March 21, or Day of the Puppeteer, Poetry, Forests, Down Syndrome


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesMarch 21. Full of energy, Aries, born on the first day of the astrological year, are distinguished by a dedicated and executive attitude to their work.

You have tremendous faith in yourself and an incredible desire to always be the first.

You are always busy with something, because you love to be where life is in full swing. At times, you develop such a speed that it can be very difficult for others to keep up with you.

You have an open, free and sociable disposition, and no selfish motives are hidden behind your friendliness. What people see is in you.


Aries men born on March 21:
  • possess the following features:
  • sentimentality,
  • competitiveness,
  • ambition,
  • straightforwardness.
  • The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept rivalry with a woman, and therefore, choosing a relationship for life, prefers gentle and passive persons who are ready to completely give him the reins of government.
  • At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only betrayal, but even flirting on the side.

Aries women born on March 21:
  • endowed with such qualities: 
  • nobility, 
  • passion, 
  • strength.
  • Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with exaggerated self-esteem, experiencing a constant need to be independent.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.


International Day of the Puppeteer

March 21 in history ( 24 events)

The idea to celebrate around the world International Day of Puppetry, or World Puppetry Day, came to the famous figure of the puppet theater Jivad Zolfagariho from Iran.

In 2000, at the XVIII Congress of the International Union of Puppet Theater Figures (Union Internationale de la Marionnette, UNIMA) in Magdeburg, he made this proposal for discussion.

The discussion about the place and time of this celebration was very lively, but this issue was never solved. Only two years later, at a meeting of the UNIMA International Council, the date of the celebration was determined.

The tradition of the festival of puppeteers from all over the world opened the day on March 21, 2003. From this time on, all the professionals and fans of the puppet theater are celebrating the International Day of the puppeteer.

UNIMA President Margaret Niculescu appealed to all figures of the puppet theater with an appeal to turn the day of March 21 into an exciting ritual for the glory of the puppet theater: "Let puppet shows play on this day, hold discussions, arrange meetings, let all professionals and lovers of one of the oldest art forms - Puppet Theater! Let all around become participants of our holiday! Let everyone be in the puppet theater! ".

And according to the famous figure of the Indian puppet theater Kapila Vatsyayan: "The world of the puppet theater is the innocence of childhood, its purity and immediacy, and the wisdom of the philosopher. For me, the puppet theater always has a special charm, because it is a unique phenomenon in the field of art: in its amazing simplicity and, at the same time, in its polysemy, this is a real universe of mysterious and imaginative, mysterious and fantasy. Emerging in real time and space, the puppet theater returns to our souls the true essence ... ".

And today this holiday is widely celebrated in many countries of the world not only by the professionals themselves, but also by fans of this kind of art. Traditionally, on this day, the most unusual puppet shows, creative meetings, concerts and other festive events are organized by the workers of the theaters and creative puppet groups.

World Poetry Day

In 2000, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference (in Paris), World Poetry Day was first celebrated. This Day, according to UNESCO, is intended to create in the mass media a positive image of poetry as a truly modern art, open to people.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated annually on March 21. On this day in 1960, the police opened fire and killed 69 people during a peaceful demonstration in Sharpeville, South Africa, protesting the laws of the apartheid regime on the compulsory certification of Africans in South Africa. And by decision of the XXI session of the UN General Assembly on October 26, 1966, this day became the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The International Day of Forests

The International Day of Forests or World Day for the Protection of Forests was founded in 1971 and since then it is celebrated annually on March 21. The problem of preserving the forest and its wealth is today among the most important environmental challenges for all countries of the world. In recent years, the trends associated with the deforestation of the Earth have caused concern not only among environmentalists, but also among the entire international community.

International Day of Man with Down Syndrome

March 21 is the International Day of Man with Down Syndrome. This date entered the calendar in 2006. The initiative belonged to the participants of the VI symposium devoted to this topic. The date of March 21 was not chosen by chance - it is a symbolic designation of Down syndrome itself, the cause of which is trisomy of one of the chromosomes: in a person suffering from this disease, the 21st chromosome is in three copies. Translated into “calendar language”, it turned out the 21st day of the third month.

Mother's Day

Middle East countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Bahrain) celebrated Mother's Day on March 21. It is a day of remembrance of the mothers of the whole world, when their work and unselfish sacrifice for the good of their children is honored.

Also on March 21...

1685 - Johann Sebastian Bach, a German composer, was born.

1877 - Maurice Farman, French aviation pioneer, creator of the world's first passenger aircraft, was born.

1917 - The last Russian emperor Nicholas II and his family were arrested. First he was kept in Tsarskoye Selo, and then sent to Tobolsk.

1923 - in Paris, a certain Dr. Roger made a statement that smoking is good for health, because nicotine has antibacterial properties.

1925 - A law that prohibited teaching Darwin’s evolutionary theory in all educational institutions because it's contradict the biblical interpretation of human origins, was passed in the US, state of Tennessee.

1944 - Timothy Dalton, English film actor, one of the James Bond was born.

1958 - Gary Oldman, English actor ("Dracula", "Leon", "The Fifth Element") was born.

1961 - The ''Beatles'' first performance took place on ''The Cavern Club's'' Liverpool scene (according to other sources, this happened a month earlier). The protagonist was the long forgotten band ''The Bluegenes'', and the ''Beatles'' (then still a quintet) performed as a supporting group. In the next two years, the group gave almost 300 concerts on this stage.

1961 - the first well in Western Siberia produced oil.

1962 - according to the Americans, the first living creature who made a bailout at supersonic speed, became a brown bear. Bear was thrown out at an altitude of over 10 km and a speed of almost 1,400 km / h, and after 7 minutes and 49 seconds he landed safely.

1962 - Matthew Broderick, American actor (''Lady Hawk'', ''Novice'') was born.

1963 - The last 27 prisoners left forever the legendary ''Alcatraz'' prison. Now the prison has been turned into a museum.

1967 - Maxim Reality was born (his real name is Keith Palmer), a member of ''The Prodigy'' English group.

1975 - A 3,000-year-old monarchy is overthrown in Ethiopia.

1980 - born Ronaldinho, Brazilian footballer. World Champion, Champions League winner, winner of the Golden Ball 2005.

1999 - After the 478-hour journey, Bertrand Picard and Brian Jones became the first people to fly around the earth in a balloon.

2006 - Jack Dorsey sent the first message in the social network “Twitter” created by him.

2014 - Ukraine signed an association agreement with the EU.


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