April 3, or Mobile Phone Birthday


Zodiac Sign Aries

March: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
April: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

AriesApril 3. Born on this day are obsessed with the desire to become irreplaceable in this life.

It is quite natural that they manage to be in the center of events - be it because of their talent, rich knowledge or quick wits.

The top priority for these people is to control what is happening - both at work and at home. They prefer to lead the process without unnecessary chatter, clearly and clearly expressing their will and expecting full attention from others.

Born 3 April can't stand being ignored. And yet they are devoid of dictatorial manners, and they achieve superiority over others by their naturalness.


Aries men born on April 3:
  • have the following qualities: 
  • competitiveness, 
  • ambition, 
  • dedication, 
  • swiftness,
  • bright, 
  • charismatic, 
  • active,
  • self-confident, 
  • distinguished by an extraordinary temperament,
  • constantly captivated by plans and ideas.
Aries women born on April 3:
  • possess the following properties: 
  • courage, 
  • nobility, 
  • spontaneity, 
  • always on the move, 
  • doing a thousand things at once. 
  • As a freedom-loving sign, she values independence and pride in the opposite sex.

Main event

Mobile Phone Birthday

April 3, 1973

The world's first mobile phone: Motorola DynaTAC 8000X (1983)
The world's first mobile phone: Motorola DynaTAC 8000X (1983)

April 3 is considered the birthday of a mobile phone.

Internet access, social networking, messaging, photo, audio and video, e-mail, photo and video, navigation, gaming, built-in calculator, flashlight, calendar, clock, alarm clock, stopwatch, voice recorder, radio, video player, barcode scanner.

No one could even think 30 years ago that all this and not only will be combined in one device, which is placed in the pocket, and its main function is that voice communication will become only one of many functions, and for a significant part of users it is not always the main.

Mobile phone today is actually a mini-computer, which is very firmly entered into the everyday life of ordinary citizens.

When the telephone apparatus appeared in the 19th century, it was something of a fantasy field. However, submarines, airplanes, rockets and space exploration also belonged to the category of fiction or fairy tales up to a certain point. Rich imagination, realized in literary creation, often became the engine for scientists, researchers and inventors.

In 1910, an American journalist predicted the appearance of a telephone set, which will not be permanently attached to the base, that is, it was a mobile phone. This idea was picked up in the first post-war years by AT & T and its research center Bell Laboratories. At the same time, work was in progress on the creation of a cellular communication device in Motorola.

The iconic event, which later became the Birthday of a mobile phone, occurred on April 3, 1973.

That day, Motorola's engineer Martin Cooper made the first call on his mobile phone. His first phone call to Motorola DynaTAC 8000X, he made a friend in a competing company Bell Laboratories, clarifying immediately that he was talking on his mobile phone.

Martin Cooper has worked in telephony and mobile phone development for a long time, starting with the creation of mobile phone sets for cars. Similar units weighed in the order of 13-14 kg. So the new device, by which the call was made by Cooper, weighing just under 900 grams, was a real technological breakthrough.

The first car phone: Nokia Mobira Senator (1982)
The first car phone: Nokia Mobira Senator (1982)

Tell someone today about a cell phone weighing almost a kilogram, with a body length of about 22 centimeters, as well as a width of about 4 cm and a thickness of about 12 cm - not everyone will believe in such a "miracle". And then, in 1973 - it really was a miracle, although the battery life was about 30 minutes, and its charging time is about 10 hours!

Further events developed much faster. The prototypes of the mobile phone turned into commercial ones and entered the market, using success, despite the huge price, which amounted to over $ 3,500 per device.

Touchscreen: IBM Simon Personal Communicator (1993)
Touchscreen: IBM Simon Personal Communicator (1993)

In addition to Motorola, the development of mobile phones and their further development began to connect new manufacturers, brand names which are now heard by every inhabitant of the planet.

In this field, such companies as Nokia, Siemens, Philips, Sony, Ericsson, Benefon, Sharp, Samsung, LG, Apple have left a notable contribution.

The development of technologies has steadily led manufacturers along the way of reducing the size of mobile phones, increasing the capacity and performance of their batteries, and then processors.

Cell phones learned various variants of form factors: candy bar, flip, clamshell, slider, side slider, smart phone and others.

