January 24, or Day of Eskimo and Canned Beer


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusJanuary 24. Born on this day evoke in those around them incomparable admiration and devotion.

Of course, this is beneficial to such active individuals who attract others with the seething of their nature.

At the same time, such an attitude creates additional problems, because a lot is shifted onto their shoulders, especially in situations where it is necessary to develop a strategic line (in extreme cases, when it comes to idolatry, their burden is perhaps even too heavy). Not only for people who worship them, but also for society as a whole, those born on January 24 play the role of an icon. Unsurprisingly, this generates the envy of those who would like to occupy the same position as them.



Aquarius men born on January 24: Ed Helms, Justin Baldoni, Luis Suárez.
  • differ in the following qualities:
  • communicative,
  • intellectual,
  • idealistic.
  • Aquarians of this birthday consciously prefer relationships with people, as if at a distance, they are restrained and cold, of such a level that they can protect their privacy.
  • When choosing a partner, Aquarius should always be guided by a sense of happiness. If his choice makes him happy, then it is right for him. No matter how it may seem to him that the creation of a marriage union deprives him of freedom, he must adhere to the opinion that he became happy by starting a family.

Aquarius women born on January 24Tatyana Ali, Michelle Hunziker, Sharon Tate.
  • are not like others with such properties:
  • calling,
  • original,
  • liberal.
  • In real, everyday life, these individuals are not so detached, and can share joy, sadness and disappointment with their loved ones and friends.
  • The nature of those individuals who were lucky enough to be born under this constellation on January 24 is full of life and restless, this explains the fact that they are so attractive in communication to others. It would be rather strange if Aquarians would not fail to take advantage of this.


International Eskimo Day

January 24, 1922

January 24 marked as the "sweet" holiday - International Eskimo Day, International Eskimo Pie Day

January 24 marked as the "sweet" holiday - International Eskimo Day (International Eskimo Pie Day).

The date for its establishment was chosen because on that day in 1922 the owner of the candy store in Onawa (Iowa, USA) Christian Nelson received a patent for an Eskimo.

Eskimo is an ice cream on a stick, covered with chocolate glaze.

And although his history counts for several millennia (it is believed that in ancient Rome, Emperor Nero allowed himself such a cold dessert), but it is considered to be the Birthday of the Eskimo on January 24th. And, of course, the Eskimo is not just an ice cream, it is a symbol of carefree summer days, the taste of childhood, the love of which many have preserved for life.

Who and when "invented" the Eskimo? Who invented to insert a stick into it? Where did the name come from?

There are a lot of versions and disputes about these historical events. According to one of the most common, the author of this type of ice cream is a culinary confectioner Christian Nelson, who invented to cover with chocolate icing a briquette of the ice cream. And he called it "Eskimo Pie", This happened in 1919, and three years later he received a patent for this "invention."

Later, the composition and appearance of the Eskimo changed, the oval, parallelepipeds and other figures came to replace the glazed cylinders, ice cream itself was made not only from cream, but also from milk or its derivatives. Changed the composition of the glaze - to replace the natural chocolate came the glaze with vegetable fats and dyes.

The list of manufacturers of the Eskimo has also expanded. Therefore, today everyone can choose a favorite Eskimo from a wide list of food products on the market. But, regardless of preferences, on the International Eskimo Day, all lovers of this delicacy can eat it with the special meaning, celebrating this holiday.

The main thing to remember is that an Eskimo can only be on a stick and glazed, otherwise it's not an Eskimo. And it is not necessary to buy this cold delicacy in the store - you can make it at home using simple and useful products. Recipes home made Eskimo are not at all complicated, and are available even for inexperienced chefs.

Also on January 24...

1606 - officially announced the transfer of the capital of Spain from Valladolid to Madrid.

1732 - Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, French comedian, author of The Barber of Seville and Marriage of Figaro, was born.

1776 - born Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann, German writer, composer, music critic, conductor, decorative artist.

1888 - typewriter ribbon appeared.

1848 - Gold found in California. The California Gold Rush has begun.

1924 - The first Winter Olympic Games began.

1924 - died Amedeo Modigliani, one of the most famous artists of the late XIX - early XX century.

1935 - In the American city of Richmond, the first batch of canned beers called "Krueger Cream Ale" went on sale. 

1950 - born Daniel Otoy, French actor (“The Girl on the Bridge”, “Queen Margot”, “Chameleon”, “Quay Orfevre, 36”).

1961 - Nastassja Kinsky, German film actress (“Paris, Texas”, “The Godmother”, “The Sky Over Berlin 2”) was born.

1965 - Winston Churchill, English statesman, British Prime Minister, Nobel Prize in literature, died.

1967 - Andrei Belyanin was born, a Russian writer and poet, writing in the fantasy genre.

1984 - The first Apple Macintosh personal computer is released.

1986 - Misha Barton was born, an Anglo-American actress and model, known for her role as Marissa Cooper in the TV series ''Lonely Hearts''.

2011 - terrorist attack at Domodedovo airport (Moscow, Russia). Killed 37 people.


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