February 16, or interesting about Tutankhamen and Repairs Day
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, February 16. Born on this day are bright, impulsive, reckless personalities, able to breathe life into everything, no matter what they do.
The actions of these people are spontaneous.
Many of them do not recognize semitones. If you walk, so in a big way, if you laugh, so to tears, if you sing, so loudly - this is the motto of those who were born on this day.
Nevertheless, one problem is associated with those born on February 16, the essence of which is that the ostentatious courage of these people, in fact, often turns out to be a screen that hides a timid, notorious, insecure nature, inclined to cultivate suffering in oneself.
Without a trace, devoting themselves to friendships, work, family, children, they very painfully endure the fact that sometimes they have to act even contrary to their own "I". What for? At least in order to maintain your reputation in the eyes of others.
Aquarius men born on February 16: LeVar Burton, Ice-T, Valentino Rossi.
- boast the following properties:
- patient,
- independent,
- idealistic.
- They have a sufficient set of leadership qualities to captivate people, subordinate them to their ideas, rally around some goal and lead them along the path of its realization.
- Men born on February 16 can be great bosses, because their ideas quickly become the ideas of the whole team, they are able to captivate the crowd.
Aquarius women born on February 16: Elizabeth Olsen, Nana Komatsu, Amanda Holden.
- characterized by the following qualities:
- attractive,
- calling,
- interesting.
- Women born on this day have truly amazing emotionality, they are usually popular with the stronger sex.
- This is due to their extraordinary appearance, as well as to increased emotionality, and their positive attitude towards life attracts men to them.
- They make great dramatic actresses.
Main event
February 16, 1923

How Tutankhamen look's like during his lifetime
But first of all, Egypt - the country of stone miracles - beckoned with its incomparable monuments of art. Burials, like sealed pantries, have preserved the treasures of ancient art.
It is located in the Valley of the Kings, where from the 16th century BC. e. for the 11th century BC. e. were built tombs for the burial of pharaohs - the kings of ancient Egypt. The valley is on the west bank of the Nile, opposite the city of Thebes (modern Luxor).
Her search was long. Archaeological expeditions have long been working in the Valley of the Kings, which seemed to have unearthed everything possible, and new findings were not expected. However, Carter was sure that the tomb of Tutankhamen should be somewhere around here. The scientists did not part with the hope that, perhaps, it will be possible to find the entire burial entirely.
February 16, 1923 British expedition led by archaeologist Howard Carter found the main treasure of the pyramid: the stone sarcophagus of the pharaoh. When in February the sarcophagus was opened, inside there was a gold coffin with its mummy. The sarcophagus was gold and contained more than 100 kg of pure gold, and the pharaoh's body there was mummified. The room where the sarcophagus was located was filled with so many precious objects that it took them five years to dismantle them. The sarcophagus with the mummy of Tutankhamen was left in his tomb in the valley of the kings. All the treasures found there are now stored in the Cairo Museum.
DNA analysis of nearly a hundred Egyptian mummies shocked scientists
It turned out that the ancient Egyptians are not from Africa by birth.
German scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Human History and the University of Tuebingen have partially restored the genome of 90 Egyptian mummies, from 3500 to 1500 years old. Analyzed it. And they came to the conclusion: the ancient Egyptians were not Africans. Some were Turks, others came from southern Europe and from the places where Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Georgia and Abkhazia are now.
Experts of iGENEA compared the pharaoh boy's genome and modern Europeans. And they found: many of them are relatives of Tutankhamen. On average, half of European men are “Tutankhamen”. And in some countries, their share reaches 60-70 percent - as, for example, in Great Britain, in Spain and in France.
DNA was compared by the so-called haplo-groups - characteristic sets of DNA fragments that are transmitted from generation, remaining almost unchanged. Relatives of Pharaoh "issued" a common haplo-group called R1b1a2.
Scientists emphasize: Tutankhamen R1b1a2, so common among European men, and very rare in modern Egyptians. The share of its carriers in them does not exceed one percent.
“Isn't it very interesting that Tutankhamen is a genetic European,” says Roman Scholz, director of the iGENEA center.
Genetic studies of the Swiss and Germans once again confirmed: modern Egyptians, in general, are not degraded descendants of the pharaohs. They have almost nothing common with their ancient rulers. That in some way, explains the characteristics of Egyptian society.
The pharaohs themselves are not local.
“I believe that the Egyptian kings and Europeans has the same ancestor, who lived in the Caucasus about 9,500 years ago,” said Scholz. "About 7 thousand years ago, his direct descendants settled in Europe. And someone got to Egypt and got into the Pharaohs".
The day after the Candlema was called the "Repairs": in the old days, the hosts were taken early in the morning to repair agricultural equipment.
The "Repairs" is not similar to other holidays in the usual sense of the word, because its essence is not in celebration, but in labor. The nature of the holiday literally conveys not only its name - “Repairs”, but also the second part of the Russian folk saying: “Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter.”
Also on February 16...
During the reign of King Philip II (1556-1598) in the Netherlands did not recognize the king and often rebelled because of severe restrictions, excessive taxes and persecution of merchants. As a result, such a rule caused a riot, which had already grown into a large-scale popular uprising of 1565-1567. On February 16, 1568, the entire population of the Netherlands — three million people — were sentenced to death.
Philip II presented a special memorandum: "with the exception of the chosen list of names, all residents of the Netherlands were heretics, distributors of heresy, and therefore were guilty of high treason".
The Inquisition Court accepted the offer. Philip confirmed the decision with another document and ordered to proceed with the execution of the sentence.
Mass executions began in the country, most nobles fled to Germany. Many suffered terrible torture before death, men were burned at the stake, and women were buried alive.
In six years, 18,600 sentences have been executed in the Netherlands.
Over time, the spirit of national resistance in the Netherlands was suppressed.
1659 - In England, Nicolas Wanaker wrote the world's first check for 400 pounds. This document is still kept in the archives of the National Bank.
1834 - Ernst Haeckel was born, German naturalist, author of the term "ecology".
1900 - Winston Churchill's first novel ''Savrol'' appeared in London. Perhaps he would have filled up the amount of prominent English novelists, but in October 1900, 26-year-old Churchill was elected a member of the Conservative Party and a brilliant political career began for the future prime minister of Great Britain. Whatever it was, but in 1953, Churchill was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature.
1903 - porcelain is used for the first time to fill teeth.
1906 - Vera Menchik, a Russian chess player, the first world chess champion among women, was born.
1909 - Richard (Dick) MacDonald was born, Californian restaurateur. Together with his brother Maurice, he organized a quick-service restaurant in San Bernardino that offered hamburgers, french fries and drinks.
1923 - Howard Carter revealed the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen.
1937 - Wallace Hume Carothers, a research chemist from DuPont, patents nylon.
1968 - The first emergency telephone service, the 911 telephone, appeared in the American city of Heylivil, Alabama
1978 - The first computerized bulletin board was created - BBS.
2005 - The Kyoto Protocol entered into force. The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement, an additional document to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992), adopted in Kyoto (Japan) in December 1997. It commits developed countries and countries with economies in transition to reduce or stabilize greenhouse gas emissions.
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