March 26, or Violet Day and frozen sea


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesMarch 26. Born on this day - naive, spontaneous and natural, like children. They manage to achieve what they want without resorting to open aggressiveness. Simplicity and lightness are the life motto of these people; difficulties, like the societies of those who tend to create problems and bring troubles, they try to avoid.

Born on March 26, as a rule, they are looking for the simplest answer to any question, and in this they are helped by the ability to address the very essence of the subject of study. However, it is not complete without intuition.

Although people born on March 26 are active people, they are characterized by some philosophical detachment. They are able to completely distance themselves from what is happening and assess the situation impartially, they can identify mistakes and offer a useful solution.

At times, they prefer to move away from active life and retire - preferably in a place dear to their hearts: in the mountains or on a deserted seashore. Moving away from the world, they do not pursue the goal of reflecting on upcoming plans or new ideas, the meaning of loneliness for them is to purify the soul and thoughts - quite in the spirit of Eastern religions.


Aries men born on March 26:
  • can boast the following distinctive features: 
  • love, 
  • leadership, 
  • dynamism, 
  • courage.
  • The Aries man is a classic charismatic and leader who does not accept rivalry with a woman, and therefore, choosing a relationship for life, prefers gentle and passive persons who are ready to completely give him the reins of government.
  • At the same time, Aries categorically does not accept not only betrayal, but even flirting on the side.
Aries women born on March 26:
  • have the following properties: 
  • honesty, 
  • independence, 
  • activity
  • Aries woman is bright, strong, authoritarian and active, with exaggerated self-esteem, experiencing a constant need to be independent.
  • By nature, the representatives of this sign are optimists, generous and wasteful natures who prefer impractical gifts - emotions are more important for them than material goods.
  • An idealist, philosopher, Aries woman often says what she thinks, without fear of offending her interlocutor.

Main event

On Mars found the frozen sea

March 26, 2003

March 26 in history (21 events

"Is there life on Mars, is there no life on Mars - science does not know" - this is not just a good aphorism ... Is there anyone on Earth now remembers that in place of the gigantic Sahara desert, only six thousand years ago there were flowing rivers, forests and boiled life?

On March 26, 2003, a large frozen sea was discovered beneath the surface of Mars.

According to scientists, about 5 million years ago, the area of ​​800 to 900 km was flooded, after which the water froze, and ice was covered by sediments  .

From immemorial times, Mars is called the "Red Planet". A bright red disc hanging in the night sky, when this planet is as close to the Earth, always caused people some kind of anxious feeling.

It seems that Mars experienced with the Earth several epochs of the Great Glaciations.

On Earth, the last grandiose glaciation ended only 12-13 thousand years ago.

There was a lot of water on Mars. This is evidenced by photographs of the planet obtained by space vehicles with a branched river network and grandiose river valleys, similar to the famous Colorado canyon in the USA.

A few subsequent millions of years was enough to make Mars turn into a lifeless desert with frozen seas and rivers covered with red magnetic sand.

Many of the frozen seas, lakes and rivers of Mars are now probably covered with red sands. The red sands of Mars, dispelled by hurricanes, are particles of the weathering crust of deep rocks.

On Earth in our time, such a dust damned with the drivers on the dirt roads of Africa and India.


Violet Day

Every year, on March 26, the Violet Day is celebrated worldwide (Epilepsy Patients Day).

One day, a nine-year-old girl, Kessidi Megan, suffering from epilepsy, decided to show other people that she was no different from them. In her nine years, the child has already felt some neglect on the part of adults and peers who perceived her illness not quite adequately, regarding him as something of a mild form of insanity.

To dispel the myths about the disease, Kessidy in 2008 invented the Violet Day. On this day, everyone can express support for people who live with a diagnosis of "epilepsy."

Girl’s initiative was supported first by the Nova Scotia Epilepsy Association, and then by other organizations in the world. Already in 2009, 100,000 students, about 100 public associations and over 100 well-known politicians joined the Violet Day, and the television tower in Toronto turned Violet for one evening.

Why purple? Lavender is the international color of epilepsy. It is also believed that the purple color has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces anxiety, phobias and fears.

Also on March 26...

1826 - Schubert gave his only public concert.

1837 - In St. Petersburg, in the premises of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, the first drawing of the first Russian win-win art lottery took place.

1845 - a medical band-aid is patented in the USA.

1908 - All cars are banned on Prince Edward Island (Canada).

1911 - Williams Tennessee was born, American prose writer and playwright (“A Streetcar Named Desire”, “Glass Menagerie”).

1921 - the Canadian schooner "Blyunous" was launched, which then during its "life" did not lose a single race. Now this schooner is depicted on Canadian ten cents.

1933 - Tinto Brass, Italian film director, was born (“Caligula”, “The Key”, “So all women do”).

1931 - Leonard Nimoy was born, American film actor, photographer, poet; the son of Ukrainian Jewish immigrants from Izyaslav. Known primarily for the role of Spock on the fantastic ''Star Trek'' / ''Star Trek series''.

1937 - the first monument in the world to the cartoon hero - the sailor Papaya is installed.

1944 - Diana Ross was born, an American singer and actress.

1948 - Stephen Tyler was born (the real surname is Tallarico), the lead singer of the Aerosmith group and the father of Hollywood star Liv Tyler.

1949 - Patrick Suskind, German writer and screenwriter, author of the novels “Double Bass”, “Perfume”, “The History of Mr. Sommer” was born.

1958 - the launch of the American artificial satellite of the Earth "Explorer-3" was carried out in order to study the radiation of the Earth and micrometeorites.

1960 - a new football tournament was established - the Cup of European Cup Winners.

1971 - the Republic of Bangladesh is proclaimed.

1973 - The first women are admitted to the London Stock Exchange.

1982 - The first twins born in Canada, conceived in a test tube, were born in Oakville, Ontario.

1985 - Keira Knightley was born, an American-English actress ("Pirates of the Caribbean").

1999 - the appearance of the "Melissa" virus was recorded, which in a short time struck hundreds of thousands of computers all over the world.


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