January 27, or Cosmos for Everyone Day
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, January 27. Too early development is a distinguishing feature in the lives of those born on this day, as their abilities are manifested in childhood.
As a rule, this affects the choice of a profession: usually those born on this day deal with young people. Many of them, even in old age, retain amazing good spirits, youthfully interested in life until the end of their days.
Often, projects born on this day are implemented too quickly, ideas are born suddenly, their financial activities are expanding rapidly. Since they are psychologically disposed to make operational decisions, it is difficult for them to control their activities, and this sometimes leads to serious disruptions in work.
In their personal lives, those born on January 27 instantly establish friendships and develop romantic attachments, putting both themselves and others in an uncomfortable, albeit intriguing, position.
Aquarius men born on January 27: Lewis Carroll, Alan Cumming, Wilhelm II.
- can be proud of the following features:
- innovative thinker,
- bizarre,
- friendly.
- The energy of these people is stormy, and they need to learn to restrain their emotions, become more patient and restrained, try to more carefully choose new acquaintances for themselves.
- However, if they set themselves the goal of achieving success in their careers or business, then it is important for them to cultivate in themselves a realistic approach to doing business, as well as to life in general.
Aquarius women born on January 27: Rosamund Pike, Ruby Lin, Mimi Rogers.
- endowed with the following features:
- easy to communicate,
- friendly,
- independent.
- These outgoing personalities easily form friendships and quickly develop romantic relationships.
- At the same time, they often put themselves and others in a rather delicate, but on the other hand, a situation that arouses common interest.
Main event
January 27, 1967

"Treaty on the Principles of the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies", which became the basis of international space law.
At the beginning the treaty was concluded by the United States of America, Great Britain and the Soviet Union, today more than 100 countries are States parties to the Treaty.
The Outer Space Treaty defines the basic legal framework of international space law. Thus, the first article of the document says: "The exploration and use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies, are carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries, regardless of the degree of their economic or scientific development, and are the property of all mankind."
Also among the principles: a ban on the states party to the placement of nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction in orbit, installing it on the Moon or any other celestial body, or at a station in outer space.
The treaty stipulates the use of the Moon and other celestial bodies only for peaceful purposes, and explicitly prohibits their use for testing any kind of weapons, conducting military maneuvers or creating military bases, structures and fortifications.
Nevertheless, the Treaty does not prohibit the deployment of conventional weapons in orbit.
International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Nazism in Germany
On this day, prisoners of Auschwitz were released in 1945.
According to various data, during the existence of the camp, from 1 to 4 million people were destroyed in it.
Most of the victims of Nazism were killed in gas chambers. The largest of them were located in Poland in the death camps Auschwitz, Majdanek, Sobibor, Treblinka.
Concentration camps destroyed over 11 million citizens of Russia, Poland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary and other countries.
Also on January 27...
1725 - Peter I, having caught a cold, got into the bed. The dying emperor requires paper and a pen, but he only manages to write several words: “Give it all away ...” To whom it is still not clear.
1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Austrian composer (''Don Juan'', ''The Magic Flute'', ''The Marriage of Figaro'') was born. Wonder child, wonder composer, who overtook not only his own, but it seems, all the times combined. A brilliant polyphonist, author of operas and serenades, instrumental pieces and works of sacred music. Wonder-man, forever in need and infinitely talented, miracle-death, gave rise to a lot of rumors and myths.
1832 - Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) was born in Darsbury, Cheshire, England. Known around the world fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass", which established the fame of the unsurpassed master of prose and verse.
1836 - Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, an Austrian writer (“Venus in Furs”), a principled opponent of sadism, was born. His name gave the name to the term "masochism".
1878 - Andy Charles Dilend, one of the leading journalists of the ''Chicago Chronicle'', was born. It was he who led the criminal chronicle column in the most criminal city of the early 20th century, he was at the front in the First and Second World War, he was friends with Walt Disney, and it was from him that Walt sketched a good, but dull dog Goffy. And Dilend wrote a book for writing journalists, it is called "How it was in reality or what you should not hide from yourself."
1887 - Peter Nesterov was born, a Russian military pilot, the founder of aerobatics, the first in the world to perform the "dead loop" and a ram.
1895 - in St. Petersburg at the Mariinsky Theater, the premiere of the ballet by Pyotr Tchaikovsky's ''Swan Lake'', staged by M.I. Petipa and L.I. Ivanov, which has become a classic.
1901 - Giuseppe Verdi, Italian composer, central figure of the Italian opera school, died.
1926 - In London, the Scottish inventor John Baird for the first time showed a television based on a mechanical image transmission system to the general public.
1948 - the first tape recorders (from Wire Recording Corporation of America) are came on sale.
1964 - Bridget Fonda was born, American film actress (“Point of No Return”, “Scandal”, “Little Buddha”), continuer of the glorious dynasty of the Fonda in the cinema.
1956 - Elvis Presley's first single was released with the song "Heartbreak Hotel", recorded by the legendary guitarist Chet Atkins, pianist Floyd Kramer and drummer Dominic DJ Fontana. Three months later, the ''Heartbreak Hotel'' song led the American Top 10, lasted eight weeks on the top of lists, and became Elvis’s first million copies. Different artists performed this song at different times.
1983 - Louis de Funès, French film actor, one of the greatest comedians of the 20th century, died.
1987 - At the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev for the first time calls the time of Leonid Brezhnev’s reign “an era of stagnation” and announces the onset of a new stage of restructuring - the “era of publicity”. The beginning of the end of the USSR ...
2000 - Mick Jagger registered his own name as a trademark.
2010 - Jerome David Salinger (b. 1919), American writer, classic of US literature of the 20th century, best known as the author of the novel “The Catcher in the Rye” died.
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