April 1, or Jokes and Dollar's Birthday


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 1. Born on this day, as a rule, are straightforward, disciplined, thoughtful and hardworking people.

The masters of their talent, they rarely flaunt it.

Even as children, they demonstrate a serious, conscientious approach to everyday life, shouldering many responsibilities that might seem like a heavy burden to their peers.

With age, they become even more reliable friends and associates, a support in family life.


Aries men born on April 1:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • artistry, 
  • straightforwardness, 
  • friendliness, 
  • energy,
  • bright, 
  • charismatic, 
  • active,
  • self-confident, 
  • distinguished by an extraordinary temperament,
  • constantly captivated by plans and ideas.
Aries women born on April 1:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • strength, 
  • intelligence, 
  • activity, 
  • always on the move, 
  • doing a thousand things at once. 
  • As a freedom-loving sign, she values independence and pride in the opposite sex.


Birthday of the dollar

April 1, 1778

April 1 in history ( 21 events)

April 1, 1778, a businessman from New Orleans Oliver Pollock came up with a dollar sign.

By the way, as the national currency of the USA it was approved later - in 1785.

Pollock took as a model the sign of the Spanish peseta.

In the sign of the pesetas, two features on top of the letter S symbolized the Hercules pillars on which the state emblem of Spain rests.
Two columns, wrapped in a ribbon, symbolized the end of the earth, the end, the impasse.
And the inscription on the tape read "nec plus ultra" - "nowhere else" ...

There is a version that the letter S itself originated from the endings of the plural in the words "dollar" or "peso".
In Spanish it looks like this: 1 dolar - 2 dolares and 1 peso - 2 pesos, hence the symbol S.

There is also the assumption that the symbol of the dollar comes from a small figure 8, which was placed on the Spanish peso, equal to 8 reals, and two vertical lines were added to avoid confusion.

Anyway, interpretations and associations were a great many: 
someone saw in this squiggle Latin s, nailed for stability with exclamation marks,
someone s decoded as "sale" - "sale" and so on.

But the Americans were sure that the dollar sign formed as a combination of the first letters of the name of the state U and S (United States) superimposed on each other, in which the lower part of the letter U gradually disappeared.
Then many more years passed, and Americans, in order to save time writing, began to cross out the dollar sign with only one dash I, and it turned out today the well-known dollar sign $.

 By the way, the very word "dollar" comes from the German thaler, obtained from the reduction of Joachimsthaler munze (a coin from the valley of St. Joachim).

Variants of this name in different countries were: talero - in Italy, far - in Spain, the Daler in Scandinavia.

Laughing Day

The custom of having fun, joking and fooling each other on April 1 exists in many countries.

It is believed that this custom first appeared in France. But even the ancient Romans celebrated on February 17th the feast of the fools.

Some are convinced that this tradition originated in ancient India, whose inhabitants, to this day on March 31, celebrate "Joke's Day."

Icelandic sagas says that the custom to deceive on April 1 was introduced by the gods in memory of the Scade, the daughter of Thiass.

According to another version, the custom of joking on April 1 is associated with the transfer of the new year. Until the second half of the 16th century, the European New Year began at the end of March. They prepared for this event, went to visit each other, gave gifts. The meeting itself of the New Year took place on April 1. Later, by decree of the French king, the beginning of the year was officially celebrated on January 1, but many subjects continued to celebrate on April 1. To get rid of the old traditions, they began to be called "April Fools", it became fashionable to play and make fun of them.

On April 1, our pagan ancestors celebrated one more entertaining feast. Rather, not even a holiday, but a certain frontier. This day was considered the Day of the awakening of the brownie. The ancient Slavs believed that for the winter, he, like many animals and spirits, fell into hibernation and woke up only occasionally to do the necessary housework.

Of course, our distant ancestor tried to cajole the disgruntled brownie with gruel, milk and bread, but as you know, the bread must also be attached to the spectacle. Such shows of the awakened spirit were widespread celebrations, jokes, laughing of the people, who played with each other all day.

Over time, about the meeting of spring, and the awakening of the brownie on April 1 was forgotten, but the tradition of joking, playing and cheating on that day remained. As the saying: '' On the April 1 no one believes''.

Geologist Day

Annually, on the first Sunday of April, Geologist Day is celebrated.

Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated by workers of all mining and geological organizations. In addition, the day of the geologist is also considered a professional holiday of geophysicists, explosives, mine surveyors, miners and all those who, one way or another, are busy searching for and developing mineral resources.

International Day of Birds

Celebrated in connection with the International Convention for the Protection of Birds held in 1906.

This holiday originated in the USA in 1894. Soon the holiday, which gained popularity thanks to the media, began to be massively held in all states, and then came to Europe. The date of the convention was not chosen randomly: at this time, the birds returned from the warm areas.

Adults and children arrange the habitats of waterfowl, hang out new feeders and birdhouses on this day.

Also, on the second weekend of May, another very famous bird fest is celebrated - World Migratory Birds Day.

Also on April 1...

1748 - excavations of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, the victim of the eruption of Vesuvius, began.

1808 - Emperor Alexander I proclaimed the “permanent” accession of Finland to Russia.

1809 - Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, Russian writer, was born.

1875 - The English "Times" becomes the first newspaper in the world to publish a weekly weather forecast.

1889 - The first dishwasher created by Josephine Cochrane appeared on sale in Chicago.

1890 - Belgian emigrant Charles van Depoll received a patent for the first trolleybus in the USA.

1906 - Alexander Yakovlev was born, a Soviet aircraft designer, creator of the famous Yak aircraft.

1920 - Toshiro Mifune was born, Japanese actor, chief samurai of Japanese cinema. He played his star roles in the paintings of Akira Kurosawa.

1924 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery published his first story "The Pilot".

1930 - after the premiere of the film "Blue Angel" star Marlene Dietrich rose.

1938 - The first broad presentation of instant coffee was held in Switzerland.

1940 - An electron microscope is demonstrated for the first time in New Jersey.

1950 - The West German newspaper ''Wiesbaden Tageblatt'' publishes a sensational photograph of a UFO pilot who crashed near the city. In the picture, the pilot is accompanied by two officers of the American Army. Alien, a meter height, in the oxygen mask. Under the photo it is explained that he has one leg and he moves by jumping. The photograph is reprinted almost all the newspapers of the world. Only after many years, the employees of the newspaper confess that it was an April 1 Fool's joke!!!! For the alien, was taken a daughter of one of the colleagues.

1976 - Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak set up the Apple Computer Company.

1995 — The Sobesednik weekly, as an April Fool's joke, publishes material on profanity, for which the Russian prosecutor’s office will open a criminal case against the newspaper.

2004 - The Federal Aviation Administration of the United States of America issued the world's first license to fly into orbit for the privately controlled SpaceShipOne.

2004 - Gmail from Google opened.


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