January 22, or Birthday of popcorn


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusJanuary 22. Those born on this day usually display a kind of energy boost that attracts some people and repels others.

Pronounced individualists, they can hardly contain their impulsiveness in personal and social life.

Many of those born on this day display a carefully controlled public image and let things take their course in their personal lives.

Others find it difficult to moderate their aggressiveness in their professional activities.

Emotional control is a major problem for these people. They must realize that they can only work more effectively on others if they tame their passion and allow others to breathe more freely.



Aquarius men born on January 22: Logic (rapper), Guy Fieri, Gabriel Macht.
  • can be proud of the following features:
  • independent,
  • communicative,
  • inventive.
  • By their nature, Aquarius is active, very diligent in their work, and to a large extent self-critical people. And in combination with their natural responsiveness, the characteristics listed above make these people quite pleasant individuals.
  • The personalities of this winter birthday simply need to know themselves as early as possible and, as deeply as possible, to objectively assess their potential and their life opportunities.
  • In order for them to learn to control themselves and take a step towards the next step in their spiritual and moral development, they must realize that they can effectively communicate as equals only if they curb their passion and emotions.

Aquarius women born on January 22Diane Lane, Linda Blair, Erika Ikuta.
  • are distinguished by special facets of temperament:
  • safe,
  • intriguing,
  • attractive.
  • These personalities can be said to be difficult, often causing an ambiguous reaction from others.
  • For some, these personalities are extremely attractive and interesting, but for others, they are rather odious personalities, causing them not to perceive and sometimes even a storm of indignation.
  • The most enlightened of those Aquarians are constantly working on developing those positive qualities in themselves that can help them open new spaces for their spiritual improvement, for example, patience, endurance and intuition. This process can go through her whole life, although it is painful for her, but they attribute the cultivation of self-control to the necessary work, which must be brought to its logical end and with a positive result.


Birthday of popcorn 

January 22, 1630

January 22, 1630  388 years ago

Popcorn - is known to everyone. Who and when first noticed the amazing property of popcorn to explode from the heat, is unknown. Most likely, the ancient man learned this during a fire.

Under favorable conditions, corn grains can persist for a very long time. Evidence of this is the grains found by archaeologists in burials in Peru. Their age exceeds a thousand years, however, many of them can now be used to make "air corn". And besides the corn grains, in the excavations they found vessels for the preparation of popcorn. They were made in ancient times from steatite, clay and metal and were of very different sizes.

In the beginning of the 16th century, the indigenous population of Mexico then used popcorn - and not only as food, but also as jewelry for hair and necklaces

And Europeans did not recognize popcorn until 1630.

On January 22 of this year, English colonists in South America accepted a bag of popcorn from the Indian leader Kwodokuain.

Only two centuries later, Charlie Creotos invented Popper, a machine for popcorn.

By the way, popcorn contributed to the invention of microwave ovens. When exposed to the raw grains of microwave radiation in 1945, Percy Spencer saw that they "explode" as from ordinary heating on fire. And subsequently patented a new technology.

Also on January 22...

1724 - Peter I issued a decree on the compulsory knowledge of the employees of state institutions of the Russian Empire of laws and charters and on the prohibition to justify ignorance of laws, under the penalty of fines for non-execution.

1788 - George Byron, English romantic poet, was born.

1898 - Sergei Eisenstein was born, an outstanding Soviet film director, screenwriter, film theorist.

1901 - Victoria, Queen of Great Britain died. The period of her rule - the Victorian era - was marked by the industrial revolution and the period of the greatest prosperity of the British Empire.

1908 - Lev Landau, an outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize winner.

1987 - well-known American TV presenter Phil Donahue arrived in the Soviet Union to record their talk shows.

1973 - Abortions were legalized in the United States by the Supreme Court of this country.

1993 - Abe Kobo, Japanese writer, died ("Woman in the Sands", "Alien Face", "Burned Map").

2005 - North Korean Foreign Minister Kim Ke Gwan declared that the DPRK is a nuclear power.

2005 - Consuelo Velasquez Torres (born 1916), Mexican pianist, author of the song "Bésame mucho" died.


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