named Pickles and his owner David Corbett became the heroes of the day in the UK, having found on the lawn of one of the London parks the Golden Goddess stolen a week ago, the figurine of the goddess of victory Nike, which was awarded to the best football team in the world.

1968 - Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the Earth, died. Test pilot Vladimir Seregin also died with him. The circumstances of Gagarin’s death are still not known for certain.
   According to the official version, the ''MiG-15'' aircraft with Gagarin and his instructor, ''Hero of the Soviet Union'', Colonel Vladimir Seregin crashed on March 27, 1968 at 10:30 am near the village of Novoselovo, 18 km from the town of Kirzhach, Vladimir Region.
   It happened in conditions of poor visibility - the lower edge of the clouds was 300 m above the ground. The plane went into a spin, in order to withdraw it, the pilots did not have a few seconds.
   They found a piece of Gagarin's flight jacket on the branch, and found a picture of the Korolev in his pocket. The imprint of thearrows of the Gagarin watch was also found; they stopped at exactly 10:30.

1970 - Mariah Carey was born, American singer.

1975 - Stacy Ferguson, vocalist of Black Eyed Peas, was born.

1990 - Sherlock Holmes Museum opened in 221 on Baker Street in London.

1998 - several UFO groups were observed in Indiana (USA).


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