April 2, or "Jazz", Autism and Children Book Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 2. In people, born on this day, the bright individualism of Aries is harmoniously balanced by the desire for cooperation and diplomacy.

You have the typical directness of your sign, but you readily listen to the interlocutor before making a decision, and therefore show yourself in partnership better than most of your brethren.

However, sometimes you are torn apart by opposing impulses. At times like these, actions can conflict with your deepest needs and feelings.


Aries men born on April 2:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • artistry, 
  • initiative, 
  • enterprise, 
  • courage,
  • bright, 
  • charismatic, 
  • active,
  • self-confident, 
  • distinguished by an extraordinary temperament,
  • constantly captivated by plans and ideas.
Aries women born on April 2:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • independence, 
  • activity, 
  • courage, 
  • always on the move, 
  • doing a thousand things at once. 
  • As a freedom-loving sign, she values independence and pride in the opposite sex.

Main event

For the first time in media, the word "jazz" appeared

April 2, 1912

April 2 in history ( 21 events)

For a long time it was believed that for the first time in the press the word "jazz" was mentioned on March 6, 1913 in the San Francisco newspaper.

But in 2003, New York University librarian George A. Thompson, Jr. was found other information: the word "jazz" is mentioned in the newspaper "Los Angeles Times" on April 2, 1912.

Later, in 1917, the American magazine Literary Digest authoritatively explained that "jazz is a music that makes people shake, jump and writhe."

There is reason to believe that the word "jazz" was used in the middle of the 19th century as the name of an ecstatic, encouraging cry.

But there are many other versions of the origin of the word "jazz".

For example: from the French ''jaser'' - to talk, talk by patter;

from African ''jaiza'' - the name of a certain type of sound drums;

from Arabic ''jazib'' - the seducer ...

Among the founders of jazz can be noted trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong, trumpeter King Oliver, clarinettist Johnny Dods, pianist Jelly Roll Morton.


Children's Book Day

The International Children's Book Day is celebrated on the birthday of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, who gave, not only to children, but also to adults - the ''Little Mermaid'', the ''Little Ida'', ''Gerda'', the ''Snow Queen'', the ''Ugly Duckling'', the ''Resistant Tin Soldier'', ''Ole Lukoye'' and even the ''Naked King''.

World Autism Awareness Day 

World Autism Awareness Day is set by the UN General Assembly on December 18, 2007. 

It is celebrated, starting in 2008, annually on April 2. 

The purpose of this date is to emphasize the need to help people suffering from an incurable disease, and improve their standard of living.

Also on April 2...

47 BC e. - Julius Caesar defeated the Pontic king Pharnac under Zela, commenting on the victory like this: “I came, I saw, I won”.

1725 - Giacomo Giovanni Casanova, an Italian adventurer, an intellectual, a secular lion, who mastered not only a pen, but also a sword and a pistol, was born. Everything else, he knew how to please and find the way to the hearts of women.

1792 - the establishment of the monetary denominations of the US monetary system (10-, 5- and 2.5-dollar gold eagles, as well as silver dollar, half dollar, 25-, 10- and 5 cent coins).

1794 - in accordance with the order of the French Convention on the formation of a military unit of balloons in 1793, the world's first airline Aerostiers was created. Two months later, a balloon with an observer was first used for reconnaissance purposes. Reports of aerial observers played a significant role during the many successful battles and sieges of the French army, but in 1799 the company was disbanded.

1801 - the defeat of the English fleet under the command of Admiral Nelson, the fleet of the Union of Northern Maritime Powers in the bay of Copenhagen.

1834 - in St. Petersburg, on the Obvodny Canal, under the direction of Pavel Schilling, an underwater electric mine exploded.

1834 - Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, French sculptor, author of the ''Statue of Liberty'', was born.

1840 - Emile Zola, French writer, was born.

1872 - Samuel Morse, American artist and inventor, creator of the electric telegraph and the alphabet named after himself, died.

1912 - the liner "Titanic" goes to sea for sea trials. They pass successfully.

1922 - Hermann Rorschach (born 1884), a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, died.

1958 - Eisenhower introduced the bill on the establishment of NASA.

1963 - for the exploration of the Moon, a space rocket is launched from the automatic interplanetary station ''Luna-4''.

1966 - the Soviet satellite ''Luna-10'' became the first spacecraft in the world to fly around the Moon.

1977 - Michael Fassbender, Irish actor of German origin (“Inglorious bastards”, “Shame”, “X-Men: First Class”, “Prometheus”) was born

1978 - The series "Dallas" started on the American television channel CBS. It was supposed to create a mini-series, which goes for 5 weeks, but the rating of the Eings family history turned out so high that the show lasted 13 years.

1997 - Tomoyuki Tanaka (born 1910), Japanese producer and film director, author of the ''Godzilla'' series, died.

2005 - John Paul II (Karol Joseph Wojtyla), 264th Pope died in 1978-2005.


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