January 28, or WITHOUT Internet, Antarctica and Brownie Treats Day
Zodiac Sign Aquarius
Aquarius, January 28. Born on this day are capable of great things. Most often, to achieve success, they need not only determination, but, possibly, physical strength.
However, those born on this day should never forget about the spiritual factor. In addition, willpower is of great importance to them, which gives meaning to their actions and concentrates internal resources.
Born 28 January are individual in their choice of paths and interests.
The most developed natures are characterized by objectivity in assessing their capabilities.
Aquarius men born on January 28: Elijah Wood, Will Poulter, Rick Ross.
- possess the following features:
- humane,
- intellectual,
- communicative.
- They are generous and kind personalities in every sense.
- From childhood to the end of the life of this Aquarius, his lively mind constantly requires replenishment of intellectual food. It is simply vital for him to receive all new doses of information so that his living mind works with it, processes and analyzes it.
- Investigating some problem, in addition to its standard solution, Aquarius will find and at the same time try in practice, his own production, an alternative method, a way he invented, to solve this problem.
- But here's the catch, he is not constant, if he loses interest, then he will abandon what he is doing without any regret.
- This, by the way, can be fully attributed to his personal life, because born under the elements of the wind, it is difficult to keep in place, which means that he is unreliable as a family partner.
Aquarius women born on January 28: Andrea Berg, Shruti Haasan, Ariel Winter.
- characterized by the following features:
- interesting,
- original,
- friendly.
- The mental activity of Aquarius is determined by the element under which they were born - Air.
- Learning is easy for them, and any incoming new information is quickly processed by them.
- Comprehensively developed people who were born on January 28 are individuals who strive at any age to cognize the world, they often idealize it.
- They rarely turn to the past, their gaze is usually focused on the future, which interests them more, and Aquarius also value their freedom and always strive for it.
Main event
January 28, 1820

''Vostok'' and ''Mirny'' stayed on the voyage for 751 days and passed more than 92 thousand km. This distance is two and a quarter times greater than the length of the equator.
Except Antarctica, the expedition discovered 29 islands and one coral reef. The collected scientific materials made it possible to compile the first idea of Antarctica.
Russian sailors not only discovered a huge continent located around the South Pole, but also carried out major research in the oceanography.
The discoveries of the expedition proved to be a major achievement of the Russian and world geographical science of that time.
At the beginning of the XIX century. the ships of the Russian fleet made a series of round-the-world voyages. These expeditions enriched world science with the largest geographical discoveries, especially in the Pacific Ocean. However, the vast expanses of the Southern Hemisphere still remained on the map as a "white spot". The question of the existence of the Southern continent was not clarified.
In 1819, after a long and very thorough preparation from Kronstadt, the southern polar expedition, consisting of two military sloops - ''Vostok'' and ''Mirny'', set out on a long voyage. The first commander was Faddey Bellingshausen, the second - Mikhail Lazarev. The crew of the ships consisted of experienced, seasoned sailors.
On July 16, 1819 the ships "Vostok'' and "Mirny", anchored and saluted artillery coastal batteries left their native Kronstadt raid. There was a long way to unknown countries. Before the expedition they set the task of completely penetrating to the south in order to finally resolve the question of the existence of the Southern continent.
In early autumn, with a favorable wind, the ships took a course across the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of Brazil. The weather favored swimming. Rare and weak storms did not violate the order of life on ships. From the very first days of the voyage, scientific observations were conducted, which Bellingshausen and his assistants carefully and in detail recorded in the logbook. Every day under the guidance of prof. Kazan University astronomer Simonov officers were engaged in astronomical observations and calculations of the geographical position of the vessel.
At the end of December 1819 the sloops approached South Georgia Island. The sailors took up the description and shooting of its southern shore. The northern side of this mountainous island, covered with snow and ice, was also taken off by the English navigator James Cook. The ships moved slowly forward, moving very cautiously among the floating ice.
In the beginning of the January 1820, sailors discovered an unknown island, entirely covered with snow and ice. The next day, two more islands were seen from the ship. They were also put on a map, naming the participants of the expedition (Leskov and Zavadovsky). Zavadovsky Island was an active volcano with a height of more than 350 m. Landed on the shore, the expedition members ascended the slope of the volcano to the middle of the mountain. On the way, eggs of penguins and rock samples were collected. There were many penguins here. The sailors took on the ship several birds, entertained on the road crews of ships.
Eggs of penguins were edible, and they were used for food. An open group of islands was named in honor of the then naval minister - Traverse.
Foggy, cloudy weather made swimming very difficult. The ships were constantly threatened with danger to run aground. With each mile to the south, it became increasingly difficult to wade between the ice.
