April 13, or Stingy Knight and Rock-n-Roll Day


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 13. Born on this day try to resolve their conflicts with the outside world through hard work.

The brightest personalities who were born on this day are often forced to act as pioneers, making their way in the wilds of society, but at the same time looking for a place to rest where they can have a good rest.

Strong and self-sufficient people, they are able to work alone, and their work may not receive public recognition for years. Ultimately, if they do succeed, they manage to get others to not only appreciate the importance of their radical ideas, but also to unconditionally accept them into action.

In case of failure, they painfully experience a feeling of infringed dignity, but nevertheless continue to follow the course they have taken, regardless of public opinion.

More ordinary people tend to deny the innate talent for individual innovative creativity and most often take the position of the offended.


Aries men born on April 13:
  • are distinguished by the following distinctive features: 
  • love, 
  • dynamism, 
  • idealism, 
  • courage.
  • Aries is always in motion, creating around himself and his woman a special reality of passion, vivid emotions, dynamics and victories.
  • He is comfortable only in a state of struggle and race for first place, and therefore he will always seek his beloved woman in competition with strong competitors.
Aries women born on April 13:
  • characterized by such facets of temperament: 
  • entrepreneurial spirit, 
  • activity, 
  • spontaneity.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

During the excavations of Pompeii, treasure hills were found

April 13, 1895

During the excavations of Pompeii, treasure hills were found

For the first time on the ruins of Pompeii, who were the victims of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, the famous architect from Rome Domenico Fontana came across in 1599. At that time he was laying an underground water pipe in the thickness of the hill above the buried Pompeii.

However, excavations of the city began only in the middle of the 18th century, and they acquired a systematic character in the second half of the 19th century.

On April 13, 1895, during the excavation of Pompeii, a skeleton was found, with the light hand of someone nicknamed "the ancient stingy knight." However, it was impossible to come up with a more accurate nickname: the skeleton was found lying among the mountain of treasures ... There were also magnificent bracelets, rings, gold chains, a silver table set of 108 items, including cups, bowls, plates, spoons and even sifters.

During the excavations of Pompeii, treasure hills were found

More than a thousand gold coins of incredible numismatic value sparkled, just as they were minted. In general, the craftsmanship of making these jewelry was amazing.

The treasures were secretly sold to the French Rothschilds. But, as often happens, one of the dealers who warmed their hands on the deal, let out a spill. As a result, a scandal broke out, but the Italian authorities were already powerless to regain their values. All these treasures were in the Louvre.


Rock and Roll Day

Every year on April 13, World Rock'n'roll Day is celebrated - a celebration of like-minded people, for whom rock'n'roll has become not only music, but a lifestyle.

The historic event, which served as the basis for the holiday, happened a day earlier: April 12, 1954, Bill Haley recorded the single "Rock Around The Clock", which became a landmark in the new musical direction, which quickly overcame the borders of the USA and challenge  traditions.

In the middle of the 20th century, shortly after the Second World War, people sought rest and regular life. Shocks no one wanted. The music of that period was a reflection of the public mood - calm and sentimental, with a sweet vocal. At the official musical Olympus of the USA, the idea to create a respectable American image was advanced. Along with official music, there was a completely different life in America - loud, rhythmic, full of life - rhythm-and-blues.

One evening, Cleveland radio station DJ Alan Fried, took an idea to scroll through the rhythm-and-blues recordings. And in order not to shock the “white” public, he invented a different name for this - “rock and roll”. Thanks to Alan Fried, disguised rhythm-and-blues sounded in full force, becoming accessible to all, regardless of skin color.

Rock and roll gave the world such wonderful performers as Eddie Cochran, Elvis Presley, Karl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino. Despite persecution and oppression, the incendiary genre was very popular and beloved among fans of various ages and social levels for many years.

Today, rock music has many directions: from light dancing rock and roll to a brutal aggressive grind-core. Lyrics range from laid-back and humorous to dark, deep and philosophical. Often, rock music is opposed to pop music, although there is no clear boundary between the concepts of "rock" and "pop". Many musical phenomena balance on the edge between them.

Also on April 13...

1519 - Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, was born.

1742 - for the first time the oratorio “Messiah” by George Friedrich Handel was performed in Dublin's “Music Hall”, .

1743 - Thomas Jefferson, American political and public figure, author of the United States Declaration of Independence, was born.

1771 - Richard Trevithic, English inventor, was born. It was he who first created the high-pressure steam engine and built the first steam locomotive.

1906 - Samuel Beckett, Irish writer, playwright, Nobel Prize winner 1969, was born.

1934 - Rescue operation for crew members and passengers of the ''Chelyuskin'' steamer in the Arctic was completed. Within three days, the pilots who took part in the operation will be the first to be awarded the newly established title of ''Hero of the Soviet Union''.

1943 - Berlin Radio reported on the mass graves of Polish officers found in the Katyn forest. Separately, it was emphasized that the executions were carried out by the NKVD in the spring of 1940.

1963 - Garry Kasparov, 13th world chess champion, seven-time Olympic champion, was born.

1990 - The Soviet Union officially recognized its responsibility for the murder in the Katyn forest (1940) of several thousand Polish officers (a crime that the USSR had previously accused the Nazis).

1991 - ''Londonbeat'' led the American charts, their song “I've Been Thinking About You” climbed to the top of the charts.

1997 - snow falls in North Africa (at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius).

2004 - the first in 12 years after the reunification of the group "Pixies".

2008 - John Wheeler (b. 1911), American theoretical physicist, author of the term "black hole", died.

2018 - Milos Forman (b. 1932), Czech and American film director and screenwriter (''One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'', ''Amadeus'', ''Valmont''), died.


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