February 8, or Dog Involved in the Police Operation, Time Zones Appeared


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusFebruary 8. Born on this day are endowed with great telepathic abilities and have the ability to predict events.

Sometimes they can theoretically assume how they will control the situation and put their ideas into practice - but not with the help of physical efforts, but by the power of suggestion, which gives shape to their desires and directs them in the right direction.

In addition, they have the ability to anticipate events and, accordingly, calculate the most appropriate time for a promising project or successful career advancement.



Aquarius men born on February 8: Jules Verne, Paul Wight, James Dean.
  • can be proud of the following features:
  • independent,
  • progressive,
  • humane.
  • These people usually start a family when all his friends and girlfriends have already created families, gave birth to children and live happily family life.
  • When the partner of an Aquarius man has been dating him for a long time, and has already despaired of waiting for a logical continuation, she suddenly receives an offer from him - she just has to clap her eyes and agree.

Aquarius women born on February 8Mary Steenburgen, Nozomi Sasaki, Elisabetta Gregoraci.
  • possess the following qualities:
  • mysterious,
  • unique,
  • easy to communicate.
  • People born on this day protect their feelings from prying eyes and influence.
  • These people are simultaneously open to the world and ready to communicate, and at the same time, they try to close and not let anyone into their soul.
  • They are in a space that can be called an aquarium - you can see them, examine them, but you cannot touch them.

Main event

Dog was Involved in the Police Operation for the first time

February 8, 1816

Dog Involved in the Police Operation, Time Zones Appeared

Man for a long time appreciated the dog's acute sense of smell, delicate hearing, endurance, unpretentiousness, strength, loyalty to the owner and other, no less useful, qualities. In turn, the dog became the most faithful to the human animal, his best friend and helper. In the 19th century in the Europe, the use of dogs in the police service is gaining considerable momentum.

For the first time the dog was involved on February 8, 1816 in the English county of Aberdeenshire, which is in the north-east of Scotland, with the arrest of a criminal gang engaged in the smuggling of whiskey. Policeman Malcolm Gillespie was well helped by the bull terrier, trained to rush forward at the escaping horses. The horse was on the rack with this attack, and the rider was on the ground.

Such facts of the use of dogs in police work took place in Germany, England, France, Russia and some other countries. For example, in England (second half of the 19th century), a new breed of a service dog, Bull-mastiff, was distinguished from all other previously known breeds to fight criminals with its fierce character.

In Germany, the first police dog is considered to be the Rottweiler, which has established itself as a great search engine.

No less willing German policemen used in their work another breed - the Doberman.

In Russia, to perform special tasks, dogs began to be used in the middle of the 19th century, first in the border guards, then in the police.

Time Zones Appeared

On this day, an offer was received to divide the Earth into 24 time zones.

On February 8, 1879, railway engineer Sanford Fleming proposed the introduction of a universal standard time, dividing the globe into 24 time zones. Four years later, this idea was adopted on the railways of North America.

In 1919, Russia and Ukraine began to consider time in a new way - the decree “On the introduction of the time account in the international system of time zones” was published. On the basis of this document, from April 1 of that year, the standard time was entered throughout the RSFSR, and the country was divided into 11 time zones, starting from the second and to the twelfth.

Also on February 8...

1587 - Queen of Scotland, Maria Stewart, was executed by order of the English Queen Elizabeth.

1672 - English physicist Isaac Newton reports on his theory of the nature of light and color.

1692 - a doctor in the American village of Salem announces that 3 teenage girls are dominated by the devil. Beginning of the Salem witch process.

1724 - by decree of Peter I, the Academy of Sciences is founded - the highest scientific institution in Russia (until 1917 - the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, from May 1917 - the Russian Academy of Sciences, from 1925 - the USSR Academy of Sciences, now the Russian Academy of Sciences). Since 1934 is in Moscow.

1725 - Peter the Great died, the first Russian emperor and the main Russian reformer, a boyar beard cutter.

1828 - Jules Verne, French writer, founder of science fiction, was born.

1834 - Dmitri Mendeleev, an outstanding Russian chemist, who discovered the Periodic Law of Chemical Elements and made up the Periodic System of Chemical Elements.

1837 - a sad date in Russian history. In St. Petersburg on the Black River duel between Pushkin and Dantes.

1838 - Samuel Morse for the first time publicly demonstrated his electromagnetic telegraph system.

1904 - Japanese destroyers attacked the ships of the Russian Pacific squadron stationed in Port Arthur. The Russian-Japanese war began.

1906 - Chester Carlson, inventor of the photocopying process.

1916 - in Zurich, a group of poets founded the Dadaism movement (French dadaisme, from dada skate, wooden horse, baby talk) - avant-garde literary and artistic movement expressed in separate scandalous antics of collecting scribbles, pseudo-drawing, combinations of random objects. In the 20s. Dadaism in France merged with surrealism, in Germany - with expressionism.

1921 - Askania-Nova was declared a state reserve. Now the Askania-Nova Biosphere Reserve is the world-famous national reserve of Ukraine, the only corner of the tipchak-feather grass in Europe that the plow never touched. The reserve is different from others because of addition to the local aboriginal, steppe species of wild fauna, many rare animals, brought not only from Europe and Asia, but also from Africa, Australia and America, have taken root well. Here in a large zoo area of ​​30 square kilometers are kept in semi-free conditions of zebras and antelopes, buffalo, deers and wild horses - more than 1000 animals in total. These “guests” of the Ascanian steppe have long felt themselves at home in spacious enclosures.

1925 - Jack Lemmon, American actor, winner of the Oscars (“Only Girls in Jazz”, “Chinese Syndrome”, “Save the Tiger”).

1969 - The first flight of the world's largest passenger aircraft, the Boeing 747, took place.

1972 - Frank Zappa’s concert in London’s Albert Hall was canceled, as part of his songs were considered obscene.

1988 - Mikhail Gorbachev announced the recall of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

1994 - the world's largest palace of snow and ice was built. Such a piece of architecture was erected in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan. The palace with a volume of 103,591.8 cubic meters and a height of 30.29 meters was an attempt to copy the South Korean castle of Suwon.

2007 - Anna Nicole Smith, American fashion model, girl of Playboy magazine, 1993, TV presenter, actress, died.


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