February 3, or We remember the good deeds, Setsubun and the fist Moon landing
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, February 3. Most people born on this day pay great attention to their professional activities.
They have adjusted to what they do with ease.
They have an excellent sense of timing and know how to choose the right moment to advance in business and in love.
This latter area represents a "passionate hobby" to which they devote many hours throughout the work week.
Aquarius men born on February 3: Daddy Yankee, James White, Felix Mendelssohn.
- boast the following distinctive features:
- original,
- independent,
- humane.
- Do not demand any promises and vows from the representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius! They hate commitments and empty, unattached words of promise.
- The representative of the strong half of humanity in the person of Aquarius is trying to avoid marriage ties with all his might.
- The family, in his opinion, is a cage from which it will be difficult to escape to the freedom that he loves so much.
Aquarius women born on February 3: Tao Tsuchiya, Maitland Ward, Elizabeth Holmes.
- endowed with the following qualities:
- interesting,
- full of novelty,
- safe.
- The ideal lover for an Aquarius woman born on February 3 will be the man who has no problems with sensual attachment and some deep emotional feelings about possible parting.
Main event
February 3, 1966

Model of the interplanetary station in the Museum of Astronautics and Missile Technology
Before the station "Luna-9", more than a dozen failed attempts to soft landing on the Moon were carried out according to the E-6 program.
February 3, 1966, for the first time in the history of space exploration, AIS (automatic interplanetary station) ''Luna-9'' made a soft landing on the surface of the Moon.
This occurred in the Ocean of Storms, to the north-east of the Cavalieri Crater, at the point at coordinates 7.08 ° N. w. 64.37 ° W etc.
''Luna-9'' delivered to the surface of ALS ( automatic lunar station) weighing 100 kg.
With ALS, 7 sessions of communication with a total duration of more than 8 hours were conducted. During these sessions, the station transmitted panoramic images of the Moon's surface near the landing site, obtained at different altitudes of the Sun above the horizon.
The active life of the automatic lunar station (ALS) on the lunar surface was 75 hours.
Scientific discoveries:
- The "meteor-slag" theory of the structure of the outer cover of the Moon, put forward by V. Sharonov and N. Sytinskaya, was confirmed.
- AMC transmitted to the Earth on the radio panoramas of the lunar landscape at the landing site.
- Made measurements of the intensity of radiation caused by the action of cosmic rays and the emission of lunar soil.
We remember the good deeds
The day of memory of Maxim the Greek who was popularly called the Comforter.
It was believed that every person in Maxim's day should have remembered with a kind word everyone who ever came to help him, and if possible, to thank them with deed.
Also on this day prayed for the welfare of the family. The couple went out into the yard, holding hands, and together they shook frost from the trees. At the same time they said: “What God has united, then cannot be separated by the men”.
And in Japan, on February 3, Setsubun is celebrated - one of the oldest and most interesting holidays.
The appearance of the holiday is associated with the concept of Chinese yin-yang philosophy. These are two opposing interacting principles underlying the universe: light and dark, positive and negative, active and passive, female and male. It was believed that at the junction of the seasons these beginnings confront each other and this causes the danger of the emergence of various kinds of misfortunes.
The term "setsubun" itself is directly related to the change of one season to another. Traditionally, in Japan, the word "setsubun" refers to the night between February 3 and 4, the eve of the day of Rissin - the day of spring on the lunar calendar.
Legend tells that in ancient times the epidemic claimed many lives, and devils and evil spirits were to blame for this misfortune. They managed to get rid of scattering toasted beans. This is where the mamemaki rite was born to banish evil spirits and preserve well-being.
The main tradition of the holiday is to scatter dry soybeans. The beans fly in handfuls, sometimes falling into the scattering neighbors, in the viewers, in the household.
In ancient times, the rite of the mamemaki began the meeting of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. The rite is still being performed in order to disperse all hardships and let happiness, well-being and good luck get into their homes. In families where there are small children, the mamemaki rite usually turns into the fun. Someone (usually dad or grandfather) dress up in demon, disguised men jumps and runs around the room, while the rest of the household throws soybeans at him. In some schools, pupils make masks of evil spirits and in Setsubun they have a lot of fun, throwing beans at each other.
It is believed that scattered soybeans fall into the eyes of evil spirits, thereby destroying their power.
And after the bean “sowing”, it is supposed to eat as many soy beans as how old you will be in the coming year.
And spring comes on February 4th ...
Also on February 3...
1769 - the first paper money was issued in Russia - banknotes.
1809 - Felix Mendelssohn, German composer, author of the newlyweds march was born.
1815 - The first cheese factory in the world was founded in Switzerland.
1863 - 27-year-old American journalist Samuel Lenghorn Clemens first signed his story with the pseudonym Mark Twain.
1874 Gertrude Stein, American writer, was born.
1961 - In New York, Bob Dylan recorded the first songs in his performance on the equipment of his friends.
1966 - AMS Luna-9, launched on January 31, for the first time in the world, made a soft landing on the surface of the Moon in the area of the Ocean of Storms and transmitted the first lunar photo-panorama.
2005 - the most expensive newspaper in the world was published in China. The special edition of ''Economic Daily'' in Shenzhen was printed on gold paper (the cost of one copy of the newspaper was $ 8,000).
2009 - The International Court of Justice in the Hague issued a verdict regarding the status of the Ukrainian ''Snake'' Island and the shelf in the North-West Black Sea region. ''Snake'' is recognized as an island, as Ukraine insisted on (and not a rock, as the Romanians argued).
2010 - The sculpture by Swiss master Alberto Giacometti. “The Man Who Steps” (“l'homme qui marche”) was sold at Sotheby's for a record amount of 65 million pounds (104.3 million dollars).
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