February 10, or Iron's and Brownie Day


Zodiac Sign Aquarius

January21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
February: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


AquariusFebruary 10. Born on this day are actively looking for the most suitable area to apply their strength and strive to be recognized.

Many of them seriously dream that their achievements will be appreciated in the highest echelons of power.

More developed natures born on this day, as a rule, manage to achieve what they want, and too much diligence on their part is usually not required.

They behave so confidently and consistently that others can only acknowledge their success.



Aquarius men born on February 10: Radamel Falcao, Don Omar, Bertolt Brecht.
  • differ in the following properties:
  • smart,
  • humane,
  • independent.
  • These Aquarians are very perceptive and can easily understand a person, his soul and thoughts, without revealing their true motives before.
  • Interestingly, he doesn't really need it, what is going on in a person's head and soul, he just enjoys it.

Aquarius women born on February 10Emma Roberts, Chloë Grace Moretz, Laura Dern.
  • celebrating their birthday on February 10, are distinguished by special differences of nature:
  • calling,
  • independent,
  • liberal.
  • These individuals crave public recognition and strive with all their might to do so, which is quite often given to them.
  • They would still have to learn, be more decisive and not back down, if some issue became difficult for them to solve, you can, after all, ask for help, or practical advice.


Iron's Birthday: his first documentary mention

February 10, 1636

Iron's and Brownie Day

Devices for smoothing clothes were invented a long time ago.

In the 4th century BC. e. in ancient Greece, the methods of pleating clothing from the canvas with the help of a hot metal rod resembling a rolling pin were used.

For the smoothing of clothes in ancient times, slightly processed heated cobblestones were used.

In Russia, before the appearance of the iron, the fabric was also smoothed with a frying pan heated on hot coals or a log - a device from a corrugated wooden board and rolling pin. The thing that needed to be patted was wound on a rolling pin and a plank along it.

The first mention of the iron was found in the book of expenses of the royal yard. The entry is dated February 10, 1636. The mentioned and described iron at the cost of 5 altyns belonged to the simplest heating type. Weighed about 10 kilograms and was monolithic.

In the 18th century, wind irons were used, which had a lid for loading coal, it was necessary to blow out the lateral holes on the iron for blowing the coals.

Then came the irons, in the case of which there was a metal tube for connection to the gas cylinder, a pump was located on the cover of the iron.

There were also alcohol irons resembling a kerosene lamp. The surface of such an iron was heated with alcohol, poured in, which was set on fire as necessary. Due to the lack of alcohol, this innovation did not last long. For a long time irons were available to a few and were a luxury. So for an alcohol iron you could buy a herd of sheep.

There were also aluminum irons, created not for ironing, but for exporting non-ferrous metal abroad.

With the advent of electricity and the development of technology, electric irons appeared. From the point of view of electrical engineering, their principle is based on the release of thermal energy during the passage of an electric current through a resistive heating element. Typically, the design of the iron provides the location of the heating element as close as possible to the sole and the presence of a handle of thermally insulated material to avoid burns. In modern electric irons, there is a small water tank, water is used to form steam, which allows for greater ironing efficiency.

Brownie Treat Day

The Slavs today honored the Brownie: after dinner, they left a pot of porridge over the stove, surrounded by hot coals, so that the porridge did not cool until midnight.

Brownie - good spirit. Usually he is a zealous owner helping a close-knit family. Sometimes mischievous, if he does not like it. It scares those who do not care about the household and livestock.

On this day, the brownie is fed with porridge, leaving her on the lid with the sentence:

''Master-father, take our porridge!
And eat pies - take care of our home!''

If the grandfather-neighbor is left without goodies, then from the kind keeper he will turn into a rather fierce spirit.

In some areas, the holiday is celebrated in the old style - January 28th.

Also on February 10...

1898 - Berthold Brecht, German playwright, poet, art theorist, director was born.

1923 - Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (born 1845), German physicist, first Nobel Prize in Physics (1901), died.

1947 - Peace treaties were signed in Paris between the victor states in World War II and the former allies of Nazi Germany (entered into force on September 15, 1947).

1961 - Sergei Penkin was born, a unique singer, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as a voice holder with a range of inimitable latitude.

1962 - Clifford Lee Burton was born, American musician, second bass player of Metallica.

1967 - Laura Dern was born, an American actress, known for her many years of collaboration with director David Lynch (Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, Inner Empire).

1991 - Emma Roberts, American actress (“Cocaine”, “Valentine's Day”), the niece of Julia Roberts was born.

1996 - the first chess match between the IBM Deep Blue supercomputer and Garry Kasparov began (G. Kasparov won with a score of 4–2).

1997 - Chloe Moretz, American actress, young Ubivashka from the “Kick-Ass” movie was born.

2005 - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China for the first time openly announced the creation of nuclear weapons in the country.

2006 - sarcophagi found in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings.

2009 - The collision of the satellites "Cosmos-2251" and "Iridium 33" - the first known case of the collision of two artificial satellites in space. The collision occurred over the territory of the Russian Federation, above the Taimyr Peninsula, at an altitude of 788.6 kilometers. The speeds of both satellites were approximately equal and were about 7470 m / s.

2015 - The murder of students in Chapel Hill (USA).


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