Strongly incorporated into the everyday life to the point that already a separate topic of discussion and research is the negative impact of cellular phones on human health, as well as its safety under certain conditions, mobile phones have nevertheless become an integral part of our lives.

So the date of April 3 has the right to exist, being a landmark event in the history of inventions of the 20th century.


World Party Day

April 3 is a fun and informal holiday - World Party Day, also known as P-Day. Despite the cheerful nature of the holiday, it was created with serious intentions.

The fact is that the idea of ​​organizing a party day came from the science fiction novel “Flight” by the American writer Bath Bont: the book's narration ends with a countdown until April 3, 2000, when a massive celebration should be held around the world that unites humanity.

This novel was published in 1995, and on April 3, 1996, the first Party Day passed in the United States under the motto: "The party is the opposite of war."

In a number of countries, on April 3, in honor of the holiday, mass events are held with songs and dances, in which everyone participates. Regardless of scale and focus, all actions of the day are united by one goal - to enjoy every day, to be able to love the world and respect the right of other people to live a happy life in a world without war.

In the Folks Calendar


On April 3, the Slavs welcomed the awakening from hibernation of Waterman, mermaids and all aquatic life.

This holiday, even, rather, a rite, is very ancient, originated in Russia during the period of dual faith. Sometimes Vodopol is called Pereplyut, the Day of the Waterman, the name of the Waterman or Nikita Vodopol.

On this day, at midnight, fishermen came to the water to feast on and cajole the grandfather-Waterman. They say that as a treat, the fishermen drowned the horse, saying: "Here's a housewarming present for you, grandfather: love and care our family." True, they were greedy: for this case they bought the most worthless horse from the gypsies. In some areas, fishers provide as a Waterman gift by pouring oil into the river.

Also on April 3...

1829 - James Carrington received a patent on the coffee grinder machine.

1860 - ''Pony Express'', a regular transcontinental postal service, opened in the USA.

1879 - Sofia is proclaimed the capital of Bulgaria.

1885 - Gottlieb Daimler received a patent for a water-cooled single-cylinder internal combustion engine in German .

1924 - Marlon Brando, American actor, was born. He was nominated eight times for the ''Oscar'', and twice won the honorary award.

1928 - the manuscript of "Alice in Wonderland" was sold to an American buyer for 15,400 pounds ($ 75,260).

1932 - Russian surgeon Yuri Voronoi conducts the world's first kidney transplant operation.

1948 - US President Harry Truman approved the Marshall Plan, according to which $ 17.15 billion (5% of the gross national product of the United States) will be allocated to 17 European countries that agreed to take part in the project over 4 years The project will allow in the shortest possible time to improve the economy of the participating countries. Later, the British historian A. Toynbee would call the Marshall Plan "an outstanding achievement of our time." The USSR refused to participate in the project.

1958 - Alec Baldwin, American actor, was born. His two brothers are also famous movie actors, and his wife was the famous Kim Besinger.

1961 - Eddie Murphy was born, American comedy actor.

1966 - Soviet automatic station ''Luna-10'' for the first time in the world entered orbit around the moon.

1968 - The premiere of the film Stanley Kubrick "Space Odyssey: 2001". Subsequently, the film was recognized as the best in the history of world cinema in the genre of cinema fiction.

1968 - Jamie Hewlett was born, an English comic artist and designer. The creator of the famous images of "Tank Girl" and the group ''Gorillaz''.

1973 - a barcode was introduced: first in the USA, after and around the world. The first product with a bar code was ''Wrigley`s'' chewing gum.

1976 - The first presentation of the French "Cesar", the European equivalent of "Oscar", took place.

1982 - Kobe Smulders, a Canadian actress, was born (“How I Met Your Mother,” “The Avengers”).

1986 - Amanda Bynes was born, an American actress (“What does a girl want”, “A winner of easy virtue”).

1987 - at the Geneva auction, the Duchess of Windsor jewelry collection was sold for a record price of £ 31,380,197.

2000 - Bill Gates, the richest man on the planet, loses $ 12 billion due to a sharp drop in Microsoft shares, setting a record - his fortune decreased by 4.7 million per second.

2007 - French high-speed electric train V150 set a new speed record for passenger trains - 574.8 km / h.

2017 - there was a terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro, which killed 14 people, injured 45 and injured more than 50 people.


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