The expedition's ships nevertheless crossed the Southern Arctic Circle and on January 28, 1820, reached 69 ° 25'S. w. In the hazy haze of a cloudy day, travelers saw an icy wall blocking the further way to the south. It was the continental ice. The expedition members were sure that the Southern continent was hiding behind them. This was confirmed by the many polar birds that appeared above the sloop. Indeed, only a few miles separated the ships from the coast of Antarctica, called the Norwegians after more than a hundred years by the banks of Princess Martha. In 1948, the Soviet whaling flotilla "Slava" visited these places, which established that only poor visibility prevented Bellingshausen from clearly seeing the whole coast of Antarctica and even mountain peaks in the interior of the continent.
Thus, the greatest geographical discovery of the 19th century was accomplished.
Underwater World of Antarctica
International Day WITHOUT Internet
98 - Mark Ulpius Traian, the second of the so-called “good emperors”, became the Roman emperor.
1596 - English seafarer, pirate, Vice-Admiral Francis Drake died from dysentery on the board of his ship.
1706 - John Baskerville, an English typographer and publisher, the creator of the new style fonts bearing his name, was born.
1853 - José Julian Martí, Cuban revolutionary and writer, national hero of Cuba, was born (he died in battle with the Spaniards in 1895). In his honor, it would be logical to drink something ethnographic, especially since it is very, very pleasant to use, because Cuban cocktails occupy a special place in the world of mixed drinks. ( ''Daiquiri'' recipe here)
January 28
The global Internet community offers to live on the last Sunday of January in the "real" world.
The International Internet Day has its history since the beginning of the 2000s, and the initiator of its establishment, according to some data, is the British Institute for Social Inventions, and on the other - the British non-commercial online project “DoBe.org”. The only thing that is known for sure is that it was the active, advanced Internet users who became the organizers of the International Day WITHOUT the Internet.
The main goal of this holiday is to completely distract people from computers and the global network for at least one day, to live this day exclusively in the “real” world, to communicate with other people exclusively “live” or to devote it to their favorite hobby (of course, unrelated with the internet).
International Data Protection Day
The holiday was established so that internet users do not forget about observing the rules of behavior on the Internet, which help to protect their virtual and real life.
In connection with the rapid development of the information and telecommunication sphere, with the introduction of new technologies, the spread of innovative, globalization and integration processes, the Convention became the basis for the further development of regulation in the field of personal data protection.
The basic principles of the processing and protection of personal data proposed by this Convention are the integrity and legality of receiving and processing personal data, storing personal data for certain and legitimate purposes and not using them in a manner inconsistent with these goals.
Brownie Treats Day
On January 28, Russich and other Slavic peoples celebrated the House Ghost's Treat.
Immediately after dinner, the hostess of the house left a pot of porridge behind the stove, having previously enclosed it with hot coals. This was done so that by the time of the appearance of the brownie (he arrived exactly at midnight) the porridge was not cold and the “defender of the house” could enjoy hot food. There was a belief that if you leave a good helper without refreshments on this night, he can very easily turn into a fierce enemy, and then you can not expect that the year will turn out well ...
This holiday was also called Kudesy. In some Slavic dialects, this word meant tambourines. A musical instrument, a symbiosis of a small drum and bells. The holiday is a holiday, and therefore in many families they tried to cajole with dances and songs. And having fun from the heart ...
Also on January 28...
98 - Mark Ulpius Traian, the second of the so-called “good emperors”, became the Roman emperor.
1596 - English seafarer, pirate, Vice-Admiral Francis Drake died from dysentery on the board of his ship.
1706 - John Baskerville, an English typographer and publisher, the creator of the new style fonts bearing his name, was born.
1807 - For the first time in the world, gas lights were lit on Pell Mell Street in London.
1853 - José Julian Martí, Cuban revolutionary and writer, national hero of Cuba, was born (he died in battle with the Spaniards in 1895). In his honor, it would be logical to drink something ethnographic, especially since it is very, very pleasant to use, because Cuban cocktails occupy a special place in the world of mixed drinks. ( ''Daiquiri'' recipe here)
1935 - The first artificial emeralds were produced in Germany.
1980 - Nick Carter, American singer, musician, actor, member of the Backstreet Boys was born. The older brother of the singer Aaron Carter.
1981 - born Elijah Wood, an American Kinovunderkind actor. He earned worldwide love by playing Frodo in the ''Lord of the Rings'' trilogy.
1986 - 73 seconds after takeoff at an altitude of 14020 meters, the American space shuttle "Challenger" exploded. Seven astronauts (including two women) - F. Scobie, M. Smith, D. Reznik, E. Onizuka, R. Mc-Neher, G. Jervis, Sh.K. Mac-Oliff - die from the impact of a detached capsule with people against water.
1996 - Joseph Brodsky, an outstanding Russian and American poet, playwright, translator, winner of the 1987 Nobel Prize in literature, died.
2002 - Astrid Lindgren, Swedish writer, author of the world-famous children's books Carlson, who lives on the roof and Peppy - Long stocking, died.
2003 - during the meeting of the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Leonid Kuchma, the Treaty on the Russian-Ukrainian state border was signed.
2003 - appeared fuel from ... mayonnaise - bio diesel. In the UK, the sale of a new type of fuel has begun, which partly consists of the same elements as margarine and mayonnaise.
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