April 8, Gypsies, Buddha's Birthday and Fire Escape Staircase


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 8. People born on this day are extremely active. You see life as a series of challenges and you intend to solve them all.

Whether exercising your creativity or acting as the leader of a large corporation, in both cases, you know how to earn respect and work harmoniously with others.

You have a dynamic combination of realism and idealism: today you support the tradition, and tomorrow you start to fight it.

Some of your innovative ideas may sound far-fetched, but they work because they are grounded in a solid foundation of common sense and business acumen.


Aries men born on April 8:
  • possess the following qualities: 
  • courage, 
  • dynamism, 
  • positiveness, 
  • idealism,
  • bright, 
  • charismatic, 
  • active,
  • self-confident, 
  • distinguished by an extraordinary temperament,
  • constantly captivated by plans and ideas.
Aries women born on April 8:
  • are not like others in such qualities: 
  • independence, 
  • intelligence, 
  • enterprise, 
  • always on the move, 
  • doing a thousand things at once. 
  • As a freedom-loving sign, she values independence and pride in the opposite sex.

Main event

The first fire escape staircase was patented

April 8, 1766

The first fire escape staircase was patented

April 8, 1766 in America was patented the first in the world fire escape staircase. The value of this invention is difficult to overestimate, because it has saved people's lives many times.

The need for this invention arose in connection with the construction of the first multi-store buildings, in which case to save people in case of a fire from the uppermost premises was very problematic.

This first patented staircase was a little less than 10 meters high.

A record of the same height of the modern staircase for use in extinguishing fires was dщту in 2000 - one of the F88HLA fire trucks has a height of 88 meters.

In general, the stairs in the practice of firefighting are divided into two types: for fire fighters (that is, for firemen) and for fire victims (that is, for those who are rescued).

Professional fire escape ladders are designed to lift fire fighters on several floors of the building. They are three-wheeled, staircases-storming and stairs-sticks, and they are folding.

The automatic stairs that are mounted on the roof of the rescue vehicle are designed to save people from a fire outbreak that are on high floors, where rescuers are raised with fire hoses. The lorry is equipped with a cradle, which can be permanently fixed to an arrow (stairs) or be removable. The control is carried out from the main control panel or from the remote located in the cradle, as well as from the remote at a distance of up to 5 meters.

It is sure to say that the invention of the fire escape staircase largely not only facilitated the work of professional rescuers, but also helped save many lives.


International Gypsies Day

On April 8, International Gypsies Day is celebrated. This holiday was established on April 8, 1971 in London at the First World Gypsy Congress.

The congress resulted in the recognition of the gypsies of the world as a single non-territorial nation and the adoption of national symbols: the flag and hymn based on the folk song “Jele, Jele”.

To preserve the identity and culture of this nomadic people, the International Union of Gypsies was created.

Instead of a coat of arms, Roma use a number of recognizable symbols: a wheel of a tent, a horseshoe, a deck of cards.

Gypsy books, newspapers, magazines and websites are usually decorated with such symbols, one of these symbols is usually included in the logos of events dedicated to the Gypsy culture.

The first mention of the gypsies is dated 1501, when the gypsy leader Vasil received a security certificate from the Lithuanian prince Alexander Kazimirovich.

Today, the Gypsy population is about 8-10 million people. The geography of gypsy resettlement includes the countries of both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres: Albania, Romania, Moldova, Croatia, Argentina, Belarus, Canada, Brazil, Russia and other countries.

Experts designate the six main branches of the Gypsies: three western and three eastern.

To the West include Roma (the self-name of the Gypsies), Sinti and Iberian Gypsies;

The eastern group includes Lyuli, Lom and Dom.

In addition, there are small gypsy groups. In Europe, there are a number of ethnographic groups that are close in lifestyle to the Gypsies, however, of a different origin - in particular, Irish Travelers, Central European Enishi. Local authorities, as a rule, consider them as a kind of Gypsies, and not as separate ethnic groups.

Also on April 8...

563 BC - Siddhartha Gautama, an Indian prince, was born. After his reincarnation he received the name Buddha (Enlightened) and became the founder of a new religion.

Gautama died at the age of 80. Before his death, the Buddha asked the monks to remember two conditions guaranteeing the preservation of his teachings for many centuries:
1) not to quarrel over small and insignificant prescriptions of discipline in the community, following the most essential instructions;
2) earnestly strive for enlightenment.

1341 - on the Capitol Hill in the Senate Palace was crowned with a laurel wreath by Francesco Petrarch. This action was done in recognition of his best poet and unsurpassed expert on ancient literature.

1764 - Nikolai Rezanov was born, diplomat, trader, one of the founders of the Russian-American company, the initiator of the first Russian round-the-world expedition. His love story is immortalized in the rock opera "Juno" and "Avos".

1892 - Mary Pickford was born, an American star of silent films.

1938 - Kofi Annan, Ghanaian diplomat, UN Secretary-General (from 1996 to 2006) was born.

1947 - recorded the largest spot on the sun (up to 18 billion square kilometers).

1966 - Robin Wright was born, American actress (“Forrest Gump”, “White Oleander”, “Santa Barbara”), the former wife of Sean Penn.

1968 - Patricia Arquette, American actress (“True Love”, “Medium”), the first wife of Nicholas Cage was born.

1970 - an accident on the Soviet nuclear submarine of Project 627A “Kit” K-8. A fire that started at a depth of 140 m in the Bay of Biscay region, 300 miles from the coast of Spain, leads to the death of a submarine and 52 crew members.

1990 - on the American channel ABC, the premiere of “Twin Peaks” series began.

1990 - the charitable International Foundation “Renaissance” was established (the Ukrainian branch of the “Soros Foundation”).

1992 - the Serbian community in Bosnia proclaims the creation of an independent republic.

1997 - The 1804 silver dollar is sold in New York for a record $ 1,815 million.

2001 - the church opposed Formula 1.

2003 - the oldest burial site was discovered near Cairo.

2010 - the overthrow of Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, more than 70 dead.


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